Sports Models for 1931




For 1931 the Alfa-Romeo sports models will undergo little change. The range will include a 17-85 h.p. 2-litre six cylinder with a 9ft. Gins, wheelbase and a 17-95 h.p. special supercharged chassis with a 9ft. wheelbase. Models and prices are as follow :-17/85 h.p. —2-seater, £850; Chassis £650. 17/95 h.p. Supercharged, £1,275; 2 seater, £1,275; Sportsman’s coupe, £1,400; Chassis, £1,075. Brief specification : Engine : 6-cylinder (65 mm. x 88rnm. bore and stroke), .0.11.V. with twin camshafts ; coil and battery ignition; multiple plate clutch ; 4-speed gear-box with central change ; semi-elliptic springs all round with shock-absorbers. Roote’s type blower (on 17-95 h.p. model), mounted on front end of crankshaft.

ALV1S. In 1929 the Alvis car and Engineering Co., introduced. their “Silver Eagle” Sports model, and since its inception it has enjoyed a high degree of popularity. For the new season the ” Silver Eagle” has been still further improved, the principal modifications being a lowered chassis and a new type radiator. Automatic shutters controlled by a thermostat are fitted to the latter, and other special features include a special dual ignition system (consisting of a Polar inductor magneto and a high tension coil), and three carburettors with a mixture control from the steering wheel. Brief specification is as follows :—Engine.—16.95 hp. six cylinders, monobloc casting, 67.5 mm. bore x 100 rum. stroke-2148 c.c. capacity. Detachable head. Crankshaft of heat treated steel, balanced, with four bearings. Connecting rods have anti-friction bearings die cast into position. The pistons are of special aluminium alloy. Valves in head actuated by push rod mechanism. Gear Box.—Close ratio gear box providing four speeds forward and reverse. Right hand change, direct drive on top speed. Rear Axle.—Spiral bevel. Differential case is a steel drop

forging. Steering.—Of new pattern designed for easy, but definite steering with low pressure tyres. Springs.—Semielliptic front and rear. All springs enclosed in grease-filled leather gaiters, and are fitted with ” Silentbloc ” bearings. Chassis Price, £525.


Amilcars (Great Britain) Ltd., will market two models—the 9 h.p. 4-cylinder and their straight-eight 19.5 h.p. types. Specifications : 9 h.p. model :—engine : 4-cylinder cast integral with crankcase, side valves, Ricardo head, pressed steel connecting rods, magneto ignition, Solex carburettor, bore and stroke dimensions, 60 mm. x 110 mm. Clutch, multiple plate. Gearbox : 3-speed, central change.Springs : semi-elliptic in front, cantilever at rear. Price with sports saloon, £290. Straight-eight model.—engine : bore and stroke dimensions, 63 mm. x 80 mm. O.H.V. operated by single chain—driven overhead camshaft. Duralumin connect

ing rods, magneto ignition (Scintilla), Solex carburettor. Gearbox : 4-speeds, central change. Clutch : single plate, fabric lined. Springs : long semi elliptic all round. Prices—Chassis £425; Weymaim saloon 4555.

ASTON-MARTIN. The following are details of the AstonMartin 1931 models :—

li-litre 4-cylinder “International Sports” Chassis. Engine 69 inm. bore x 99 mm. stroke (Treasury rating 11.9 h.p.), overhead valves, combined th.ermosyphon and pump water circulation ; dry sump lubrication with two gear type pumps ; magneto ignition ; 2 carburettors; 4 forward speeds ; central change ; single disc dry plate clutch ; worm final drive ; internal expanding brakes on all four wheels ; 5, detachable wire wheels ;’ Dunlop 30 x 4.50 in, cord tyres ; wheelbase 8ft. 6in., track 4ft. 4in., ground clearance 71n. ; fitted with 12 volt dynamo lighting and electric starting set. Price, chassis complete with tyres, £518.

11-litre 4-cylinder ” International Sports” 4-seater car. Chassis details as above ; 2-door, 4-seater sports body, windscreen, 4-seater hood and detachable tonneau cover. Price, complete £598.

li-litre 4-cylinder Sportsman’s coupe. 2-door Sportsman’s coupe body with winding windows, window cowls, safety glass, ventilator, roof lights, folding and sliding front seats, luggage box, companions. Price, complete, £720.

