

Details from Manufacturers New Year Programmes.


THE Alvis range for the coming season comprises four models, all being now in production. These are the 12-50 h.p., the 12-60 h.p., the ” Silver Eagle” Sixteen and the ‘ Silver Eagle ” Twenty. The 12-50 h.p. remains in main essentials as before, but detail modifications have been made ; the radiator, for example, is now true honeycomb instead of , the film type previously used, and the coachwork is much improved and considerably smarter than in existing models.

The ” twelve-sixty’ model, it may be remembered was introduced about four months ago as a sports model, and has already achieved a great deal of popularity. (A road test report of this car appeared in MOTOR SPORT of July last). It is of very robust build and capable of sustained high cruising speeds with a maximum of 75-80 m.p.h. The first batch of ” Twelve-sixties ” were fitted. with bolted-on wire wheels, but the latest models now have the centre-fixing type, and a chromium plated stone-guard is a standard fitting.

The “Silver Eagle” Sixteen, which is perhaps the main product of the Alvis Company, remains much as hitherto except for minor details in the chassis and bodywork which have been improved in detail. The “Silver Eagle” Twenty is a relatively new model, but although it was marketed for the first time only a few months ago, previous to this it underwent a year of testing and evolution. The engine .size is • 2,51.1 c.c. and an unusual feature is the fitting of three Prices and range are as follow :

Twelve-sixty sports : chassis £415, 2-seater 2450, saloon £495.

Twelve-fifty : chassis £350, 2-seater £395, 4-seater £395, drop-head coupe £435, saloon £450.

“Silver Eagle ” Sixteen : chassis 2500, 2-3 seater £585, 4-seater tourer £595, ” Atlantic ” saloon 2,695, coachbuilt saloon £695.

” Silver Eagle ” Twenty : chassis £550. ” Atlantic ” saloon £750, saloon £750.

Manufacturers’ address : Alvis Car arid Engineering Co., Ltd., Coventry.


Adhering to their usual policy, Aston Martin Ltd., have made no drastic changes in their range of cars for the coming season. Thus they will continue with their I Fare chassis, fitted with five different types of bodies. These will be : The ” International Sports” four-seater, the “Le Mans” two-seater, the “International Sports” coupe, a four-seater tourer and a four-seater saloon. The Aston-Martin engine is a fourcylinder with bore and stroke dimensions of -69 nun. and 99 mm. (Treasury rating 11.9 h.p.). It has overhead valves, magneto ignition and two carburettors,

and other details are combined therm° syphon and pump water circulation, dry sump lubrication, with two gear type pumps, 4 forward speeds, single disc dry plate clutch, worm final drive, internal expanding brakes on all four wheels, five detachable wire wheels, Dunlop 30 x 4.50 in tyres, wheelbase 8ft. Gins., track 4ft, 4ins. ground clearance, 7ins.

The ” International Sports ‘s fourseater is priced at 2595, the ” Le Mans” two-seater at £650, and the ” Internanational Sports coupe at 2715. The price of the touring car is 2,630, and the saloon 2,745.

Manufacturers’ address : Aston Marlin Ltd., Feltham, Middlesex.


The Amilcar programme for 1932 will remain as during the current year, although a revised version of the 9 h.p. model will be added. The bore and stroke dimensions are :-60 mm. by 110 ram. giving a capacity of 1,244 c.c.

Concessionaires’ address :—Vernon Balls, 95, High Holborn, London, IV .C.1.

AUBURN, for of a

Auburn cars for 1932 consist of a fixed head coupe, a five-seater phaeton saloon (convertible to an open car), and a five-seater close-coupled saloon. The prices of these respectively are :—£435 (with six wire wheels and free-wheel device £485), £472 or with wire wheels and free-wheel device £520; £415 or with wire wheels and free-wheel device £470., A drop-head coupe will also be available at £445 and with de luxe equipment, 2495. The chassis price is 2370. Spedfication. :—straight-eight side-valve engine with five-bearing crankshaft. 4401.7 c.c. (R.A .C. rating 28.8 h.p.). Singleplate clutch, three speed gearbox with free-wheel device embodied as an extra. Internal-expanding four-wheel brakes ; half-elliptics all round.

Concessionaires’ address : Sinclair Motor Concessions, 2, Mill Street, Conduit Street, London, W.1.


