

ALL motorists will agree that no more entertaining an hour can be spent than in meandering round ‘ the accessory gallery at Olympia. Equipment is a subject of never-ending interest to all those who regard their motoring as more than a mere form of transport, and in the accessory, service and garage equipment sections of Olympia are displayed all the latest gadgets and general car equipment for the visitor’s inspection.

Tyres are an important factor in the running costs of sports motorists, and the Dunlop stand (50a) will provide an informative subject for a call, especially in view of this firm’s enormous experience of racing work. In ‘addition to the usual range of Dunlop Fort, Dunlop Standard and Dunlop Clipper tyres there will be on view for the first time the new Dunlop extra low-pressure tyre, fitting a new small diameter rim. This tyre is of large section and operates at lower inflation pressure than the normal low pressure tyre. It is designed primarily to give increased comfort. Dunlops also have a stand (22b) in the service and garage equipment section, where among other accessories on view will be a new double-lift jack for use with the new extra-low pressure tyres.

Lubrication Hints.

Oil. No more vital function in a sports car can be found than lubrication, and much interesting reading matter on the subject will be distributed from the stand (496) of C. C. Wakefield & Co., Ltd., the manufacturers of Castro] oil, famous in racing history. First of all, lubrication charts of over 100 different car-models will be distributed„ clearly printed on strong vellum paper, these charts will last the lifetime of a car. Then there is a new edition of “Motor Car Lubrication Simply Explained,” while sports enthusiasts will find of great value the regular yearly book ” Achievements of 1933.” This is a sporting history, beautifully illustrated in photogravure and includes full descriptions of Sir Malcolm Campbell’s world’s land speed record and the Everest flight. Both these books will be available throughout the Show. Another stand on which lubricating oils form the chief exhibit will be the stand of Edward Joy & Sons, Ltd., the makers of Filtrate Oil. Students of car design will take the opportunity of inspecting the model of an Armstrong-Siddeley selfchanging gearbox lubricated with S.C. Filtrate oil. A new-garage service equip

ment for Petroyle upper-cylinder lubricant will also be on view, in addition to the usual Filtrate oils. Finally, Duckham’s stand will be full of interest for the technically minded,

showing a complete exhibit of Duckham’s famous lubricating oils. It will be remembered that ” Morrisol ” is recommended by Morris and Wolseley exclu• sively. To the family motorist petrol is just petrol, and as long as his engine functions more or less satisfactorily it is good enough for him. Needless to say this opinion is not held by sports car owners, and a visit to some of the petrol stands in the Gallery will give them much food for thought on

the various factors which go to build up the perfect all-round fuel. Shell-B.P.

Will be showing there, as will Pratts and Redline-Glico. Shell-B.P. are exhibiting a Wilson gearbox and Daimler fluid-flywheel. Talking of petrol brings us to carburetters. The most popular instrument for

sports cars is the 5.11., and full details and data of the functioning of this famous carburetter will be available on their stand. A visit there will help you to get the best out of your car.

Perfect carburation gives fierce acceleration, and this in turn requires adequate brakes to counterbalance it. The firm of Ferodo is undoubtedly the most renowned manufacturers of brake linings, which are sufficient guarantee for most of us that all is well with this department of our cars. Incidentally some interesting facts about braking can be gleaned from the Ferodo booklet” You Step on the Brakes -and What Happens ? ” There is no doubt that accessories add greatly to the enjoyment of motoring. For this reason no sports car owner should leave the Motor Show without first making a point of inspecting the stand of Frank Ashby & Sons, Ltd., The” Brooklands “

sports equipment manufactured by this Birmingham firm is already well known to all enthusiasts, and as new accessories are constantly being added to their already full range, a visit to their stand is well worth while. The ” Brooklands ” steering wheel will be seen on many cars at the Show as standard, but information as to fitting it to any car will be available on the stand. In addition, radiator and headlamp stoneguards, remote-control gear levers, wheel-hammers, special plug spanners and hub-caps will all be on show. Electrical equipment is of paramount importance as a reliability factor in motoring. Joseph Lucas, Ltd., are not only by far the largest suppliers of normal

equipment in this country, but also this old-established firm has a remarkably fine range of special sports equipment such as the” P” series of powerful headlamps, Luvax hand controlled shock absorbers, and headlamp stoneguards.

Finally, most motorists who take keen Interest in their cars’ performance on the road will have felt the necessity of having a really reliable speedometer. The firms of S. Smith & Sons (M.A.) Ltd., and A. T. Speedometers are both renowned for their products of this nature. Incidentally, the A.T. Speedometer is standardised on the Rolls-Royce. Verb. sap. Smith’s stand will also contain a wide assortment of clocks, rev, counters and oil and petrol gauges.