
SOME very fast speeds were put up at the Race Hill, Lewes, on Saturday, September 8th, the occasion being the meeting organised by the Bugatti Owners Club. For the first time in many moons R. G. J. Nash was deprived of the honour of making fastest time of the day, and his ” Spook ” Anzani-Nash had to bow the knee to J. Lemon Burton, C. E. C. Martin, and A. H. L. Eccles, all on Bugattis.

After the touring and sports classes had had their fun, the racing cars began to show what speed really was. Davis’s G.P. Delage, Burton and Nash all went well, with Burton taking this 1,500 c.c, class in 21.51 secs. There were only two categories, and the 1,500 c.c.-5,000 c.c.

group produced some very close times. Esson Scott’s black two-litre Bugatti was impressive in recording 21.08 secs., assisted by twin wheels. Nash had another shot at it, but petered out half way up the” hill.” Eccles was extremely fast-and quite unobtrusivein clocking the fastest time so far, 20.35 secs., but he was eclipsed by Charles Martin, whose ” 2.3 ” snaked off the mark to record 20.13 secs. The record for the course, by the way, is 20 secs. dead, made by Nash on the ” Terror.”

The Novices Class went to L. E. Bachelier, with Joyce Houldsworth second, while the Handicap event was won by S. R. Mitchell (Marendaz Special). An enjoyable meeting, well run and keenly contested.

RESULTS (Times in Seconds). 1,500 c.c. J. Ogle (Bugatti), 32.31 ;

1,500 c.c. Touring.-1, J. Ogle (Bugatti), 32.31 ; 2, E. C. W. Stapleton (Invicta S), 35.12.

Unlimited Touring. -1, G. M. Giles (Bugatti), 28.71.

1,500 c.c. Sports. -1, G. Weldon (Frazer-Nash), 28.52; 2, R. M. Nevile (Lea-Francis 5), 30.54; 3, J. A. Driskell (B.N.C. S), 30.55.

1,500-5,000 c.c. Sports.-1, L. G. Bachelier (Bugatti S), 23.6; 2, L. G. Bachelier (Bugatti S), 24.71 ; 3, E. K. Rayson (Bugatti S), 26.56.

1,500 c.c. Racing.-1, J. Lemon-Burton (Bugatti S), 21.51 ; 2, R. G. J. Nash (Anzani-Nash), 21.70; 3, J. C. Davis (Delage S), 22.70.

1,600-6,000 c.c. Racing.-1, *C. E. C. Martin (Bugatti 5), 20.13; 2, A. H. L. Eccles (Bugatti S), 20.35; 3, A. Esson-Scott (Bugatti S), 21.08.

Novices’ Class.-1, L. E. Bachelier (Bugatti S), 28.67; 2, Joyce Houldsworth (13ugatti), 31.23; 3, Miss Enid Fawcett (Bugatti), 31.97.

Handicap.-1, S. R. Mitchell (lVfarendaz Special S), 21.29 (handicap 7s.) ; 2, F. Lycett (Bentley), 24.22 (set.); 3, G. M. Giles (Bugatti), 24.88 (handicap 3.3s.).

S Supercharged. * Fastest time of the day.