No sports models figure in the Austin list for 1932, the special “seven,” which was introduced last season being discontinued. Their range will consist of the 20 h.p. six-cylinder with various forms of bodywork, the “Sixteen-Six “, the four-cylinder 12 h.p. and the ” TwelveSix ” ; the 7 h.p., as with the other models, remains much as before, buts subtantial reductions have been made in the prices. The prices of the ” Twenty ” varies from £498 to £575 according to the bodywork, the ” Sixteen-Six ” from £290 to 2350, the four-cylinder “Twelve ” from £268 to £288, and the” Twelve-Six “from 2198 to £225. The 7 h.p. prices are : Saloon de luxe £128, saloon £118, touring car £118, two-seater £118, and chassis £94 10s •

Manufacturers’ address : The Austin Motor Co., Ltd., Longbridge Worhs, Birmi ngh am.


An interesting newcomer to the select straight-eight class is the 22.5 h.p. Bianchi. Designed primarily as a touring vehicle, it nevertheless has a very lively performance with a top speed of about 70-75 m.p.h. With a Martin Walter sports saloon body it is listed at £795.

Manufacturers’ address : Societa Edoardo Bianchi (Eng.) Ltd., Palace of Industry, Wembley, Middlesex.


The 1932 Bugatti range is a very attractive one, comprising seven distinct types—all supercharged. There will be four Grand Prix models, these being a 1,500 c.c. four-cylinder (Type 37), an eight-cylinder 2-litre (Type 35), an eightcylinder 1,500 c.c. (Type 39). and an eightcylinder 2,300 litre (Type 51). In addition three ” touring ” models will be listed— Type 49 which is an eight-cylinder 3.300 litre, a 5-litre eight-cylinder (Type 46), and a 4.900 litre eight-cylinder (Type 50) The latter is the model which was entered for the recent 24-hour Le Mans and the Tourist Trophy races. The engine bore and stroke dimensions are 86 mm and 107 ram. respectively, and the Treasury rating is 30.6 h.p. A three speed gearbox is fitted, the ratios being : 1st, 9.8 to 1; 2nd, 5.45 to I; 3rd, 3.9 to 1. A feature of this car is its amazing top gear flexibility, its minimum and maximum speeds on this ratio being 5 and 112 m.p.h. The chassis price is 21,725. The eight-cylinder 2.300 litre model is the most recent addition to the “Bug ” range, and it is interesting to note that it will appear in this country for the first time on the 3rd of this month, when Earl Howe will handle one in the 500-Miles Race at Brooklands. Some of the mechanical features of this car are :cast iron cylinders with completely machined combustion chambers ; two inclined valves per cylinder operated by twin overhead camshafts, driven by vertical shafts through special bevel gearing; connecting rods in one piece, i.e., without split ends and bolts. This is made possible by incorporating a builtup crankshaft. The aluminium alloy pistons carry five rings, two being compression rings of steel at the top, the third is of cast iron and the remaining two a scrapers at the foot of the skirt. The blower fitted is of the Roots’ type and it is mounted fore and aft and driven by a train of spur pinions. Normally it runs at engine speed but the ratio can be changed easily by reason of the inclusion of two intermediary pinions in the drive assembly. In main essentials the Type 51 is similar to the other Grand Prix models, that is to say it has a four-speed gearbox,

a multiple disc clutch, semi-elliptic front springs and quarter elliptic at the rear, anchored in the usual Bugatti manner. The price of the new model in chassis form is £1,725. The current prices of the other models are as follow :—Grand Prix 1,500 c.c. with standard two-seater body £700 ; 2-litre straight eight with standard two-seater body £1,325; 8cylinder 1,5(0 c.c. with standard twoseater body £1,475; 8-cylinder 17.8 h.p. (2.300 litre) with standard two-seater body £1,475.

Concessionaires’ address : Ettore Bugatti Automobiles, 1 and 3, Brixton Road, London, S. W.9.

