

The Alpine Trial, the Tourist Trophy Race and a

standard Frazer Nash ! FRAZER NASH MV 3079

(privately owned by R. Brooke, Esq., of Crazeley Court, near Reading).

ALPINE TRIAL, 1932 COUPE DES GLACIERS (highest possible award). TOURIST TROPHY RACE, 1932

Finished at an average speed of 68.68 m.p.h. (only 10 cars out of 32 completed the course). M.C.C. ONE HOUR HIGH SPEED TRIAL

Brooklands, 3 September, 1932. First to finish, and highest speed of the day (averaging 85.43 m.p.h.) irrespective of class, or h.p.

Competing for the first time in the Alpine Trials, recognised as the most arduous event in the world, two Frazer Nash cars finished without the loss of a single mark—a fine achievement.

A few days after its return from the Continent, Frazer Nash M.V. 3079, one of the Alpine cars, ran in the Tourist Trophy race, and had an absolutely trouble-free run—only stopping once for petrol. Although driven well within its capabilities and never at any time fully extended, its average speed of 68.68 m.p.h. was, nevertheless, higher for the non-supercharged 1,500 c.c. class than in any previous Tourist Trophy race.

The Alpine Frazer Nash was only entered for the T.T. to demonstrate what one of our standard production cars could do—no ” works ” organization was relied upon, or ” works ” mechanics. Mr. N. A. Berry was spare driver and mechanic, while other owners comprised the pit personnel. We would like to take this opportunity of thanking Messrs. L. A. Cowcill, D. Duncan Smith, W. R. Nimmo and Lieutenant Commander R. T. Grogan, R.N., for their very helpful assistance.

On the 3rd September. the Frazer Nash was out once again in the M.C.C. High Speed Trial, open only to standard production sports cars. The Frazer Nash put up what was, unquestionably, the finest performance of the day, covering nearly 31 laps in the hour at an average speed of 85.43 m.p.h. These successes with the same car afford irrefutable proof as to the

reliability and speed of Frazer Nash cars, as sold to the public, and constitute a definite tribute to their design and construction. “The Scribe” of the ” Autocar– recently described the Frazer Nash as “The Ideal Machine for Competition Work,” and it is because of its outstanding performance in trials that we put forward the claim it is also THE car for the owner-driver. It would be almost impossible to devise a more strenuous series of tests than these three events of such a widely different nature in which the same car achieved success, and it is unnecessary to stress the fact that a car built by hand to stand up successfully to such varying conditions will be more than equal to the demands of the average owner, however hard he may drive a car.

M. R. Brooke, owner of the Alpine T.T. car and another Frazer Nash, has recently written us a letter, in which he says : Having owned and driven motor cars for 27 years I wish to give you my opinion of the two Frazer Nash cars which I purchased from you this year. The surge of acceleration and subsequent amazing speed combined in the Frazer Nash car with a deep seated feeling of security, are at once a source of pleasure and satisfaction to the driver. This induces me to place an order with you now for a third Frazer Nash car of the latest type for which please find signed contract and deposit cheque enclosed.”

If you are interested in any way in the Frazer Nash, please do not hesitate to write to us—we are entirely at your service.