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Frazer Nash cars will not be at Olympia, and we are taking this opportunity of reaching those who are interested in the 1932 Frazer Nash models, to invite them to visit us at “Falcon Works.”

We shall be delighted to give anyone definitely interested a really worthwhile demonstration—not just “round the houses” but a run which will convince them of the all-round road and cross-country performance of the Frazer Nash. Whether you are interested in what the Frazer Nash can do in Town and its traffic, on the open road, over rough ” colonial ” going, how we can “flatten out” main road gradients or freak trial hills, or if you want to experience its famous stability and perfect control on wet and greasy road surfaces, please get into touch with us by telephone or letter.

Apart from sheer performance the new Frazer Nash is extremely prepossessing in appearance, with well built coachwork and lavish equipment, while the inclusion of innumerable small but important details provide for the owner-driver’s comfort on long journeys.

A new model which we confidently predict will appeal to many enthusiasts is the genuine replica of the non-supercharged 1 i-litre Tourist Trophy Frazer Nash which we are putting into production this season. A run will convince you, as it has many others, that this model is without a doubt the finest allround competition car which has ever been offered to the public, irrespective of price. It is capable of 90 m.p.h., fully equipped, will lap the T.T. course at 70 m.p.h., —amongst other successes, a car of this type has won a “Round the Mountain” race at Brooklands in brilliant fashion, and a five lap event at a B.A.R.C. meeting at an average speed of 88.92 m.p.h. with a flying lap of 91.72 m.p.h.

You may not be aware that owing to:the:ban on reliabilityIand sporting trials enforced by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (who organise the Motor Show) no members of the Society may compete in these competitions. It is obviously impossible for us to relinquish our present advantage and privilege of being able to compete in these trials, although it means we cannot present our latest models at Olympia.

Frankly, we look upon reliability trials as a definite and unique opportunity for” improving the breed” and as being the most valuable testing ground available for manufacturers, likel ourselves, of a sports car— enabling us to pass on to our owners the practical experience and knowledge gained by our active participation in trials in the ultimate form of improved design throughout Frazer Nash construction—chassis, engine and coachwork.

We do not think there is any need here to enlarge upon the definitely outstanding performance and signal success of the Frazer Nash, in all spheres of motoring sports.

During the present season the non-supercharged 1 litre Frazer Nash has proved its ability to stand up to gruelling long distance races, to finish first in High Speed Trials (regardless of engine capacity or price of cars entered), to put up the most outstanding performance in competitions, exemplified briefly by winning the only Premier Award in the last M.C.C. One Day Sporting Trial, the Acceleration Test in the London-Exeter against all entries, et cetera, while Frazer Nashes in the hands of various private owners have been consistently successful in breaking old (and setting up new) records, and carrying off the premier awards in the most famous speed events and hill climbs, notably Shelgley Walsh, Lewes and Craigantlet. FILAZFIC NA.S1-1 CAUS (Managing Director : H. J. ALD1NGTON) Falcon Works,”

London Road, Isleworth, Middlesex. Telephone: HOUNSLOW 3171-3172,