
WITH no inducement but the love of the sport and the hope of a replica, or-remote possibilitythe famous Manx Grand Prix trophies themselves, a record total of 129 riders this year entered for the two races, held over 6 laps of the 371-mile Mountain Course. Almost all the high finishers in the races of the previous few years were taking part, and some fine times were put up towards the end of the practising period, notably by J. H. White, who broke last year’s Senior record with a

lap at 79.54 m.p.h. Monday’s and Thursday’s rounds were marred by fatal accidents to J. C. Gilbert, who was dazzled by the early morning sun at Sulby Bridge, and J. C. Williamson, whose machine touched that of another competitor as they were passing through Kirk Michael.


There were 59 starters in the Junior Race, and a fine spectacle they presented as they formed up on the starting grid. The first 15 machines were of the 250 c.c., or Lightweight category, and this year a special trophy and replicas were being presented for this class.

In view of the large entry it was thought advisable to send off the riders at intervals of 20 seconds instead of 30 as in previous years. The fast men are scattered throughout the field, with Blyth, No. 28, Darbishire and White Nos. 34 and 35. Swanston 41, Pine 46, and last year’:, second and winner, namely Frith and Munks, Nos. 60 and 64. Thirteen club teams had been nominated, and as the clubmen took their places on the starting square they received bursts of applause from various parts of the well-filled stands.

Favourable weather reports from all round the course were given out as the early numbers started, and soon half the riders, including ” Crasher ” White, member of the Cambridge University Club and favourite for the race, had been dispatched. All the early numbers except No. 1 (Drew on a Levis) were going well, but this unfortunate got no further than Bradden Bridge, where he retired with a broken exhaust valve. There was a fair crop of first-lap spills, Metters (New Imperial), who came off at Governor’s Bridge and retired, Sugg (Norton), the only Oxford University driver, who skidded on a patch of oil at Greeba, but remounted and went on, and Robinson, a Dunelt rider, who after a slow start from the stands came to grief on Creg ny baa. • All the star riders seemed to be making good progress, and White had passed Darbishire by the time he reached Michael, picked several more places on the mountain and flashed through the start amongst a group of slower machines after picking up some ten places. Pixie seemed to be doing almost as well and the order was in doubt till the leader board was painted up :

Leaders alter One Lap.

1.3. H. White (Norton), 30m. I3s., 74.94 m.p.h.

2. D. J. Pine (Norton), 30m. 49s., 73.68 m.p.h.

3. A. Munks (Velocette), 30m. 54s., 73.28 m.p.h.

4. F. L. Frith (Norton), 31m. 4s., 72.89 m.p.h.

5. S. 13. Darbishire (Norton), 31in. 35s, 71.68 m.p.h.

6. W. A. Rowell (Velocette), 31m. 37s., 71.61 m.p.h.

The fastest Lightweights were Foster and Moore, both on New Imperials, who took respectively 35-40 and 35-43. There was a general speeding-up on the second lap, with one change on the leaderboard. Rowell, a local rider, who had put in some first-class times in practise, changed places with Darbishire to take fifth position. Retirements from various causes continued, Whitehead coming off at Signpost without injury, two men stopped with tyre trouble, while Reich (Excelsior) and Evetts (O.K.) had

engine trouble on the Mountain and had to walk back to the Gooseneck. The engine of Blyth’s Velocette seized as he was approaching Ballaugh and he was thrown off almost under the front wheel of a following machine, but he escaped with bruises.