CROSSLEY. The most feature of the

The most interesting feature of the .Crossley 1932 programme is the intro-. -duction of a new 10 h.p. model which will be available in sports four-seater form, as well as with other types of bodies. This new type will be built, not as a mass-production job, but as a very high grade machine of low-rated h.p. with a . number of rather unusual features. The engine is a four cylinder (63 rum. by 90 mm.). The capacity is 1,122 c.c. and the R.A.C. rating is 9.8 h.p. A departure from present day orthodox practice is found in the valve arrangement which embodies overhead inlet valves operated by push-rods and side exhaust valves. The cylinder head is made on the What. mough Hewitt patented system, and both the crankshaft and camshaft run on three bearings. Ignition is by coil and battery, and an S.U. down-draught carburettor is fitted. Transmission is through a single-plate clutch to a four speed gearbox, with a silent third ratio. Other particulars :—Half elliptic springs all round, with those at rear underslung ;

-.:.semi-floating spiral bevel rear axle, f.w.d. • with hand lever actuating. transmission .brake ; Magna wire wheels. Dimensions : 9ft. fins. wheelbase, 4ft. track. Prices :—Sports four-seater £295, semi’sports coupe £310, semi-sports saloon £275, de luxe semi-sports saloon 4288, -family saloon £265, de luxe family saloon

• £288. The other two Crossley models, the ” Silver ” and the ” Golden ” type, will continue in production, and while no drastic changes have been made in the current design of these, minor improvements have been incorporated. The price

of the “Silver” Crossley saloon is £495, and the ” Golden ” saloon £575. The latter is also marketed as a limousine or landaulette at £875. Manufacturers’ address : Crossley

Motors Ltd., Garton, Manchester.


Although Fiat cars have played a conspicuous part in motor racing history, it is some years since the Fiat Company marketed a model which could justly be placed in the sports category. For 1932, however, they have placed a Super Sports Tourer” in their list. This is a car with a six-cylinder side-valve engine of 19.3 h.p. It has battery-and-coil ignition, a vertical carburettor fed by mechanical pump, and a four-speed gearbox with a silent third. The frame is low slung, and this feature coupled with its excellent suspension is stated to give it extraordinarily good road holding qualities. Fully loaded its maximum speed exceeds 70 m.p.h., and it is capable of a comfortable 55 m.p.h. in third gear.

The remainder of the range consists of the popular 10-30 h.p. four-cylinder type with a wide choice of coachwork, and the six-cylinder 19.3 h.p. in varied form. The price of the “Super Sports Tourer” in £410.

Manufacturers’ address : Fiat (England) Ltd., Western Avenue, Acton, London, W.3.

FRAZER-NASH. to their of

Adhering to their policy of marketing only sports vehicles, A.F.N. Ltd., will continue with the production of their wellknown types. These include the “,Inter

ceptor I” with side-valve engine, the “Interceptor II “, with an o.h.v. motor, the ” Falcon,” and the ” Boulogne ” model. In addition to these, the type which was used in the Ulster T.T. will be now available. This will be designated as the “Ulster” type.

The most distinctive feature of the Frazer-Nash is, of course, the transmission which gives a direct and silent drive on each gear by a simple system of chains and sliding dog-clutches. An additional advantage for the sporting motorist is that special ratios can be incorporated very easily and inexpensively, while one has the choice of 3 or 4 forward speeds. The engine dimensions are :-69 mm. bore x 100 mm. stroke, giving a capacity of 1,496 c.c. ; other details are :—Magneto ignition, Atnal carburettor, Rudge wire wheels, and special quarter-elliptic springs all round. The standard coachwork comprises an attractive 2-seater and a 3-4seater, but any type of body can be fitted to customers’ own wish and specification. The makers are also willing to make various departures from standard in relation to chassis details, when required.

The complete range with prices is as follows :—” Interceptor I ” (s.v. engine and 3-speeds) £325, “Interceptor II,’ (o.h.v. engine and 3-speeds) £350, ” Falcon ” (s.v. engine and 3 speeds) £350, with o.h.v. engine £375, “Boulogne ” (s.v. engine and 3-speeds) £395, “Boulogne II” (o.h.v. engine and 3-speeds) £425, “Ulster I” (s.v. engine and 4speeds) £495–o.1i.v. engine £495. Supercharged models :—” Boulogne I” £450, ” Boulogne II” £475, “Ulster I” £575, ” Ulster II ” 2575.

Manufacturers’ address :—A.F.N. Ltd., Falcon Works, London Road, Isleworth, Middlesex.


No change has been made in the 45 h.p. Hispano-Suiza, but special interest is attached to this famous marque, in that a new ” super ” twelve-cylinder car will be listed in the future. The engine has bore and stroke dimensions of 100 mm. x 100 rum. and the cylinders are arranged in two banks of six in V formation.

As with the 45 h.p., nitralloy steel is used extensively in the construction of the power unit of the new model.

