


THE Juan-les-Pins Rally, organised by the A.C. Antibes, culminated in a motor race held over the Circuit of Garoupe. At first it was decided to run the two classes, unlimited and up to 1500 c.c. at the same time, but owing to the heavy entry list this idea was abandoned, and the classes were staged as separate races.

The course is a very dangerous one, as it runs through thickly wooded country, and during the last practice a fatal accident befel Marcel Lister. He had only done a few laps on a newly acquired 1500 c.c. Maserati when he got into a terrific skid on a bend just before the straight past the stands. The car hit a bank at the side of the road and turned over, hurling the driver several feet up the road. Unhappily, Lister fell onto his head, and was killed immediately, although several spectators rushed to his assistance without any delay. Lister, although a newcomer to racing, was by no means inexperienced, for he won the 1500 c.c. class at the Grand Prix de Peronne in June this year, and a few weeks later came in second in the Grand Prix de Nancy.

On the day of the race the course was closed by de Presale, driving the worldrecord holding Voisin, and soon afterwards the 1500 c.c. cars were sent away. At the end of the first lap the leader was Toselli (Bugatti), who was making his first appearance since his serious accident in the Grand Prix of Lorraine earlier in the year. He was followed by Scaron (Amilcar), Martinatti (Salmson), Chambost (Salmson), Mme. Orsini (Maserati), and Labbay (Mathis). Little incident then took place until Scaron (Amilcar) and Labbay (Mathis) retired, and from then on the order was unchanged.


UNDER 1,500 c.c.

1, Toselli (Bugatti), lb. 16m.. 3 3/5s.

2, Chambost (Saltuson), lb. 19m. 24 1/5s.

3, Atartinatti (Salmson), lb. 20m. 35 1/5S.

4, Mme. Orsini (Maserati). The unlimited class cars set off at a terrific pace, and for some time there was a fierce struggle between Zehender (Alfa Romeo), who led at the end of the first lap, Dreyfus (Bugatti) and Wimille (Alfa Romeo). All three were very close together, and on the third lap both

Dreyfus and Wimille succeeded in passing Zehender, who later retired on the fifth lap. By that time Wimille had got the better of Dreyfus, who in turn was followed by Benoit (Bugatti), Gaupillat (Bugatti), Sommer (Alfa Romeo), Fourny (Bugatti), and Trintignan (Bugatti).

But the pace began to tell. Wimille (Alfa Romeo) retired, after a terrifying skid which luckily did not have a serious. ending. Two slower 13ugattis driven by Ralph and Rey fell out, and Benoit began a stern chase of the leader, Dreyfus. The latter, however, was not fully recovered from his bad accident at Saint Gaudens in the Grand Prix du Comminges, and had to retire because his arm wounds were giving him pain. Thus it was that all the leaders at the first part of the race gradually fell out, and Benoit came home first, followed by Sommer and Gaupillat. Benoit made the fastest lap.


DISTANCE : 101 km. 750 m.

1, Benoit (Bugatti), lb. 13m. 25s.

2, Sommer (Alfa-Romeo), 111. 14m. 52s.

3, Gaupillat (Bugatti), lh. 16m. 6 1/5s.

4, Trintignan (Bugatti), lb. 18m. 41s.

5, Fourny (Bugatti), lh. 19m. 15s.

The Stelvio Hill-Climb.

THE annual hill-climb held on the famous Stelvio Pass, starting from Trafoi, produced some surprising results this year. Before the climb began, the winners of the sports and racing classes were safely prophesied to be Nuvolari and Caracciola respectively, both on Alfa Romeos. As events turned out, however, Hans Stuck von Villiez, after a really magnificent climb, walked away with the Sports Class on his Mercedes-Benz, beating Nuvolari by a clear margin of 20 seconds. This was rather surprising in view of the smaller size of the 2.3-litre Alfa Romeo, but Stuck handled the big Mercedes-Benz with complete mastery, and actually made fastest time of the day in all categories. In the Racing Class there was another unexpected result, for the great Caracciola had to admit defeat at the hands of Tadini Mario, on a 2.3 Alfa Romeo, but in this case the margin was only 2 seconds. Other good performances were put up by Tauber (Alfa Romeo) and Minozzi (Bu

gatti) .



1,100 C.C.-1, Clerici (Salmson), 19 mins. 7 secs.

1,500 c.c.-1, Della Chiesa (Alfa-Romeo), 17 mins. 49 3/5 sees.; 2, Villa (Bugatti), 18 mins. 35 1/5 secs.

2 litres.-1, Cornaggia (Alfa-Romeo), 16 mins. 58 4/5 sees.; 2, Cobianchi (Alfa-Romeo), 17 mins. 2 4/5 secs.

Over 2 litres.-1, Stuck (Mere6d0s), 15 mins. 23 secs. (average 33.93 m.p.h.) ; 2, Nuvolari (Alfa. Romeo), 15 mins. 43 3/5 secs.

Racism CLASS.