White continued his hurricane progress round the course, opening up a little wider on his third lap, in view of the refuelling stop at the end of it. The extra throttle gave him a record lap, in 29 mins. 45 secs., a speed of 76.1 m.p.h., or 11 seconds faster than his own record of last year. This gave him a lead of 1 minutes over Pine, who was being closely followed by Munks, now only 16 seconds behind. The fourth lap showed no change of order, but White drew away another half-minute, and interest was transferred to the duel between Pine and Munks, in which the latter was only five seconds behind, and a lesser one between Rowell and Darbishire. White was enjoying himself hugely, and though comfortably in the lead on his fifth lap put up another record, this time one of 29 mins. 30 secs., or 76.75 m.p.h. Now nearly three

minutes ahead of Pine, he seemed sure of first place unless overtaken by some misfortune like that of two years ago, when his machine failed him almost within sight of the finish. Munks and Pine were now only three seconds apart, but Frith’s circling indicator suddenly slowed, and at the end of the lap he had dropped to sixth place. White set a crown upon his efforts by completing his final lap in 29-25 or 77 m.p.h. and finished at 1.12 p.m., amid much applause, a certain winner. The Pirie-Munks duel was uncertain till the end, owing to the difference of. starting numbers, and Darbishire in a final sprint

failed by the narrowest margin in his attempt to draw level with Rowell, the local rider.

The Cambridge University team, consisting of White, Darbishire, and Fell, were easy winners of the Club award, though the latter rider had experienced some gearbox trouble ; only three teams finished. Mitchell’s success in the Lightweight category was an excellent and unexpected feature of the race, since he only came into the first three on the fourth lap.


1. J. H. White (Norton), 2h. 59re. 44s., 75.59 m.p.h.

2. D. J. Pine (Norton), 3h. 2m. 53s., 74.29 m.p.h.

3. A. Munks (Velocette), 3h. 2m. 57s„ 74.26 m.p.h.

4. W. A. Rowell (Velocette), Sb. 8m. 39s., 72.02 m.p.h. S. S. 13. Darbishire (Norton), 3b. 8m. 42s., 72 m.p.h.

6. F. L. Frith (Norton), 3h. 9m. 24s., 71.73 m.p.h.

7. N. Christmas (Velocette), 3h. 12m. 28s.

8. J. Alexander (Velocette), 3h. 14m. 31s. 9, 3. Buchan (Velocatte), 3h. 15m. 49s. All the above receive replicas.

10. J. H. Fell (Norton), 3h. 18m. 49s.

11. R. A. Allen (Norton), 3h. 19m. 39s.

12. T. McEwan (Velocette), 3h. 21m. 4s.

13. H. Taylor (Velocette), 3h. 21m. 1 Is.

14. A. K. Millington (Velocette), 3h. 24m. 26s.

15. G. Gorteen (Lewis), 3h. 25m. 23s.

16. N. Wainwright (Velocette), 311. 26m. 51s.

17. L. Kitchen (Norton), 3h. 27m. 24s.

18. J. K. Swanston (Velocette), 3h. 27m. 55s.

19. J. Cannel! (Velocette), 3h. 31m. 25s.

20. J. H. Corkill (Norton), 3h. 31m. 27s.

21. J. R. Williamson (New Imperial), 3h. 34m. 29s.

22. S. Scott (Rudge), 3b. 35m. 30s.

23. R. A. Edwards (Norton), 3h. 36m. 41s.

24. G. A. Chamberlain 3h. 37m. 57s.

25. Jas. Sugg (Norton), 3h. 39m. 20s.


1. W. D. Mitchell (Cotton)11.33m. 58s., 63.49 m.p.h. I

2. R. A. Foster (New imperial), 3h. 34m. 32s., m.p.h.

3. Cogan-Verney (New Imperial), 3h. 36m. 8s.

4. C. V. Moore (New Imperial), 3h. 37m. 26s.

5. K. Bills (Budge), 3h. 40m. Is.

6. R. H. Robinson (Dunelt Panther), 3h. 47m. 19s.

7. S. H. Goddard (Calthorpe), 3h. 50m. I5s.

8. S. R. Warren (New Imperial), 311. 52m. 50s. 4. H. Hartley (0.K.S.), 3h. 54m. 40s.

All the above receive replicas.

Thursday, the day of the Senior Grand broke fair again, and a strong sun scattered the mists on the mountains. big machines always prove a great and reinforced by midnight from, the mainland, large crowds their way to the various vantage round the course.

The field was again a magnificent one, 57, and all the stars of Tuesday, the exception of Munks, who did feel up to a second bout of 226 miles, were taking part. Ten Club teams had nominated.

