Club News, October 1931


M.C.C. the 17th of this month

ON Saturday, the 17th of this the Motor Cycling Club will hold their eleventh sporting trial, the starting place of which will be near Buxton.

The event will be open to cars of any capacity as well as to cyclecars and motor cycles. Starting time will be 10 a.m. and the route will be on a circuit of about 25 miles ; this will be covered twice and there will be four observed sections in each circuit. It should be noted that no chains or other no-skid attachments will be allowed.

Entries close on Wednesday, 7th October, and prospective competitors should apply to :—Mr. J. A. Masters, 22, Norland Square, London, W.11.


The Lockhart-Bossingham Trial, open to cars, motorcycles and threewheelers will be run on Sunday, 4th October, starting at 2 p.m. from Catlings Garage, Chesham, Bucks. ; the course of 50 miles will be run over secondary roads, and will include a stop-and-restart test and a brake test on Kop Hill. A separate premier award is offered in each class in addition

to the other usual awards ; entries at 2s. 6d. should be sent to Mr. A. Paul of 57, Nether Street, North Finchley, N,12.


A successful gymkhana was held at the Barnet Grass Speedway last month, when several hundred owner drivers and their friends assembled to partake and watch the many amusing events. After heavy rain, the surface was very spongy and the efforts of the competitors to make a quick get-away resulted in a deal of wheelspin. The musical chairs event was very popular and spectators were treated to an exhibition by Mr. Burton of broad.siding a G.P. Bugatti as competitors circled round the ring of chairs.

During the afternoon Messrs. Sout Fire Extinguishers gave a demonstration of their product on two blazing MorrisCowleys.

The secretary of the Singer Car Club is Mr. A. Waite, 59, Wroughton Road, S.W. 11, who will be pleased to send particulars of membership to all Singer owners who will get in touch with him.


The following are the car results of the Worcestershire M.C. speed trials held at Madresfield some time ago :—

S.T.D. Cup (unlimited racing cars).— J. D. Jevons (1,496 c.c. Bugatti), 29 secs.

Townley Cup (1 Hare racing cars).— J . D. J evons (Bugatti).

Morgan Cup (fastest Morgan).—G. H. Goodall, 32 1/5 secs.

Team Award.—G. H. Goodall’s team of Morgans—Goodall, Rhodes and

Sports Cars (850 c.c.).—R. T. Horton (M.G. Special), 36 4/5 sees. ; (1,100 c.c.) R. T. Horton (M.G. Special), 36 4/5 secs. ; (1,500 c.c.) K. S. Peacock (Lea-Francis), 33 1/5 secs. ; (over 1,500 c.c.) K. S. Peacock (Lea-Francis), 33 1/5 secs.

Racing Cars (850 c.c.).—R. T. Horton (Horton Special), 32 2/5 sees.; (1,500 c.c.) B. A. Davenport (” Spider “), 311/5 sees.; (unlimited) B. H. Davenport (” Spider “), 31 1/5 secs.