THE B.R.D.C. "500."


THE B.R.D.C. “500.”

Entrants and Drivers to. r next Saturday’s Race.

THE 500 .Miles race has now become firmly established as one of the leading events of the racing calendar, and One of its greatest attractions is the fact that it is a ” free for all ” race for stripped cars of any description. The handicap is on an engine size basis, but has been slightly modified this year, and tends to give the large ears a good chance of winning as well as making fastest time. There will be a good fight between the Austins and Midgets in the small class, but it seems unlikely that the event can

go to a ” 750 ” again this year with the revised handicap.

The Rileys are very fast as shown by Eyston’s recent 500 mile record in France, white the fact that Zeh.ender and Prince Djordjadze are coming over with a Mercedes will increase interest in the biggest class where Wolf Barnato returns to racing after a considerable absence. Any forecast of such an event will always be made very tentatively by anyone acquainted with the strain Brooklands imposes on a car, but Earl Howe’s

.Bugatti seems to be a very formidable competitor.

However, a lone entry is always liable to strike trouble, and A. W. Fox’s entry Of four Talbots is one of the strongest teams. Their wonderful consistency in racing and the fact that they are now very fast, makes one name a Talbot, probably Brian Lewis and Saunders-Davies, as the most likely winner.

The entrants and drivers of the various cars are given below.