Concessionaires’ address : HispanoSuiza Automobiles, 71, Carlton House, Regent Street, London, S. W.1.

The 1932 Invicta remains exactly the same as the current type, the price of the chassis being 2750 and the complete car as a sports tourer, £875. Specification :—Engine 88.5 mm. bore x 120 mm. stroke (Treasury Rating 29.12 h.p.). Overhead valves, pump circulation, forced lubrication, Lucas magneto and Rotax coil ignition. Two S.U. carburettors, single dry plate clutch, four ‘speeds (right hand gate -change), open propellor shaft, spiral bevel final drive, four-wheel internal, expanding brakes on 14in. diameter drums, MatibS steering, main petrol supply from 20 gallon tank at rear, with quick filler cap. Auxiliary supply from 2 gallon tank on dash, petrol taps of both systems on instrument board, one gallon spare oil tank on dash. Special low-built dropped frame, underslung at

rear. Wheel base 91t. 10in., Track 41t. 8in., Overall length 13ft. 6in., Overall width 5ft. 6in., Overall height to top of steering wheel 3ft. 6in. Manufacturers’ address : Invicta Cars, The Fairmile, Cobham, Surrey. _


Only one chassis is to be marketed for 1932. This will be a straight-eight machine of 44.3 h.p. with a capacity of 7,372 c.c. Two ” U ” type Zenith carburettors are fitted, each being bolted to a separate manifold and feeding four cylinders. Ignition is by the coil-and.battery system. The car can be obtained either with an orthodox three-speed gearbox or with a Wilson four-speed selfchanging box, similar to that fitted by Armstrong-Siddeley. Except for this feature, the chassis layout remains the same as in the current Isotta..

_ Chassis prices :—With 3-speed gearbox £1,850, with Wilson gearbox £1,950.

, Concessionaires’ address : Isotta Motors, Ltd., 37, North Audley Street, London, W.1.

Considerable improvements have been. made in all M.G. sport’s cars, and three entirely new models have been introduced. The 8-33 h.p. Midget is to be produced with a panelled two-seater body, and while the chassis layout is the same as in the original fabric type (which remains unchanged), the finish will be cellulose, and the upholstery will be of real leather. A new type folding hood forms part of standard equipment and the accommodation will be slightly larger. The price is £185. Then there is the Midget “occasional four.” The chassis of this type is of entirely new design, but is similar to the Montlhery Mark II Midget. The standard four cylinder Midget engine is fitted. The three speed gearbox has a short stubby gear lever working in a gate in an extension of the gear box top similar to the four speed box which can also be supplied. Chassis lubrication is of the semi-grouped type. A twelve volt ignition and lighting set is employed. An attractive occasional four-seater body, with very low sporting lines, is fitted, which, of course, includes a neat folding hood, hood cover

and side curtains. The upholstery is in leather, the windscreen is a straight one that can be folded down forward. The petrol tank is carried in the rear and fed to the carburettor by a pump. RudgeWhitworth detachable racing type wire wheels are part of the standard specification. Price, £210.

Following on its remarkable run of successes, amongst which are the honour of being the first car of 750 c.c. capacity to exceed 100 miles an hour, the holding of all International Records (Class H), from five to one hundred kilometres, the winning of the Double Twelve Hour Race, the Irish Grand Prix, and now the Ulster T.T., no excuse is offered for continuing this Mark II Montlhery model unchanged through the coming season. The aluminium panelled body, which conforms in dimensions to International rules governing the majority of the racing events, can be had in any normal finish, to choice. The upholstery is in leather and the equipment is very complete. Price : (Unsupercharged), £490; (Supercharged), 4575.

In the 12-70 h.p. Magna Small Six, an entirely new 1,250 c.c. six-cylinder unit is incorporated, in which the valves are operated by overhead camshaft, and the carburation is by twin S,U. carburettors. The petrol tank is carried at the rear, and is of approximately 6 gallon capacity. The four speed gear box is in one unit with the engine, the three top speeds being of the close ratio type with an exceptionally low emergency bottom gear. An extension of the gear box cover carries a short stubby gear lever operating in a visible gate. An all metal Hardy-Spicer propeller shaft is used, as well as hub detachable Ridge-Whitworth wire wheels. The chassis is mounted with two styles of body. One is a sports four-seater open model, with a single piece screen which can be folded down fiat forward when desired. A new folding hood with hood cover and side curtains provide the allweather equipment, whilst leather upholstery, adjustable bucket seats in front, rear petrol tank, long bonnet line and an inclined radiator all combine to provide a most pleasing streamline effect. Price £250.