AUSTIN. The Austin Motor Co. have already had their latest type sports” 7 “in production for some time. With its lowered chassis, long bonnet and modified springing it is an extremely attractive little vehicle, and moreover has a genuine sports car

performance, with a maximum speed of 80 m.p.h. (This car was described in MOTOR SPORT Of July last. —ED.) It can be had either with or without a supercharger. Prices: £185 (without supercharger), £225 (with supercharger).

acting shock absorbers of special design make up the suspension system. The lubrication of the chassis has received careful consideration, and a central lubrication system has been incorporated. The springs are encased in gaiters con


A 33 h.p. six-cylinder sports model figures amongst the new types of Ballot cars for 1931. It has a number of interesting features incorporated in the chassis layout, and a novel point in regard to the engine is the Nitralloy cylinder barrels. The bore and stroke dimensions are 95 mm x 110 mm. and the car is capable of a speed of 80-90 m.p.h. on the road. Chassis price, £1,000.


Among new models none will cause greater interest at the Show than the 8litre Bentley, the latest addition to that make’s range.

This car has a six cylinder engine of the overhead camshaft type, developed to such a remarkable degree in earlier Bentley models. It has the Bentley patented form of camshaft drive ensuring silent operation. The treasury rating is 44.9 horse power. Both crankshaft and camshaft are carried in eight bearings and both are fitted with vitration dampers. Bore 110 mm. and stroke 140 mm.

The four speed gearbox is of an entirely new type. The design of the box and arrangement of the bearings gives great rigidity and consequent quietness. Both engine and gearbox are mounted on rubber, insulating the chassis and body from vibration.

The back axle is now of the Hypoid spiral bevel type.

The chassis frame incorporates a number of large-diameter, tubuiar crossmembers and is suitable for the most luxurious type of closed coachwork.

This new model is built with the chassis frame down-swept from the front and rear axles towards the centre, thus making i t possible to construct coachwork giving ample headroom and yet having a low and fashionable roof line. This also ensures a low centre of gravity. Long semi-elliptic springs and double

fleeted up to metal dust covers totally enclosing the spring shackles which are in turn connected to the central lubrication system. This ensures the thorough lubrication of springs and shackles and their protection from mud. and road grit.

The equipment includes thermostatically controlled radiator shutters. The chassis price is £1,850.

The 4i-litre model, both supercharged and unsupercharged, and the 61-litre model, will continue to be listed. The specifications and prices of these models remain unchanged.

CROSSLEY. A two-litre sports saloon will be part of the Crossley 1931 programme. This model, has, of course, been in production for some time. Specification :—

Engine : 6-cylinder (65 mm. bore x 100 mm. stroke), 15.7 h.p. Push-rod operated 0.H.V., magneto ignition. Single-plate clutch, 4-speed gearbox with right-hand change. Semi-elliptic springs, front and rear, with shock absorbers. The car fully-equipped is capable of 75 m.p.h. Price £695.


Automobiles Delage will continue to market their D.8 chassis for the new season. Two special sports models will be available, each with extremely attractive bodies. The first is a 2/4 seater Chapson coupe, with cycle type wings, louvred valances, canvas fixed head and with chromium-plated head irons. The price is £1,075.

The second is also a 2/4 seater coupe designed on the most up-to-date Continental lines, with a deep sloping boot, enamelled leather head and chromium plated head irons. The price is £1,125.

FR A ZER-N ASH. A new type is to be added to the list of Frazer-iN ash cars. This will be a re

vised form of the former Legere model ; it will have a side-valve engine, and the chassis will be considerably lighter than those of the other types. Equipment and bodywork will also be less elaborate. It is understood that it will be priced at approximately £360, and a very fine road performance is promised.


No change has been made in the Hispano-Suiza range for next year, and the two sports models will be retained. These two are the same in general design, with the exception of the chassis length. The engine is a 45 h.p. six cylinder with O.H.V. operated by a single overhead chaindriven camshaft. The cylinder block is of aluminium and steel liners are inserted. Dual coil-and-battery ignition is incorporated in the design. The crankshaft is carried on seven large plain bearings, and profiting by their extensive aero engine experience, the makers have used Nitralloy steel extensively in the construction of the power unit. The chassis price of both long and short models is £1,950.


An entirely new sports model has been added to the Invicta programme. This has a 4i-litre engine similar to the standard type. The car is of exceptionally low build, the highest point of the body being but 31 t. 3ins. from the ground. The chassis frame is upswept in front, and underslung at the rear, and the whole is heavily cross-braced. A 4-seater “Le Mans” type body is fitted, and a large square-shaped tank of 18-gallons capacity is placed at the rear. An example of this new car will be at the forthcoming Show.


