

THE Cinque Ports Club at Lympne, which operates from Lympne aerodrome is undoubtedy one of the most popular and successful flying clubs now in existence.

During the holiday season, quite a number of people on vacation have availed themselves of the opportunity of becoming “holiday members,” whereby they have had full use of the aerodrome for 28 days for a fee of 21s., with instruction in flying at special low rates. This has resulted in the Club’s staff and machines being kept extremely busy ; in spite of the bad weather during August the total time flown for the four weeks was 141 hours 50 minutes—and this with only three machines in commission.

The lifting of the Air Ministry’s ban as regards the acceptance of foreign subjects as members has produced immediate results, and amongst pupils recently under training at the Club were an Indian of Ceylon, an Italian and a Chinese subject. Their pupils also include an American, a Frenchman and several Indians.

Mr. R. Dallas Brett, the Club’s very enterprising secretary, states that they expect shortly to sign on two more French subjects and another Chinese, and he says that their instructor, Mr. Brown, is becoming quite expert at translating the various accents and dialects which pass over the telephone in the air. .