1,100 c.c.-1, Aymini Giulio (Monaco), 16 mins. 38 2/5 sees.; 2, Dotter (Fiat 509), 20 mins. 41 3/5 secs.

1,500 c.c.-1, Tauber (Alfa-Romeo), 16 mins. 38 2/5 secs.

2 litres.-1, Minozzi (Bugatti), 16 mins. 83/5 sees.; 2, Ratter (Bugatti), 16 mins. 25 3/5 secs.

Over 2 litres.-1, Taditli Mario (Alfa-Romeo 2,300) 15 mins., 23 1/5 sees.; Caracciola (Alfa-Romeo), 15 mins. 25 1/5 secs.

Another Win br Caracciola.

The famous Fribourg Hill-Climb, eighth of the series, resulted in a win for Rudolf Caracciola on a ” monoposto ” Alfa Romeo. The hill is a particularly arduous one to climb and is a great test of both cars and drivers. No fewer than 140 corners have to be negotiated in its length of 12 kilometres.

Caracciola set up a new record of 8m. 35 4/5 secs., beating Achille Varzi by 5 seconds and Louis Chiron by 9 seconds. The two last named both drove 4.9 Bugattis.


RACING. 750 c.c.-1, Macher (D.K.W.), 10 mins. 50 4/5 secs. 1,100 c.c.-1, Aymiui (Special), 10 mins. 4 1,500 c.c.-1, Tauber (Alfa-Romeo), 9 mins. 35

1/5 secs.

:3,000 c.c.-1, Caracciola (Alfa-Romeo), 8 mins. 35 4/5 sees.; 2, Stuber (13ugatti), 9 wins. 5 secs.

5,000 c.c.-1, Varzi (Bugatti), 8 mins. 40 2/5 secs. ; 2, Chiron (Bugatti), 8 mins. 44 secs.


1,100 c.c.-1, Kohlrauscli (B.M.W.), 10 mins. 19 3/5 secs.

1,500 c.c.-1, Burgaller (Bugatti), 9 mins. 29 3/5 secs.

2,000 c.c.-1, Prince Zit I,einingen (Bugatti), 9 mins. 25 3/5 secs.

3,000 c.c.-1, jellen (Bugatti), 9 mins. 30 4/5 secs.

8,000 c.c.-1, Von Stuck (Mercies-Benz), 9 mins. 13 secs.

Mussolini—Racing Enthusiast. Ii Duce has always been interested in motor-racing, and has owned personally the finest sports cars produced in Italy. Now this interest has been given public notice by his reception of the famous

Italian drivers, Tazio Nuvolari and Bacino Borzacchini. Signor Mussolini warmly congratulated both of them on their successes, and in particular made special reference to Nuvolari’s wonderful series of victories this season.

The Bellevue Hill-Climb.

Fastest time of the day at the Bellevue Hill-climb, organised by the A.C. d’Avignon, France, was made by Benoit, at the wheel of a 2.3-litre Bugatti. In the sports. class, the best climb was made by Rey (2-litre Bugatti).



750 c.c.-1, Rey (Peugeot), I min. 48 3/5 secs. 1,100 c.c.-1, Rdveillet (Amilcar), 1 min. 28 2/5. secs.

1,500 c.c.-1, Leurquitt (Amilcar), 1 min. 40 4/5 secs.

2,000 c.c.-1, Trintigtmn (Bugatti), 1 min. 17 1/5 secs.

Open.-1, Benoit (Bugatti), 1 min. 15 2/3 secs.

The Sallies-de-Bearn Hill-Climb.

Count Czaikowski was the star performer at the Hill-climb at Sallies-deBeam. Good runs were also made by Dourel (Amilcar) and de Maleplane (Maserati).



1, Count Czaikowski (Bugatti), 4 mins. 38 1/5 secs.


1,100 c.c.-1, Dourel (Amilcar), 5 mins. 46 secs. 1,500 c.c.-1, Faure (B.N.C.), 4 mins. 57 3/5 secs. 5 litres.-1, Count Czaikowski (Bugatti), 4 mins. 4/5 secs.

The Mont Ventoux Hill-Climb.

For twenty-five years now the MontVentoux Hill-Climb has held a proud placein the Continental racing calendar and the entries this year were well up to.

standard. Special interest attached to the event in that it counted towards the Mountain Championship of Europe. Incidentally it is the longest of the five Passes competed for, being 100 metres longer than the Klausen. As is usual on the Continent, the prize money was good, amounting to 60,000 francs, with a special prize of 6,000 francs to the driver who succeeded in beating Caraccioli’s 1931 record of 15m. 22secs.

The meeting was noteworthy for a wholesale lowering of records, the most remarkable effort being that of Rudolf Caracciola (Alfa Romeo), who broke his own record for the hill by no less than 10 seconds-a really amazing feat. Second came Albert Divo, at the wheel of a 4.9 Bugatti, who also beat the previous record, but by 1 second only. An outstandingly good climb was made by Mlle. He116-Nice (Bugatti). Fastest time in the sports class was made by Stuck von Villiez (Mercedes-Benz), who brought his big car up in the splendid time of 15m. 48 3/5th secs.



