

ALTHOUGH the B.O.R.C. meeting at the Welsh Harp on Saturday, 6th September, did not attract a big “gate,” from the point of view of sport, it was definitely a success—and a good deal more interesting than plenty of previous fixtures of the Club.

This was largely due to the fact that the programme included a 12-mile race for dinghies, an event in which all the competing craft were very evenly matched. In the other dinghy races the close finishes made things really exciting.

In event 1, for Class ” B ” dinghies, the first boat home was Viscount Kingsborough’s “Miss A.R.” Her speed was 23.95 knots ; Second place was taken by B. G. Parker (” Maureen “—Watermota) and third by J. S. Holroyd (” Comfort “—Johnson). There were six competitors in the second event—a race for class ” C ” speed dinghies, and again Viscount Kingsborough’s “Miss A.R.” was the victor. She was very closely followed by ‘ Marr’s Dunelt-engined ” Kim,” while Hol-. royd’s ” Comfort ” came along not very far behind. In the 12-mile race, for the cup presented by the Vacuum Oil Co., nine boats showed up at the start. It

was a handicap event, the handicapping being arranged as follows :—two passengers for an ” unlimited ” class craft, one passenger for a ” C ” class, and a pilot only for a ” B” class boat. The race commenced well, and it looked at first as if “Miss A.R.” would repeat the success she had had in the previous events. But on the fourth lap her motor passed out ; another retirement was G. E. Marr’s “Kim,” which capsized on the second lap, but the remainder finished.

The results were :-1, D. R. Tennant (” Seaflyer “Elto), 23.93 knots ; 2, F. R. Thornton (” Star III “Elto), 23.81 knots ; 3, B. G. Parker (” Maureen “Watermota), 22.91 knots. Final results of the other races were as follow : Event 4.—Unlimited class hydroplanes : W. G. Boyer (” Jill II “-Johnson), 28.5 knots. Event 5.—Class ” B ” Hydroplanes : 1, B. G. Parker (” Too-Too “Watermota), 29.11 knots ; 2, H. A. Edwards (” Erb II “-Watermota), 29.03 knots ; 3, F. R. Thornton (” Star I”-Elto). Event 6.—Class ” C ” hydroplanes : 1, W. G. Boyer (” Jill II “-Johnson), 30.7 knots ; 2, G. B. Parker (” Too-Too “-Watermota), 30.42 knots ;

3, H. A. Edwards (” Erb II “-Watermota).