The other body available is a sliding roof ” foursome ” and as the name implies, it is a little saloon with a sliding roof and four close coupled seats. Price £289. The 18/80 Mark II range is being con

tinned without any alteration. The prices of these various models will be as follows :—two-seater, £625; tourer, £640; speed model, £630; two-door saloon, E660; four-door saloon, £670; and saloon de luxe £699.

Manufacturers’ address-: The M.G. Car Co., Ltd., Abingdon-an-Thames.


Great interest has been aroused by the banouncement that the Mercedes concern will be marketing a small model during the coming season. Details, at the time of going to press, are lacking, but it is understood that this car will be a small six-cylinder of about 9 h.p.

In addition to this model another new type will be marketed—a 5-litre supercharged straight-eight. The 45-280 h.p. blown straight-eight will be retained, as will be the 21-60 h.p., the 32-90 h.p. 8-cylinder, the 24-100 h.p. 6-cylinder, the 33-140 h.p., the 33-180 h.p. 6-cylinder, and the 38-250 h.p.

Concessionaires’ address :—The British Mercedes-Benz, Ltd., King’s House, 37, Davies Street, Grosvenor Square, London, w.1.

RILEY. After so successful a season as has been

After so successful a season as has been enjoyed by Rileys in sporting events this year both at home and abroad, it is to be expected that racing and sports types should figure in their New Year’s range of models, and one finds in their 9 h.p. list two such cars—the new” Gamecock ‘ and the Brooklands model. The former is a very smart sports two-seater. Ample accommodation is provided for luggage, golf clubs, etc., both in the boot and beneath the hood. The screen may be folded fiat in a forward direction when not required, and the top panel of the dash is designed so as to deflect the wind from the driver and passenger when the screen is lowered. This gives the car a very definite appearance of speed and adds largely to its attractive lines.

The Brooklands model is listed in the form in which it has figured so successfully In international races during the past season. It will be remembered that cars of this type won. the German Grand Prix and secured the Team Prim in the recent R.A.C. Tourist Trophy race. It is priced at 4420.

These cars can be obtained in a variety of very attractive dual-tone colour schemes. The engine dimensions (60.3 x 95.2 ram.) and annual tax (29) are the same as in the past.

There are actually seven distinct 9 h.p. models, these being as follows : ” Monaco ” saloon, open tourer, twoseater, coupe,” Gamecock,” Overseas model and Brooklands model. The first five of these are listed at 2298—the price which has ruled in respect of the Riley Nine for the past five years. Any of them can be obtained in the special types for £325, the specification in this car including a twin carburettor engine with special pistons and a considerably increased power output, Duplex Hartford shock absorbers, etc.

The coupe is an entirely new type and has a very neat and attractive two-seater body with a dickey seat and is particularly suitable for professional men.

The six cylinder ” Alpine ” and ” Stelvio ” cars are unaltered in price—” Alpine” saloon, or open four-seater 2365 and ” Stelvio ” saloon 2398. Detail improvements have been effected to the chassis, upholstery and coach-work generally, but substantially the specification is unchanged.

The most striking feature of the new Rileys is the new dropped chassis frame. The side-members are lowered by nearly six inches and the result is a low centre of gravity, with resultant increased safety, more head-room and accommodation for three people in the rear compartment instead of two. (This means, of course, that the Riley Nine saloon is now a genuine five-seater). In addition the design provides easier access to the seats, both front and rear.

These are termed the ” Plus-Ultra” series, a development of the “Plus ” cars of 1931. It is interesting to note that the present year’s cars had the lowest frames of any standard models, and the 1932 types can therefore claim this distinction to an even more marked extent. From an appearance point of view the “Plus-Ultra ” chassis are greatly improved. The ‘bodywork of the Monaco saloon is now of the half-panelled type, aluminium panels being used, instead of

all fabric, and both doors are hinged at the rear instead of in the centre.

Safety features _ which apply to the entire Riley range include rear mounted petrol tanks, Triplex glass all round and brakes of an unusually effective type.

Manufacturers’ address : Riley (Coventry) Ltd., Coventry.


