A Disastrous Race in Portugal.


A terrible accident occurred in the first race held on the Circuit of Esponho, in Portugal. A car driven by a man named Caned° collided with another competitor, whereupon it charged into the crowd. Three spectators were killed outright, and twelve others were gravely injured. Canedo himself was uninjured, but the

driver of the other car was pretty badly hurt.

Good Road-holding.

Although they have had a good deal of trouble with their engines this year, no one can possibly find fault with the roadholding of the racing Bugattis. All who saw the Grand Prix of Switzerland will remember how fast Dreyfus was on the corners, and I hear that this was largely

due to the employment of a hydraulic shock absorber designed by a French engineer named M. de Ram. So impressed were the Ferrari people by the Bugatti suspension that they sent for M. de Ram and gave him instructions for their 3-litre Alfa-Romeos to be similarly equipped in time for the Spanish Grand Prix.