

As usual, the accessory manufacturers’ stands will fill the Gallery at Olympia this year, and sports car owners will be fully catered for.

C. C. Wakefield & Co. will have a full range of their famous ” Castrol ” lubricating oils on view, and particular attention will be given to the new Penetrating Oil, which with its special high pressure oil-can works wonders in curing body and chassis squeaks, and in lubricating spring leaves.

Lodge Plugs, Ltd., in addition to the range of C3 and H.D. 18 mm, sparking plugs for sports cars, and H45, H50, H46 and H51 super sports plugs, will have on view the interesting 14 rum. plugs which are finding favour just now. Incidentally, everyone ought to have one of those useful little Lodge plug-gap setting gauges mounted on a key ring.

14 mm. sparking plugs will also be shown by the K.L.G. Sparking Plug Co., who first introduced this type in 1924 for the Bristol ” Cherub ” engine. It is not generally known that these plugs were used by the late Parry Thomas on all his racing cars, so that their development is by no means a new one. 5 or 6 inch dial speedometers and rev. counters have come to stay, for their advantages are overwhelming, and a good range of these instruments will be on view on the stand of S. Smith & Sons (M.A.) Ltd. Another firm who have specialised in racing instruments for many years is the British Jaeger Instruments

Co., who in addition to making large dial speedometers and rev, counters, market a very useful rev, counter and clock combined. A recent addition to the ranks of these instruments are the S.S. 6 inch dial rev, counters and speedometers.

Fire is always a danger to be guarded against, and the Pyrene Company specialise in equipment of this kind, there being three types, the well known “Pyrene,” the ” Phomene ” and “Conquest.” Frank Ashby & Sons continue their range of ” Brooklands ” sports equipment, which includes the wonderfully popular spring-spoke steering wheel, a full stock of wire stone-guards for radiators

and head lamps, as well as racing type hub-caps. The latest addition to the ” Brooklands ” equipment is the new long reach plug spanner.

An accessory which is apt to be overlooked but is nevertheless vitally important is the radiator hose clip, and none better has ever been made than the ” Jubilee ” model made by L. Robinson & Co. of Gillingham. Incidentally, these clips can be used for all sorts of odd jobs on a car.

Lastly, tyres, and the popularity of Dunlops for sports and racing use will make a visit to their stand at the Show a very interesting one.