To the sports enthusiast, the main attraction of the Rover range lies in their recently-introduced special 20 h.p. speed model. Although quite a newcomer this car has already shown itself to be a genuine sports outfit by its performance in sundry speed events, and it is undoubtedly a most welcome addition to sports class. A road test report of this model appeared in last month’s issue of MOTOR SPORT, and readers will have gathered that it has a performance of real excellence. The engine is a six-cylinder of 2,565 c.c. capacity (R.A.C. rating 19.3 h.p.), and ignition is by coil and battery and a Stroxnberg downdraught carburetter is fitted. A four-speed close-ratio gearbox aid in giving this speed model an unusually snappy acceleration together with a top speed of about 85 m.p.h. With a two or four-seater body of attractive design and complete equipment it is obtainable at £495. It is also marketed as a sports saloon.

Turning to the other models in the order of h.p., the Family Ten is continued with detail improvements, such as the standardisation of wire wheels with the fashionable large hubs. The range of bodywork remains the same, i.e., a full four-door four-seat coachbuilt saloon, or genuine Weymann saloon and a fourseater Weymann sportsman’s coupe.

Six models are standardised, the prices of these being as follows : Saloon (pressed steel construction) £179; Wernann saloon or sportsman’s coupe £185; coachbuilt saloon (Regal) £194 ; Weymann saloon (Regal) 2200, Sportsman’s ; coupe (Regal) 2200. The Regal models have additional equipment such as bumpers, sliding roof and Protect° safety glass all round. The new 12 h.p. six-cylinder Rover ” Pilot “is made in three forms—pressedsteel saloon, Weymann saloon and Weymann sportsman’s coupe. The prices are 2225 for the pressed steel model and 2230 each for the Weymanris

The overhead valve engine has dimensions of 59 x 86 mm., the total cubic capacity being 1,410 c.c. ; the Treasury rating is 12.95 h.p. and annual tax £13. Lubrication is by full pressure and water circulation by pump ; the water temperature is thermostatically controlled. An 8 gallon petrol tank is placed at the rear and fuel is delivered to the carburettor by automatic pump feed.

A four-speed gear-box with silent third gear is fitted, central control being employed, and an enclosed propeller shaft transmits power to the worm-driven rear axle. Suspension is by semi-elliptic springs in front and quarter elliptics at the rear, hydraulic shock absorbers being supplied all round. The specification includes a large diameter spring steering wheel, dip-and-switch headlamps fingertip controlled and a Protect° safety glass windscreen. The tyre size is 19 x 4.75ins., wheelbase 8ft. Sins., track 41t. 2ins., and ground clearance 7ins. In the Two-Litre model detail improvements have been embodied in the chassis and the bodywork is larger. Cushions and squabs are upholstered in best quality leather and the rear seat has armrests at each side and a central folding armrest. Three bodywork styles are available—a coachbuilt saloon, a genuine Weymaim

saloon and a Weymanlisportsman’s The specification includes a Protect° windscreen, electric screen wiper and and-switch headlamps, finger-tip trolled.

The price of each model is £285 there is a choice of finishing colours.

Many improvements have been In the Meteor range, but the price each model remains at £398.

Among the chassis improvements be mentioned modifications to the and shock absorbers to give more able riding and the use of Bohnalite tons and a Chilcott silencer. A breather has been fitted to prevent entering the car and I 9ins. wheels increased ground clearance and a higher gear.

Body improvements include a roof of semi-flush type, rear quarter lights and a wide centre and Leveroll sliding seat fittings.

Manufacturers’ address : Rover Ltd., Meteor Works, Coventry.


The 13-55 12.p. Schneider chassis remained the same for 1932 in general layout, with the exception of a slightly increased compression ratio, larger capacity batteries and chromium plated gear levers and dash controls. The bodywork on the open 4-seater has been modified with lower cut away front doors, lower rear seats and a tonneau cover fitted in the standard equipment. The running boards have been discarded for aluminium covered steps with side louvres and any type of wing as desired. The windscreen has been slightly lowered and staggered and the angle of the spare wheel slightly staggered inwards at the top.

These few improvements make the 13-55 h.p. Le Mans model even more attractive than before. Prices :—Special Le Mans type £535, Le Mans (Standard) type £495, saloon £595. Concessionaires’ address :—Schneider

Automobiles (Eng.) Ltd., 138, Long Acre, London, IF C .2 .


