0444 /kali



The South-Western Centre are holding their Fourteenth Annual Reliability Trial on Saturday, October 6th. Every member should make a point of attending this trial, for it is specially arranged to provide social enjoyment as well as the serious side of the actual trial.

A start will be made from Wilton, near Salisbury, at 10 o’clock in the morning, and five good hills will have to be tackled before the finishing point at Lynton is reached. Stress is laid by the organisers on the fact that the trial is free from irritating rules and regulations, and that no part of the course need cause any damage to the competing cars. A stop and restart will be held on Barton Steep.

The trial actually finishes at Lee Abbey Hotel, near the Valley of Rocks, and overlooking a magnificent piece of coastal scenery. There the party will have a dinner and dance, an affair which is always marked by an atmosphere of great cheerfulness. Incidentally, the dinner, dance, room, bath and breakfast cost only 18s. 6d., while the entry fee for the trial is purely a nominal one.

The organising secretary of the SouthWestern Centre is Mr. C. P. Lambert, 75, The Avenue, Southampton.


The First Inter-Club team trial is being staged on October 20th. The starting point will be at Bideford, North Devon, and the 50-mile route is claimed to embrace some severe hills not yet well known to trials competitors. Five hills will be observed, and one of these will be the dreaded Cunliffe Lane. The organisers state that the course, although rather more severe than is usually met with nowadays, will do no damage to the cars.

The finishing point has not yet been disclosed, but in the words of the organisers will be ” near the sea at a quite unique establishment.” The teams must consist of four cars, of which the performance of the best three will count. Thus the “reserve,” or fourth man, may run or need not. Entries, of course, will be accepted from Club Secretaries only.

The Hon. Secretary is Mr. j. C. G. Bond, 1, East Dulwich Road, London, S.E. 22.


A fine array of Trophies to be competed for annually has been amassed by the ‘Club. They are held for one year by the successful Frazer-Nash owners, and the

full list is as follows : The Selsdon Bowl, for the best all-round performance ; the Botterell Trophy, for the best all-round performance, taking the age of the car into consideration ; the Twentyman Cup, for rating and speed events ; the Aidington Cup, for reliability trials ; the MitchellThomson Cup, for team events.

The Hon. Competitions Secretary is Mr. H. W. Inderwick, Woodlands, Crofton, Orpington, Kent.


The latest issue of the Club’s journal ” Sidelights” is the most ambitious produced to date. It contains, besides the usual text, an 8-page pictorial supplement dealing with the Relay Race and the Gymkhana, an excellent feature. ” C.M.B.” has written an amusing poem “Ode to

Poor Old Charles’ ” ; Sporting Notes are as bright as ever, and the full Relay Race results are given.

Forthcoming events are so far confined to the Annual Dinner and Dance, which will be held on November 2nd, at the comfortable Park Lane Hotel, London, as usual.

The Hon. Secretary is Mr. Harold Jones, 22, Basinghall Street, London, E.G. 2.