Continental Notes and News, October 1934


To Attack Jenkins’ 24-Hour Record.

I HEAR that a French firm is preparing a car to attack the World’s 24-hour record, at present held by D. A. Jenkins, with his Pierce-Arrow. Jenkins’ speed is 127 m.p.h. odd, so that the car will have to lap Montlhery at well over 130 m.p.h„ which seems to be a pretty tall order. The attempt is to be made just before the Paris Salon, but whether it will be a good advertisement for the firm in question remains to be seen.

Profit and Loss.

In spite of rain, which always tends to keep the crowd away, the Grand Prix of Switzerland turned out to be a financial success. It was generally agreed by the drivers, the press, and the spectators that the organisation was perfect, which is particularly good for a first effort. The actual profit was in the region of 2 or 3 thousand francs—about £150 to £200.

The Klausen hill climb, on the other hand, was a crushing blow for the organisers. Of course the weather for several days before the event was appalling, and bad enough to scare lots of people away. As a rule spectators come from all over Switzerland, but this year the conditions were so bad that there was more than a chance that the event would not be held. The deficit amounted to £3,000, but fortunately a Reserve Fund amassed from the profits of happier years reduced this figure to a little over £1,500.

The Klausen will not take place next year, but this does not necessarily mean that it has been abandoned for ever. The classic hill-climb was not held in 1926, 1928, 1931 and 1933.

The Austrian Alpine Trial.

An unusual method of scoring marks will be used in the Austrian Alpine Trial, which will take place on October 6th and 7th. Competitors will have to run for 24i hours (unlimited) and 27 hours (up to 1,200 c.c.), over a distance of 1,370 kilometres or thereabouts. The actual route will be a matter of choice, but 26 cols will have to be climbed. These cols can be selected from a list, and they carry varying marks according to their severity. For example, the Turracher Hobe, so well remembered by competitors in the Alpine Trial, counts 67 points, the Loibl 41 points, and the Katschberg 40 points.

Donald Healey, of course, did very well in the Austrian Alpine Trial a few years ago with his Invicta.

The German Season Closes.

Two hill-climbs brought the German sporting season to an end. First of all there was the Fribourg, at the end ®f August, in which Hans Stuck made fastest time at the wheel of his Auto Union in 8 mins. 6 secs., beating his eternal rival Caracciola (Merced6s Benz), by 26 secs. Von Delius was third in 8 mins. 45 secs., with an Alfa-Romeo, and Zanelli fourth in 8 mins. 57 secs., driving a National Pescara. Steinweg (Bugatti) carried off the 2,000 c.c. class in 8 mins. 45 secs., Kessler (Maserati) the 1,500 c.c. class in 9 mins. 10 secs., Rofoello (Maserati) the 1,100 c.c. class in 9 mills. 55 secs., and finally Burggaller made a wonderful climb in 9 mins. 32 secs., with the little single-seater Austin, with which he has scored many successes recently. There was another English victory in the 1,100 c.c. sports class, recorded by Kohlrausch on an M.G. There were two fatal accidents; in the first Fraulein Edith Fritsch was

killed when her Alfa-Romeo crashed, and the other victim was Norden de Bozen.

The second event, and the last on the German calendar, was the Feldberg hill climb on September 15th. The unusual course was adopted of making no differentiation between the sports and racing cars. Fastest time of the day was made by Paul Pietsch on his 2.6-litre AlfaRomeo, in 4 mins. 21 secs., beating Wimmer’s Bugatti by 11 seconds. Steinweg’s Monoposto Bugatti won the 2-litre class in 4 mins. 32 secs., Burggaller scored another Bugatti victory in the 1,500 c.c. class in 4 mins. 3/.8 secs. (second fastest of the day) ; Briem’s Amilcar beat Kohlrausch’s M.G. Magnette with a time of 4 mins. 45 sees.; and Brude’s M.G. Midget was 3 seconds faster than Burggaller’s Austin in the 850 c.c. class, recording 4 mins. 43 secs.

Lehoux Leaves Ferrari.

Marcel Lehoux, that genial little Algerian, has left the Scuderia Ferrari. The Grand Prix du Cummings was the last race scheduled in his contract with the Modena stable, and there are already rumours that he has signed up with another team for next year.

“Remote Vision “on the Auto Unions.

Dr. Porsche fitted his Auto Union cars with an interesting arrangement for the Swiss G.P. at Berne. Two convex mirrors were placed one on each side of the car, just in front of the driver, in such a position that he could keep an eye on the state of his rear tyres. On a normal racing car, of course, it is possible for the driver to take a quick glance at the tyres, but the forward driving position on the Auto Union makes this impossible.

Incidentally, I hear that with the 4.5-litre engine these cars develop 300 h.p. at 6,000 r.p.m.