The Singer new season programme comprises the following :—A 12 h.p. sixcylinder (side-valve engine), an eighteen h.p. six-cylinder (side valve engine), an 18 h.p. “Silent Six” (overhead valve engine) the Kaye Don saloon, a 10 h.p. four-cylinder, and the ” Junior.”

With the exception of the ” Junior ” all these models are classed as touring cars, either in open or closed form.

The following are the principal details of these various types :—’ Twelve-Six “— Dimensions : 59 x 90 mm. and cubic capacity of 1,476 c.c. The Treasury rating is 12.95 h.p. and the tax £13. Ignition by coil and distributor and cooling by thermosyphon, fan assisted. A four-speed gearbox with central control with silent third speed, suspension by long semi-elliptic springs encased in leather gaiters, the rear springs being underslung ; shock absorbers all round. Tank mounted at the rear of the chassis and is fitted with a. two-way tap controlling a reserve supply. “Eighteen-Six “—Dimensions : 69.5 x 90 mm. and capacity, 2,050 c.c. Treasury rating, 17.9 h.p. The body is standardised with a patent sliding roof and Triplex glass all round. The price of the saloon

is £280. Like the ” Twelve-Six ” the new ” Eighteen-Six ” has a four-speed gearbox with a ” Hi-ho ” alternative top. The new ” Silent Six ” has the same bore as the” Eighteen-Six “but its longer

stroke of 95 mm. provides a total cubic capacity of 2,180 c.c. The engine is of the overhead valve type push rod operated and a seven bearing crankshaft fitted with a vibration damper is employed. The pistons are of special aluminium alloy and the connecting rods of duralumin. The long semi-elliptic springs are encased in gaiters, the rear springs being underslung, and as in the case of the Eighteen-Six, are damped by Luvax hydraulic double acting shock absorbers front and rear. Included in the specification are Dewandre vacuum servo brakes, Marks steering, 30 x Sins. Dunlop tyres on Magna wire wheels, bumpers front and rear, and Triplex glass all round. The price is £330 for the saloon. The ” Kaye Don ” saloon has a chassis similar

to that of the ” The price is £480.

Turning to the smaller Singers, increased power has been obtained from the engine which as in the past is of the overhead camshaft type. Full forced feed lubrication i8 provided and the four-speed gearbox now has a silent third gear. The brake mechanism has been re-designed and improved and a new type radiator has been fitted. A sturdier frame gives lower body mounting with a corresponding lower centre of gravity.

Four models are listed, the two-seater at £130, the four-seater at £140, the saloon at £150 and the special sports two-seater at £150. A Triplex screen is supplied in each case.

The Junior “Special “in the main has the same chassis specification as the standard model, but the engine dimensions are increased-60 x 86 mm., Treasury rating 8.93 h.p. This provides a big increase in power output.

The last of the four-cylinder Singers is the 10 h.p. car which was introduced for the first time at the Olympia Show last year. It has been improved in many respects, chief amongst which may be mentioned the inclusion of a silent third gear and very much more powerful engine. With very full equipment it is sold at £180 as a four-seater and £199 as a saloon.

Manufacturers’ address : Singer 6Co., Ltd., Coventry.

STUTZ. ” “

A new ” Beareat ” model figures in the Stutz List for next year, and this car is particularly interesting in that each one of these sport models is delivered with a certificate to the effect that it has attained a speed of 100 m.p.h. before delivery. There is also a “Super Bearcat ” (which has a short chassis) and with a drop-head coupe body this model is capable of the very remarkable road speed of 110 to 115 m.p.h. Specification.—Straight-eight engine (85.7 mm. bore x 114.3 mm. stroke), Treasury rating 36.4 h.p., develops 155.8 b.h.p. at 3,900 r.p.m. ; overhead valves actuated by two overhead without rocker arms, push rods, or rollers ; crank shaft inherently balanced ; nine Main bearings ; centrifugal pump circu lation; gear . pump pressure lubrication, sump holds 3 gallons ; ignition ; Zenith -Carburettor, air cleaner, oil purifier; dual dry plate clutch ; 4 speeds forward and reverse, silent third ; Timken underslung worm drive axle ; semi

elliptic springs ; brakes, 4-wheel internal expanding with special Stutz Servo booster, and external contracting transmission hand brake ; wire wheels; central oil chassis lubrication ; equipment includes starting and lighting units ; Gabriel three-way shock absorbers ; front and rear bumpers ; instruments assembled; 2 spare wheels ; luggage grid. Chassis l34 ins. wheelbase.

