Club News, October 1932




THE twelfth Sporting Trial will be held over a course in Derbyshire on October 15th. The start will take place at Buxton, at 10 o’clock, competitors being sent off at one minute intervals. The route will be approximately 50 miles in length, with eight observed sections.

As last year, the affair will finish with a dinner and dance at the Palace Hotel, Buxton, at which entrants and one passenger each will be guests of the club. Extra tickets can be obtained at 7s. 6d. each.

Entries close on October 3rd, and the event should be one of the best M.C.C. functions of the year.

Full particulars and entry forms may be obtained from Mr. J. A. Masters, 22, Norland Square, London, W.11.

THE BUG ATTI OWNERS CLUB. The latest copy of the Club’s magazine, ” Bugantics,” is now on sale, and contains some interesting features. There are descriptions of road tests of the type 55 and 49 Bugattis, a most amusing article, “The Imp of Shelsley,” and other club

news. Incidentally, the Club have hit on the excellent idea of a Victor Ludorum Challenge Cup, for the best aggregate of marks throughout the season. So far the leaders are L. G. Bachelier 89, A. EssonScott 75, W. K. Faulkner 56, and V. L. Seyd 50.

” l3ugantics ” is a beautifully produced little magazine.


The principal forthcoming event is the 22nd Annual London-Gloucester Reliability Trial, which will take place on December 10th. The start will be from Staines at 12.15 p.m.

The Trial is an open event for motor cycles, side cars and three-wheelers, but a restricted Trial as far as cars are concerned, and the Clubs participating are as follows : Brighton & Hove Motor Club, Bugatti Owners’ Club, Light Car Club, M.G. Car Club, Mid-Surrey Car Club, Riley Car Club,” Sunbac ” Club, Women’s Automobile & Sports Association, West Kent Motor Club, J.C. Club. The night run will be slightly varied from what it used to be, and it is proposed to hold the night refreshment stop at

Chipping Norton, breakfast at Cheltenham as usual, after which the more serious business of the Trial will commence.

Among the good selection of awards is a special cup for a ” Novice,” i.e., a competititor (lady or gentleman) who may have had trials experience but who has never won anything higher than a second class award.

Incidentally, the Club’s Gazette for September gives full details of the Club’s activities.


A most successful season will be wound up with a dinner on November 14th, at the Café Royal, Regent Street, London, W.1.