750 c.c.-1, Coutelen (Peugeot), 24 mins. 17 1)5 secs.

1,100 c.c.-1, Ba’ester (Peugeot), 21 mins. 92/5 secs.

2,000 c.c.-1, Rey (Bugatti), 17 mins. 21 4/5 secs. New record.

3,000 c.c.-1, :siommer (Alfa-Romeo), 17 mins. 26 4/5 secs. New record.

Open.-1, Stuck von Villiez (Mercedes-Benz), 15 mins. 48 3/5 secs.


1,100 C.C.-1, Reveillet (Amilcar), 18 mins. 24 1/5 Sec. New record.

1,500 c.c.-1, Tauber (Alfa-Romeo), 17 mins. 2 2/5 secs. New record.

W 2,000 c.c.-1, Ralph (Bugatti), 17 mins. 23 2/5 sees.

3000 c.c.-1, CaraccioIa (Alfa-Romeo), 15 mins. 12 2/5 secs, New record.

Open.-1, Diva (Bugatti), 15 talus. 21 secs. New record.

The Grand Prix of Czechoslovakia. When the supremacy of the ” monoposto ” Alfa Romeo had become a matter

of almost infallible certainty, it must have come as a welcome encouragement to the Molsheim manufacturer to see two I3ugattis, in the hands of Chiron and Burgaller, win both the unlimited and 1,500 c.c. classes of the Grand Prix of Czechoslovakia.

Although of recent origin-the meeting was inaugurated in 1930-the Grand Prix of Czechoslovakia has quickly become a classic. The first race was won by the late Von Morgen, the popular German driver who met his death on the Nurburg Ring last year. In 1931 Chiron was the winner, with Stuck von Villiez second and Von Morgen third.

The Circuit of Masaryk, near Brno, 30 kilometres in length, over which the race is run, is extremely difficult and two drivers had accidents in practice this year, Meyer and Siena, the latter sustaining a broken leg. ‘the tricky nature of the course may be judged by the fact that the experienced Borzacchini actually ditched his ” monoposto ” Alfa Romeo in practice, but in spite of a bent chassis the car was repaired in time for the race. There are 110 corners per circuit, and the road climbs and descends very rapidly.

A steady downpour of rain did not make .conditions any easier for the drivers, and in spite of the bad weather a huge crowd turned up to watch the race. Soon after the start Nuvolari got into the lead, followed by Borzacchini and Chiron. It was rumoured that Nuvolari was supposed to be driving a “waiting race,” but it seemed that the heat of the battle was evidently too much for him, and he ininstinctively assumed his natural position in the lead. For some time the order remained the same, but the appalling conditions began to play havoc with some of the drivers and machines. Varzi had to retire with injuries to his eyes, through the beating rain, while Bouriat and Lehoux both found that the rain had penetrated into the ignition systems of their Bugattis.

Then a surprise came when Borzacchini retired with a broken differential, and Chiron, who was driving with cool, precise judgment, moved up into second place. The rain thereupon claimed another victim, this time .Nuvolari, who made many stops for magneto trouble before

finally changing the offending instrument. From then on Chiron held his lead, refuelling in 31 seconds, while Nuvolari took only

32 seconds, and amid great applause the Frenchman came home a popular winner of the race for the second year in succession.

RESULTS. . Distance 495 km. 414m.

1, L. Chiron (Bugatti), 411. 37m. 29s.

2, Pagiolo (ALLserati), 4h. 42m. 30s.

3, .Nuvolari (Alfa-Romeo), 5h. 6m. I9s.

4, Brivio (Alfa-Romeo), 5k. 8m. 3s.

5, Stastny (Bugatti), 5k. 31m. is.

UP TO 1,500 c.c. Distance 437 kin. 130 m.

1, Burgaller (Bugatti), 4k. 31m. 28s.

2, Veyron (Maserati), 40. 45m. 44s.

3, Sojka (Bugatti), 40. 97m. 59s.

4, Hartmann (Bugatti), 4k. 48m. 42s.

5, IVIaserati (lVfaserati), 50. 10m. 16s.

6, Macher (D.K.W.), 5k. Ilm. 13s.

7, Szczyzycki (Wikow), 5h. 12m. 18s.

8, Konechnik (Wikow), 5h. 24m. 41s.

After the Fire at Montlhery.

Although the great fire at MontIliery took place at the beginning of May it was not possible to begin the repair work until the first week in August. Various formalities in connection with the insurance of the track itself, and of the garages under the banking in which the fire originated, had first to be adjusted.

The damage to the track was extensive. About 100 yards of the east banking was completely demolished, leaving a tangled network of the girders and expanded metal used for reinforcing the concrete. The work of reconstruction is now going on rapidly, and, according to programme, the track should be open once more in the early part of October.