Price :—Chassis £1,275.

There is also a smaller model with a six-cylinder engine of 27.34 h.p. having the following specification :-6-cylinder engine (85.7 mm. bore-x 114.3 mm. stroke) (Treasury rating 27.3 h.p.) , develops 85 b.h.p. at 3,200 r.p.m. ; overhead valves and camshaft ; centrifugal pump circulation; gear pump pressure lubrication, sump holds 3 gallons ; duplicated Delco ignition ; Zenith carburetter, air cleaner, oil purifier ; single dry plate clutch ; 4 speeds forward and reverse, silent third ; Timken underslung worm drive axle ; semi-elliptic springs ; brakes, hydraulic 4-wheel internal expanding, and external contracting transmission hand brake ; wire wheels ; shock absorbers ; front and rear bumpers ; 2 spare wheels ; luggage grid. Prices :—Chassis £685, English sports saloon £985, Stutz saloon £950. Concessionaires’ address : Warzvick

Wright, Ltd., 150, New Bond Street, London; W .1.


The latest range of Talbot models embraces aye distinct types, and three of these are of the sports class.

The ” Seventy-Five ” sports, and the “Ninety ” speed models remain unaltered, and there is no change in the “Scout.” The ” Seventy-Five” has the following specification :—Six cylinder engine, push-rod operated overhead valves, Seven-bearing crankshaft, Delco-Reilly ignition, Zenith carburettor, 69.5 mm. bore by 100 mm. stroke, 2,276 c.c. (R.A.C. rating 17.97 h.p.). Four-speed gearbox (twin top gears), Semi-elliptic front springs quarter-elliptics at rear. Prices :—Chassis £425, 2and 5-stater open car £525 (other closed types ranging from £545 to £695).

The famous ” Ninety” model has a similar specification to the “Seventy-five,” but has a better performance, and a close ratio gearbox with a higher top gear. It is marketed with three types of bodies— the ” Brooklandstourer, which is a four-seater with bucket seats, very rakish lines and semi-cycle type wings. It is priced at £635. Then there is a de luxe sports tourer (price £675) and a sports saloon at £695.

Finally, there is the” 105 “super speed model. This car has all the characteristics of the “Ninety,” but the engine is of larger capacity, being 20 h.p. with a bore and stroke of 75 mm. by 112 mm. (2,970 c.c.). The prices are :—Chassis £695, ” Brooklands Tourer “£835, de luxe sports tourer £875, de luxe sports saloon £895.

Prices of other models :—” Scout” (in chassis form) £285, 2-door saloon £395, 4-door saloon £395.

14-45 h.p. (” Standard Six” (in chassis form) £295, 4-door coachbuilt saloon £435.

Manufacturers’ address : Clement-7’a1bot, Ltd., Barlby Road, Ladbroke Grove. London, W.10.


As has already been announced the Triumph programme for 1932 will consist of three types—the Super Seven, the Super Nine, and the ” Scorpion ” sixcylinder models. All three will be available with an attractive range of bodywork of both the

open and dosed variety, and the equipment will be very complete. The little sports 7 h.p. is continued in an improved form, and extra refinements have been added to the chassis and body which makes it one of the most attractive miniature sporting cars on the road.

The engine, as before, is of 7.9 h.p. with side valves and a three-bearing crankshaft. The bore and stroke dimensions are 56.5 mm. and 83 mm. (capacity 832.34 c.c.). The lubrication system has been very thoroughly worked out, and this no doubt accounts for the fact that the motor will stand any amount of high revs, without trouble. The engine is mounted on four ” Silentbloc ” bushes to damp out any vibration, and ” Silentbloc ” bushes are also incorporated in the suspension. Transmission is via a single plate clutch and a three-speed gearbox to an underslung worm-drive back axle. Lockheed hydraulic brakes, which have always been a Triumph feature are retained. The price of this model is 2147 10s.

Prices of the other models are :— ” Super Seven” 2-seater £140, tourer de luxe £140, coachbuilt saloon £150, 4-door saloon £150, and saloon de luxe £165. ” Super Nine” 2-4-seater £175, four-door coachbuilt saloon £175, four-door coachbuilt saloon de luxe £185. ” Scorpion ” 2-4-seater de luxe £175, coachbuilt saloon £185, saloon de luxe £205.

Manufacturers’ address : The Triumph Motor Co., Ltd., Coventry.