Gliding Gossip and News


Gliding Gossip and News

ENGLAND was well represented at the Rhon gliding and sailplane competitions which took place at Wasserkuppe during August. No British pilot actually took part, but amongst those present as spectators were :—Sir Sefton Brancker, Col. the Master of Sempill, Sir Gilbert Walker, Dr. Whitehead Reid, Mr. Gordon England, F/0 Buxton and Mr. Ashwell Cooke.

The latter informs us that he was greatly impressed with (1) the enthusiasm of all connected with the movement in Germany, (2) the exceptionally large number of crashes, and (3) the systematic way in which the Germans carried out their competitions.

One of the sensations of the meeting was the ” Austria ” sailplane, Kronfeld’s new and most unorthodox sailplane. It has a full-cantilever wing of no less than 103 feet span, an enormous tail and twin rudders. The fuselage is exceedingly small in cross section, •and is virtually a single tail boom, without any external bracing whatever. The wings are completely covered with plywood. By a special method, the two rudders can be operated so as to function as an air brake, and the internal construction throughout bristles with novel features.

It is understood that Herr Kronfeld is hopeful of setting up some new records with the “Austria ” before very long.

THOUGH the London Gliding Club has met with several setbacks in regard to crashes, and tenancy of sites during the past few weeks, instruction has, nevertheless, been carried on with commendable regularity.

As an indication of the keenness of L.G.C. members, it may be mentioned that in the list of Glider Pilots’ Certificates, recently issued by the Royal Aero Club, no less than 25 of the total of 34 have been issued to the London Club. One notable achievement is that of Mr. G. Humby, who without any previous flying experience has qualified for his ” B ” certificate.

We are asked to point out, that as from 10th September last, the subscription for the remainder of the Club year, which ends on 31st January, 1931, will be halved, thus becoming only £2 2s.

THE MATCH which was to have taken place between a team of pilots from the Lancashire Aero Club and the London Gliding Club has, unfortunately, been postponed. This is a result of the ” Prufling ” machines of each club having been crashed. Repairs are in hand, however, and it is hoped that the competition will be arranged in the near future. A BELFAST Gliding and Aviation Club was formed some weeks ago, with close on 100 enthusiastic members. At a meeting the following officers were appointed :Chairman, Mr. A. H. E. Blount ; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. W. F. Boarn ; Instructor, Flight-Lieut. Sterling, D.V.C. ; Publicity Agent, Mr. Thomas Brown. The

Club has formed a technical committee with Mr. W. G. Bruce, A.R.I.B.A. in charge of drawings (presumably the Club intends to design and construct its own machines) ; members in this section include pilots, engineers and ex-rnembers of the Aeronautical Inspection Department. The Club has already secured a site for their activities at Ewart Hills, Belmont, on ground kindly put at their disposal by Mr. James Boyd.

A DEMONSTRATION was given by Herr Magersuppe last month at Carsington Pastures, near Wirksworth, when the Matlock and Nottingham Gliding Club held an excellent meeting there over the week-end. An exhibition of aerobatics was also carried out by Captain Barber, instructor of the Derby Aero Club on a” Moth.” During the event Mr. H. A. Searby made several flights on his own glider—the ” Searby Special ” ; unluckily, he ultimately crashed with his machine, though without sustaining any injury.

A PRIZE has been offered by the Aeronautical Association of the Pas de Calais, to the first Frenchman to accomplish the crossing of the English Channel in a sailplane.

DURING the next few weeks Mr. R. G. RussellTaylor will attempt a long-distance record flight on the sailplane “Alert.” It is reported that this machine is to be exhibited in various towns in Yorkshire, and afterwards, as soon as weather conditions are favourable, Mr. Russell-Taylor will make his attempt in the Harrogate district.

A SPECIAL elastic cord for launching gliders, has now been put on the market, by Burley Ltd., of 192, Tottenham Court Road, London, W.1. This firm contends that ordinary shock absorber rubber (particularly if it is surplus stock) does not give the best results ; with their material, which is known as the Turner cord, the rubber used is of the very best quality, and each rope is dated at the time of its manufacture, so that purchasers and users can ascertain its age.