Les Grand Prix de France.

The annual races for the Grand Prix de France were run at Montlhery Sunday, September 9th. Motor cycle and sidecar races formed the largest part of the programme, but there were car classes for (1) 750 c.c. blown and 1,100 c.c. unblown ; (2) 1,100 c.c. blown and 1,500 c.c. unblown ; and (3) blown 1,500 c.c., and over. The various distances to be covered were 70, 80 and 90 kilometres respectively, and the 5 kilometre circuit routier was utilised. The 850 c.c. blown and 1,100 c.c. unblown race produced a fine victory for a Q type M.G. Midget, handled by Herkuleyns, a one-time motor-cyclist. He did not have the race all his own way, however, for M. Dhome on a little car called a Darmont actually led the Midget for 25 kilometres, and was eventually

beaten by 34 secs. Maillard-Brune, winner of the Bol d’Or, brought his M.G. Midget into third place. The first event was the race for 1,100 c.c. blown and 1,500 c.c. unblown cars, and was marked by a terrific struggle bet ween R. Girod (Salmson) and Maurice Mesti vier (Amilcar). The latter led at the start

and soon a fight was going on between the leader, Girod and Druck (Salmson). On the 6th lap, Girod passed Mestivier, and Druck fell out, as did Venot on a La Pintade, and Malivoir on a B.N.C. Martin charged the bank with his Amilcar, but regained the road, only to retire after four laps. Girod had got the measure of Mestivier, and continued to lead for the rest of the race.

The unlimited class, run at 3.30, was an easy thing for Benoit Falchetto’s Maserati. At first he was challenged by another car from the Braillard stable, namely, Robert Brunet on a 2.3-litre Alfa-Romeo, but he soon drew ahead and was never really extended. A pack of 1,500 c.c. Bugatti’s brought up the rear, all running with regularity and speed remarkable for cars which had seen many seasons of hard work. In the morning a match race was staged between Falchetto’s Maserati and Marcel

Doret, with his Dewoitine Aeroplane. Doret is famous in France for his acrobatic feats, and he played with the Maserati with great ease, winning the race easily.



850 c.c. Supercharged and 1,100 c.c. Unsupercharged. I. Herkuleyns (M.G. Midget, Q type), 37m. 20.4s., 112.480 k.p.h.

2. M. Dhome (Darmont), 37m. 54s.

3. MaiIlard-Brume (M.G. Midget), 313m. 44.4s.

4. A. Debille (Salmson), flagged one lap short.

5. G. Boussin (Amilcar), flagged one lap short.

1,100 c.c. Supercharged and 1,500 c.c. Unsupercharged.

1. R. Girod (Salmson), 401n. 40.4s., 118.033 k.p.h.

2. M. Mestivier (Amilcar), 4Orn. 48.2s.

3. R. Toni (Bugatti), flagged 2 laps short.

1,500 c.c. Supercharged and Over.

1. 13. Falchetto (Maserati), 38m. 38.5s., 139.860 k.p.h.

2. R. Brunet (Alfa-Romeo), 4Orn. 36.2s.

3. Leos (Bugatti), flagged 1 lap short.

4. Cattaneo (Bugatti), flagged 1 lap short.

5. Renaldi (Bugatti), flagged 1 lap short.

Trossi Wins New Italian Race.

For a nation who run races over circuits as large as the Mille Miglia, the Circuit of Biella was something of a contrast. Actually it was the first race of the round-the-town variety ever

organised in Italy, and the course was even smaller than that at Monaco, being only 2 kilometres 200 metres in length.

There were three heats and a final run on September 2nd, the heats being run over 25 laps, or 55 kilometres, and the final over 40 laps, or 88 kilometres. In spite of its short length the circuit contained a steepish hill, at the Hospital, some right-angle corners, a hairpin, and some fast curves. Only seven cars were allowed to start in each heat, and from the entry of 27 the following were selected for the first heat :-Trossi (Alfa-Romeo), Biondetti (Maserati), Premoli (Maserati), Minozzi (Alfa-Romeo), Restelli (AlfaRomeoi, Casareto (Maserati) and Arezzi (Alfa-Romeo). At the last moment Restelli (1,920 c.c. Alfa) and Arezzi (1,750 c.c. Alfa) did not start. The day was a fine one, and in the morning a vast crowd of spectators poured into the little town from all Piedmont and

Lombardy. At 2 o’clock the racing began and rather surprisingly the lead was taken by Premoli (do you remember him at Shelsley ?). But this unexpected success proved too much for him, and he made a beautiful tete-a-queue at the corner following the grandstands. Minozzi then held the lead, but by that time Trossi had recovered from a slow start and easily passed him. The Ferrari President stayed there until the end, with Minozzi second and Biondetti third. Casareto shot off the road and retired on the third lap, while Premoli managed to cover 23 laps despite the handicap of no brakes.

no brakes. Result of First Hut.

