

Schneider Trophy and Car Development.

THE answer to the many people who wonder what is the value to the motor and, aviation industries of speed attempts like the Schneider Trophy race is given by Mr. A. F. Sid,greaves, the Managing Director of Rolls-Royce Ltd., one of the most prominent figures in the industry. ” As a th result of the test this year,” Mr. Sidgreaves said, “all e main components of these engines have undergone a definite improvement, and, in consequence the life engine in service w

of the standard engill he ranch longer than it would otherwise have been.

” From the development point of view,” he added, ” the Schneider Trophy contest is almost an economy, because it saves so much time in arriving at certain technical improvements. It is not too much to say that research for the Schneider Trophy contest over the past two years is what our aero-engine department would, otherwise have taken six to ten years to learn.”

Much that they had, learned from the contest was capable of being applied to their Rolls Royce cars in general use.

” For the last few years,” he added, ” Britain’s supremacy in the manufacture of aircraft is generally recognised, and is due to the experience and, knowledge gained in contests such as the Schneider Trophy.”

500 Miles in 5 Hours.

STILLTILL further three figure records have achieved in a light car. At Montlhery, last month, an unsupercharged Riley Nine, in the hands of Mr. G. E. T. Eyston and Mr. A. Denly, broke no fewer than four international records in Class G (up to 1,100 c.c.) at speeds which all of them averaged over 104 m.p.h.

The following are the records secured :— 200 miles, 104.19 m.p.h., 500 kilometres, 104.08 m.p.h., three hours, 104.08 m.p.h., 500 miles, 104.07 m.p.h.

A feature of the attempt was the remarkable consistency of the car’s performance for the same average speed to within a decimal point was maintained throughout the entire run.

Mr. Eyston narrowly escaped disaster. During one of his spells at the wheel when he was driving “all out,” a motorcycle crashed into another car just ahead of him. In his attempts to steer clear of the wreckage, Mr. Eyston skidded wildly, and for a moment, the Riley was out of control. Fortunately, however, disaster was avoided—but only by a matter of inches.

14,000ft. Dive in 30 Seconds. excellent

CS. STANILAND’S excellent showing in a Riley at the Ulster T.T. recalls • an exploit of his of which little or “

Firefly” fighters (with Rolls engine) time ago he carried out a particularly for the Belgian Government.

dived vertically for 14,000 ft.—well over 21 miles—with the engine on. ,And in test pilots in this country, and a short nothing has been heard. ” emotioning ” test on one of the Fahey Staniland, of course, is one of the crack Climbing to a height of 22,000 ft. he

this dive he attained, a maximum of 384 m.p.h. Compared with a drop of nearly three in

miles in half-a-mute, racing in the T.T. must have seemed, somewhat tame !

A Lake District Reliability Trial.

AN enterprising Cumberland dealer recently carried out a somewhat unique introduction of a new season’s model, by staging a reliability trial of 100 hours’ continuous running.

The car concerned was one of the new Rover ” Pilots,” and the course was a circular one through the heart of the Lake District, each lap taking eight hours to cover. Tne route lay from Carlisle to Barrow via Keswick and Penritn and back by Maryport, Cockermouth and Millom. The test was observed, and, the checking controls manned by unbiased local motorists.

The car made a 96-hour non-enginestop run, covering a distance of some 2,300 miles and concluding with four hours’ hill-climbing tests on the well-known Kirkstone Pass. The ” Pilot,” of course, was brand new and had received no special preparation whatever for the trial. It ran trouble-free and to schedule, finishing in perfect condition. Its success created a very favourable impression in the locality, for the test was one of the most severe ever attempted in the Lake District.

Australian R.A.C. Trials. thu. trials held last

IN thu. series of trials held last season by the R.A.C. of Australia, convincing wins were scored by a team of Triumph Super Sevens, which also secured the Premier award of the year, the Wakefield Trophy.

The latest news from Australia shows that in this season’s series the same British small cars are continuing their successes. Three of the trials have been held and the Triumph has so far won its class twice.

Search for Ideal Road Surface.

AFIVE years’ investigation carried out in Denmark to find the ideal road, surface could well be copied in this country. In Denmark, road. traffic has been increasing year by year at an average rate of between 20 and 25 per cent. English motorists who have been complaining for years of slippery surfaces would welcome a similar test.

A census was taken on an experimental stretch of road„ and, it was found that the macadam type of road surface dressed with tar was the most satisfactory. Till some such experiment is carried, out in England, motorists can, at least, draw the discovery to the attention of their surveyors and help to put to an end the bugbear of the glass-smooth, skid-producing road.

Garaging in Greater London.

F,,R the convenience of motorists from the Provinces, The Automobile Association has published a booklet

which contains in n of the garage accommodation available near selected railway stations encircling Greater London. The address, telephone number, and particulars of the facilities available are

included, in addition to a plan showing the position of each garage in relation to the railway station to which it is adjacent.

This new A.A. booklet fulfils a real need for the motorist who decides to leave his vehicle on the outskirts of London and, complete his journey by rail.

Another feature of the publication is a map showing the meeting points for pilots, which The Automobile Association pro:, vides to con.duct. visitors through the Metropolis, whilst particulars of car parking accommodation available at a number of London suburban stations are also given.

Copies of the booklet may be obtained by members free, on application to The Automobile Association, Fanum House, New Coventry Street, W.1., or from any A.A. Office.

Cairo to Cape by Motor Cycle.

i-11-1E; ambitious World, tour attempted by Messrs. Johnson and Farrell on an Ariel motor cycle and sidecar has reached the point of great achievement. News has been received that these explorers have reached Cape Town after a great record-breaking ride from Cairo to the Cape, 7,800 miles through the African Continent in three months and

two days. .

They left Cairo on May 20th and travelled via Khartoum, Juba, and Nairobi, covering the whole distance with their Arid running with absolute reliability under the varying, and at times, appalling conditions. This is a splendid achievement and Johnson and Farrell speak in terms of enthusiasm of the unfaltering dependability of their outfit. It will be remembered that these adventurers left, Lancashire, on March 20th last, and, travelled across Europe to Constantinople, and then to Cairo before making this last run.

The Continent as a Touring Ground. and more British motorists

MORE and more British motorists decide to holiday abroad. with their cars, and some of their experiences make interesting reading. An owner of a Humber” Snipe,” who took his car to the Continent after a bare minimum. of acquaintanceship with it, writes that, on the first day leaving Calais, and in spite of never exceeding 55 m.p.h., as he did not wish to push a somewhat new car to the limit, he covered, 405 miles by speedometer in 10 hours 5 minutes running time. On the Summer Route des Alpes the ” Snipe ” put up a performance which, he says, astonished him. He n.egotiated five passes of between 8,000 feet and 6,500 feet, each one involving climbs of 18 to 32 km., with gradients averaging between 1 in 8 and 1 in 10. The majority of the climbs were taken on the silent third, second, gear being necessary only for a few minutes at a time on the steeper stretches. At no time did the radiator thermometer exceed 90 degrees, in spite Of the hot sun and absence of wind. He concludes by saying that the Snipe created much attention, and several French drivers who handled it appeared amazed that such perforvaance could be provided, in anything’but a high-priced super sports car.