


THE Southport sand-race meetings once again proved their popularity on September 10th, when a big crowd turned up to watch the series of flying kilometre speed tests, straight mile races, and the 20 mile Race which closed the meeting.

The flying kilometre tests, with which the proceedings began, served as a useful indication of the competitors’ skill in tuning, and some very good speeds were recorded in all classes. Best of the 750’s was P. Stephenson (Austin) with a speed of 79.89 m.p.h. but he was closely followed by C. D. Parish (Austin) and W. L. Thompson (Austin), with speeds of 78.22 m.p.h. and 77.67 m.p.h. The same three cars occupied first three places in the 1,100 c.c. class. A very good performance in the next class was that of G. Casswell, who drove his Frazer Nash over the timed section at the excellent average speed of 85.83 m.p.h., beating J. S. Aked on one of the veteran A.C. racing cars once handled by J. A. Joyce at Brooklands by some 4 m.p.le. Stephenson on the Austin was third, recording exactly the same time as previously. Speeds went up fast as the bigger cars were dispatched, C. T. Rhodes averaging 97.26 m.p.h. on a 2 litre Bugatti, and. then J. Field made fastest time of the day on the queer-looking single seater Bugatti with a wonderful run at 118.99 m.p.h. Altogether, three competitors succeeded in averaging over 100 m.p.h., namely Field, G. J. Jackson (Sunbeam), 107.55

m.p.h. and C. Shorrock (Ballot) 105.52 m.p.h., thereby gaining Southport 100 m.p.h. badges.

Then followed the straight mile races, which owing to a strong wind blowing soft sand down the normal course, were run in a contrary direction. It was strange to see the 750 c.c. class made up entirely of Austins, and one rather missed the competitive element the presence of a few M.G. Midgets would have caused. The winner was W. L. Thompson, who turned the tables on. Stephenson to the extent of two feet. In the 1,500 c.c., the winner was Aked, on the old A.C., Rhodes won the 2 litre class, and Field carried off the unlimited. In the match race between Field and Jackson on cars, and Carr and Brockbank on two wheelers, Carr won comfortably, with Brockbank second and Field a close third.

Finally, the 20 mile race proved the undoing of a few of the competitors, for although Field (Bugatti), led all the way, Jackson (Sunbeam) and Shorrock (Ballot) both fell by the wayside. A very good show was put up by Stephenson (Austin) who was lying third for some time, and eventually won the 750, 1,100 and 1,500 c.c. classes. Field’s speed was 59 m.p.h.



750 c.c.-1, P. Stephenson (747 c.c. Austin) 79.89 m.p.h. ; 2, C. D. Parish (747 c.c. Austin)’ 78.22 m.p.h.; 3, W. I,. Thompson (747 c.c. Austin), 77.67 m.p.h. 1,100 c.c.-(As for 750 c.c. class.)

1,500 c.c.-1, G. Caswell (1,496 c.c. Frazer Nash), 85.83 m.p.h. ; 2, J. S. Aked (1,496 c.c. A.C.), 81.05 m.p.h.; 3, P. Stephenson (747 c.c. Austin), 79.89 m.p.h.

2,000 c.c.-1, C. T. Rhodes (1,955 c.c. Bugatti), 97.26 m.p.h. ; 2, G. Casswell (1,496 c.c. Frazer Nash), 85.83 m.p.h. 3,000 c.c.-1, j. Field (2,300 c.c. Bugatti), 118.99 m.p.h: ; 2, G. L. Jackson (2,973 c.c. Sunbeam),

107.55 ; 3, “James White” (2,916 c.c. Sunbeam), 98.11 m.p.h.

Ummiritn c.c.-1, J. Field (2,300 c.c. Bugatti), 118.99 m.p.h.; 2, G. J. Jackson (2,973 c.c. Sunbeam), 107.55 m.p.h. ; 3, C. Shorrock (4,800 c.c. Ballot), 105.52 m.p.h.


750 c.c.-1, W. L. Thompson (747 c.c. Austin); 2, P. Stephenson (747 c.c. Austin); 3, C. D. Parish (747 c.c. Austin).

1,100 c.c.-1, P. Stephenson (747 c.c. Austin); 2, W. L. Thompson (747 c.c. Austin) ; 3, C. D. Parish (747 c.c. Austin).

1,500 c.c.-1, J. S. Aked (1,496 c.c. A.C.) ; 2, K. Hutchison (1,496 c.c. Bugatti) and W. L. Thompson (747 c.c. Austin).

2,000 c.c.-1, C. T. Rhodes (1,955 c.c. Bugatti) ; 2, J. S. Aked (1,496 c.c. A.C.) ; 3, 0. Casswell (1,496 c.c. Frazer Nash).

3,000 c.c.-1, J. Field (2,300 c.c. Bugatti) ; 2, G. j. Jackson (2,973 c.c. Sunbeam); 3, J. S. Aked (1,496 c.c. A.C.). UNLimiTED c.c.-(As 3,000 c.c. clogs result.)


750 c.c.-1, P. Stephenson (747 c.c. Austin) ; 2, W. I,. Thompson (747 c.c. Austin) ; 3, C. D. Parish (747 c.c. Austin). Winner’s speed, 54.9 m.p.h. 1,100 c.c.-(Results as for 750 c.c. class.)

1,500 c.c.-1, P. Stephenson (747 c.c. Austin) ; 2, G. Vaqswell (1,496 c.c. Frazer Nash) ; 3, K. Hutchison (1,496 c.c. Bugatti). Winner’s speed, 54.9 m.p.h.

, IThrunrrEn c.c.-1, J. Field (2,300 c.c. Bugatti) ; 2, G. Caswell (1,496 c.c. Frazer Nash); 3, X. Hutchison (1,496 c.c. Bugatti). Winner’s speed, 59 m.p.h.