

… MR. H. SCOTT-PAINE, whose novel boat, “Miss Britain I” was described in MOTOR SPORT of last month, successfully competed

with this craft in the 5i-litre class of the International Trophy Races which were held on the Detroit River at the beginning of last month.

“Miss Britain I” was competing against two other boats, one piloted by Mr. L. Brown and the other by Mr. Charles Moulthrop. During the running of the heats of the event, Mr. Brown’s boat capsized, and ScottPaine, who was leading at the time, turned about to effect a rescue. The race was, therefore, re-run.

The final results were :-1st, Scott Paine ; 2nd, L. Brovvn ; and 3rd, C. Moulthrop. The winner’s average speed for the course in m.p.h. was 40.08.

In the unlimited class event, which took place on 30th August-lst September, the trophy was retained by the American holder, Commodore Gar Wood, whose “Miss America IX,” put up a record time for the course of 30 miles at 77.39 m.p.h. His boat was powered with two Packard engines.

Miss Carstairs’ two challengers “Estelle IV” and “Estelle V” both competed. Each, however, experienced petrol tank trouble.