The faster riders soon started to overthe tyros, and the first machine to Creg-ny-baa was No. 6, W. A. Rowell, a Manx rider on a 350 c.c. machine, with Pine, No. 12, half a minute behind. With a clear road, as he was bound to have in a short time, White and the other later numbers would find him difficult to catch. Swanston came round comfortably before time, while Frith was actually close his heels, despite their difference in time.

White was going well, though he had hardly gained as many places as one would have expected from his speed in practise. It was afterwards learnt that he had been delayed at Quarter Bridge with a defective plug terminal. Darbishire was going particularly well, and we judged him further ahead than his club

mate, as was revealed when the times for the first lap were announced.

First Lap Leaders.

1. F. L. Frith (Norton), 28m. 30s., 79.45 m.p.h.

2. D. J. Pine (Norton), 29rn. Is., 78.03 m.p.h.

3. S. B. Darbishire (Norton), 29m. 7s., 77.76 m.p.h.

4. J. K. Swanston (Norton), 29m. 15s., 77.41 m.p.h.

5. J. H. White (Norton), 29m. 46s., 76.06 m.p.h.

6. R. Harris (Norton), 30m. 38s., 74.92 m.p.h. Five riders round in under 30 minutes for a standing lap-here was something to think about ! Pixie meanwhile had got a clear road, and took full advantage of it,

putting up a record lap of 28 mins. 35 secs., or 79.22 m.p.h., while Frith was feeling a similar speed-urge and replied with a second lap only a second slower. Now that White had cured his trouble, something spectacular was expected of him, for apart from his great riding ability, his machine was said to be from the ” works,” and very considerably faster than those of most of his rivals. Round he came, taking the Creg in a clean sweep where others wobbled and came perilously near the sandbags, past Hillberry like a

rocket and through the start to set up a lap record of 28 mins. 8 secs., or 80.48 m.p.h., a performance which received the applause it deserved. So great was the speed of the leaders, however, that this effort only gained him one place, a second behind Darbishire.

At the speed at which the race was being run exciting incidents could hardly fail to occur, one of the most spectacular was when Lind came off his Rudge, at the Creg. He was reported to have turned three somersaults, but was saved from injury by his leather clothing, while the machine was not unnaturally too much damaged to allow him to continue. Soon afterwards Cole riding an H. R.D. on the Mountain took a toss, and to avoid him Hoult threw himself off the machine on which he was following, and Kellas, for the same reason took to the hedge, smashing his machine but saving the other two from serious injury.

Judging from their indicators Frith and Pine were making fast times during their third circuit, but now White had got going, nothing could hold him, and he completed his third lap in 27 mins. 42 secs., or 81.74 m.p.h., only 26 secs. slower than the Senior record in the June races. Darbishire, who had been lying third, was seen to be lagging, and it was thought that his tyre, which had punctured on the way to the start, had given out. It was learnt later that his petrol tank had burst, doubtless due to the shaking from the fiat tyre, and he was forced to retire near Ramsey. His retirement brought Rowell on the leader board for the second time that week, all the more creditable because his mount was the same 350 c.c. machine he rode on Tuesday.

Third Lap Leaders •

1. J. H. White (Norton), lb. 25m . 26s., 79.35 m.p.h.

2. F. L. Frith (Norton), lb. 25m. 40s.. 79.29 m.p.h. 4. J. K. Swanston (Norton), th 3, D. J. Pixie (Norton), lb. 26m. . 27m. 10s., 77.93

3s., 78.94 m.p.h.


