

A Brooklands Suggestion.

IUNDERSTAND there is a probability of •a 1,000 mile race being substituted for the Junior Car Club’s “Double Twelve Hour Race” next year. Having been duly bored, in company with countless others, with this year’s race, I hope something better can be arranged for next year.

As a probable entrant of a team of Alfa’s in next year’s event, I should like to offer a few suggestions to make the race interesting from the public’s, the drivers’ and the manufacturers’ point of view.

A race of the type in question should, in my opinion, closely approximate to a genuine road circuit (which our politicians seem set on us not having). It should not be too long and therefore slow and in clined to pall on both the public and the competitors. The points of excitement should be of various types and spread out over as great a part of the track as possible to prevent bunching of spectators and to maintain interest amongst the public by varying the point of vantage.

The type of race I would suggest would be one starting at 1 o’clock to enable the public to see the start in large numbers, and finishing at say 6 o’clock, and could be run on two days if required. The course should be similar to the old 200 mile races, i.e., start from the Vickers sheds, round the home banking and down the railway straight ; the cars would then come up the left hand side of the finishing straight as far as the bridge, turn a right hairpin round a sandbank, back down the finishing straight and fin (continued an page 801