I. Trossi (Alfa-Romeo, 2,904 c.c.), 40m. 44.2s., 81.008 k.p.h.

2. Minozzi (Alfa-Romeo, 2,600 c.c.), 41m. 26.8s.

3. Biondetti (Maserati, 3,000 c.c.), 42m. 9.6s.

4. Premoli (Maserati, 2,300 c.c.), 23 laps. Fastest lap : Trossi, on his 7th, Isn. 35.6s. The second heat presented the spectacle of Tazio Nuvolari once more at the wheel of an Alfa-Romeo, the 2.3-litre model he drove in the Mile Miglia, He jumped

into the lead at the start, and kept there for the whole race. Behind him a good scrap was being waged between Farina on a very fast 1,500 c.c. Maserati and Comotti, driving a 3-litre monoposto Ala-Romeo. The latter made such tremendous efforts to pass the little Maserati, thereby living up to the reputation gained by winning the Grand Prix du Comm inges recently, that he turned right round on a corner and put himself hopelessly out of the running. Castelbarco had to change a wheel, also a fatal delay in such a short race.

Result of Second Heat. I. Nuvolari 40m.

I. Nuvolari (Alfa-Romeo, 2,300 c.c.), 40m. 19s., 81.851 k.p.h.

2. Farina (Maserati, 1,500 c.c.), 40m. 39.6s.

3. Balestrero (Alfa-Romeo, 2,600 c.c.), 41m. 26.6s.

4. Comotti (Alfa-Romeo, 3,000 c.c.), 42m. 2.2s. Castelbarco (Maserati, 1,500 c.c.), flagged on his 24th lap. Pages (Alfa-Romeo, 2,300 c.c.), flagged on his 24th


Fastest lap : Nuvolari on his 18th, 1m. 33.4s.

The third heat was completely dominated by Achille Varzi, who just did as he liked with the rest of the field and finished nearly two minutes ahead of Brivio’s Bugatti, a 2.3 model. The latter was equally a master of the others, and the interest centred on a rousing duel between Cornaggia’s 2.3 Alfa-Romeo and Lurani’s 1,500 c.c. Maserati. Honours went to the former.

Result of Third Heat. 1. Varzi 39m. 42s., 83.123

1. Varzi (Alfa-Romeo, 2,904 c.c.), 39m. 42s., 83.123 k.p.h.

2. Brivio (Bugatti, 2,300 c.c.), 41m. 25.4s. a. Revere (Alfa-Romeo, 2,600 c.c.), 42m. 41.8s. 4. Corraggia (Alfa-Romeo, 2,300 c.c.), 42m. 44s. Lurani (Maserati, 1,500 c.c.) flagged on 24th lap. Bianchi (Bugatti, 1,500 c.c.) flagged on 23rd lap. Fastest lap : Varzi on his 25th, lm. 31.2s.

The cars eligible for the final were the two leaders in each heat, and the fastest third man. Thus Trossi, .Nuvolari, Varzi, Minozzi, Farina, Brivio and Balestrero lined up to receive the starting signal from the Duchess of Pistoia. Trossi was in the best position at the start, but he (lid not clinch the deal and allowed Minozzi to get to the first corner first. Hard on his heels came Farina and Varzi. Minozzi was thoroughly roused, and covered his standing lap in 1 min. 39 secs. Then came Varzi, followed at some distance by Farina. The little Maserati, however, was still in front of Nuvolari, Trossi, Brivio and Balestrero.

Nuvolari was obviously worried by the fact that he had broken a rear shock absorber, and after a call at the pits he eventually retired on the 25th lap. Varzi meanwhile had passed Minozzi, and Trossi soon came up into second place. Minozzi was hotly pursued by the enterprising Farina, who was the sensation of the day with his amazing little 1 f-litre Maserati.

Varzi and Trossi played a pretty little game together, first one and then the other leading. Finally Varzi did not try to pass again, and Trossi was flagged in a popular winner amid scenes of intense enthusiasm from the great crowd.

Result of Final.

1. Felice Trossi (Alfa-Romeo, 2,904 cc.), 111. 2m. 57.2s., 83.871 k.p.h.

2. Achille Varzi (Alfa-Romeo, 2,904 c.c.), lb. 2rn. 57.4s.

3. Guiseppe Farina (Maserati, 1,500 c.c.), 1h. 3m. 44.4s.

4. Antonio Brivio (Bugatti, 2,300 c.c.), 1h. 4m. 10.6s.

5. Renato Balestrero (Alfa-Romeo, 2,600 c.c.), flagged on his 39th lap.

Fastest lap Trossi on his 24th, Int. 29.8s., record for the race.