5. R. Harris (Norton), lb. 31in. 15s., 74.44 m.p.h. H. W. A. Rowell (Velocette), lb . 32m. 44s., 72.25 m.p.h.

hiteS average speed was 1.35 m.p.h. higher than that of the winner in the last Senior T.T. though, of course, bad weather slowed riders considerably on that occasion, but nevertheless his lead was not nearly enough to make him safe. After a rapid re-fill he set off with renewed fury, and with a lap only a minute slower than his record one had an advantage of 42 seconds as he flashed past the stands an his fifth lap. It was soon noticed that he was overdue at Ballacraine, and soon came the ‘sad news that he had crashed at Union Mills. Heeled over at a terrific angle the footrest touched the ground, throwing the machine into a wobble which the rider could not control. White was unhurt, but his bike was put out of commission. This accident put Frith once more at the head, with a lead of 12 seconds over Pine, but the London rider was now flat

out, and at the end of the fifth lap only 2 seconds separated them, with Swanston, who was lying third, three minutes behind.

All interest was focussed on the leading two ; at 12.45 Pine was at the Gooseneck and Frith at Ballacraine ; three minutes later Pine was on the mountain, and Frith with Swanston, who had started 14 places earlier, at Kirkmichael. Pine continued his meteoric progress and finally crossed the line at 12.54. He completed his last lap at over 79 m.p.h., So Frith would need all his speed to beat him.

*Frith made steady progress as far as the Mountain signal post, and there his pointer stuck. His number perhaps had been missed at Creg-ny-baa, one felt, but when Swanston’s sign showed that he had reached Governor’s Bridge alone, it was obvious that Frith was out of it. A few minutes later news came, at once a relief and an anti-climax. Frith had run out of petrol on the Mountain. One of the surprises of the fifth lap was the Arrival on the Leader-board of Courtney, riding a 350 C.c. Velocette, Appropriately enough in the final placings he tied with Rowell, riding a similar machine, and helped to gain the Team

Award for the Brooklands M.C.R.C., with his fellow-members Pine and Harris.


1. 1). J. Pine (Norton), 2h. Mm. 34s., 79.19 m.p.h.

2. Dr. J. K. Swanston (Norton), 2h. 55m. 55s., 77.27 m.p.h.

3. R. Harris (Norton), 3h. 2m. Os., 74.65 m.p.h.

*4. W.A. Rowell (Velocette), 3h. 6m. 30s., 72.85 m.p.h. *5. L. R. Courtney (Velocette), 3h. 6m. 30s., 72.85

6. A. R. Foster (Sunbeam), 3h. 7in. 44s., 72.37 m.p.h.

• Tie.

The above riders qualified for replicas.

7. K. Bills (Vincent H.R.D.), 3h. Sin. 53s., 71.93 m.p.h.

S. T. McEwan (Velocette), 3h. 9m. 36s., 71.65 m.p.h.

9. J. H. Fell (Norton), 3h. 10in. 29s., 71.32 in.p.h.

10. J. Alexander (Velocette), 3h. 10m. 30s., 71.31 m.p.h.

11. W. B. Whitehead (Velocette), 312. 13m. 59s., 70.04 m.p.h.

12. L. C. Newman (Sunbeam), 311. 16m. 6s., 69.28 m.p.h.

13. J. A. Macdonald (Rudge), 311. 16m. 57s., 68.98 m.p.h.

14. R. Allen (Norton), 3b. 17m. 17s„ 68.86 m.p.h.

15. C. V. Booth (A. J.S.), 3h. 17m. 50s., 68.67 m.p.h.

16. H. Hartley (O.K. Sup.), 3h. 19m. Os., 68.27 m.p.h.

17. D. W. Ronan (Rudge), 31). 19m. 46s., 68.01 m.p.h.

18. R. Hooper (Sunbeam), 311. 20.11. 46s., 67.67 m.p.h.

19. I:). Parkitisoti (Norton), 3h. 22m. 30s., 67.09in.p,h.

20. J. M. Sugg (Norton), 3h. 23m. 31s., 66,76 m.p.h.

21. F. Robinson (Rudge), 3h. 24m. 52s., 66.32 m.p.h.

22. J. Cannel (Velocette), 3h. 25m. 49s., 66.01 in.p.h. 23. E. A. Cot-field (Velocette), 3h. 28m. 9s., 65.27

24. C. R. Hodgson (Norton), 3b. 34in. 15s., 63.41 m.p.h.