No change has been made in the IsottaFraschini programme, and the 44 h.p. eight-in-line chassis will be produced as before.

It can be had with a variety of bodywork in ordinary touring form, and as a sports or super-sports vehicle.

Specification. :—Engine : 8-cyl., O.H.V. (push rod operated), twin Zenith carburettors, special Bosch magneto-dynamo, nine bearing crankshaft ; clutch : multiple disc type ; gearbox : 3-speed, central change ; suspension : semi-elliptic and shock absorbers all round. Chassis prices : normal, £1,750 ; sports, ;£1,850 ; super shorts, £1,950.


In common with several other makes, Itala cars have not been altered for 1931. The specification of the” 65 “sports model is as follows :—engine : six-cylinder, 65 mm. bore x 100 mm. stroke, steel sleeve cylinder bores in aluminium block. 0.H.V. (twin overhead camshafts), coiland-battery ignition, single carburettor ; gearbox : 4-speeds, central change ; clutch : double plate ; suspension : halfelliptics and shock absorbers. Chassis price, 2940.

LAGOND A. The 1931 Lagonda range comprises the two-litre four-cylinder models (both super

charged and unsupercharged) and the six-cylinder three-litre type. The former is marketed as a speed tourer. a speed saloon, and as a “special.” The threelitre is offered in the form of a special tourer, a special four-light saloon, a special close-coupled saloon, and a sixlight saloon. Specifications :-2-litre,— engine : 4-cylinder, bore 72 mm. x 120 mm., 12.9 h.p., 0.H.V., five-bearing crankshaft, twin overhead camshafts, magneto ignition, twin carburettors ; clutch : single disc fabric-lined ; gearbox : 4-speeds, right-hand change ; suspension : half-elliptic all-round. Prices : chassis £555, speed tourer £720,” Special” £720, speed saloon £820. 3-litre.–engine : 6-cylinder, 72 min bore x 120 mm. stroke, 19.28 h.p., O.H.V. operated by push rods, 7-bearing crankshaft, magneto ignition, twin carburettors. Clutch: single-plate. Gearbox : 4-speeds, right-hand change. Suspension : halfeiiiptics and shock absorbers, front and

rear. Prices : chassis (special) £835, standard £775, long chassis £845, special tourer £1,000, four-light saloon £1,100, close-coupled saloon £1,100.

M AREND AZ-SPECIAL. The whole programme, of Marendaz cars is made up of sports models. There

will be three types, the 11-55 h.p., the 14-55 h.p. unsupercharged straight-eight and the 14-125 h.p. supercharged straighteight. 11-55 h. p.—engine : 4-cylinder, 69 mm. bore i 100 mm. stroke, side valves, detachable head, dry sump lubrication, oil radiator ; clutch : single plate ; gearbox : four-speeds ; hack-axle: fullfloating spiral-bevel type ; suspension : half eliiptics in front, cantilever at rear ; Rudge-Whitworth wheels ; Marks steering. Prices : chassis £425, 2-seater £495, 3/4-seater £525, sports coupe £550. 14-55 h.p. and 14-125 h.p. types—engine : stralgat-8, 52 mm. bore x 88 mm. stroke; gear oox : 4-speeds ; back axle : full

floating, spiral bevel type ; RudgeWhitworth wheels ; suspension : halfelliptic front, cantilever rear ; oil radiator; Marks The supercharged model has a guaranteed speed of 115 m.p.h. Chassis prices : unsupercharged £600, supercharged £750.

M.G. No great change will be made in for the new season. Minor improvements have been made in the Midget two-seater

bodywork and Triplex glass will be fitted as standard. Other innovations include an additional Midget two-seater, finished externally in black with red wheels.

The M.G. Midget Sportsman’s coupe will have a panelled body and cleaner roof lines. Exterior will be in black only with the standard M.G. upholstery colours.

All M.G. Six Sports Mark I models are being fitted with Dewandre servo brakes. Chromium plate and Triplex glass are also being included. This has necessitated the price being increased by £10. A new model has been added to the M.G. Six Mark I range. It is a compact

open sports four-seater, fabric covered in which everything has been kept as 1.ght as possible. It will be known as the ” Speed Model ” to distinguish it from the more sedate sports tourer which is of course, being retained in the range. The price is £525.

The M.G. Six Sports Mark It models remain unaltered in specification and price ; this range, however, will include a new de Luxe four-door saloon with the fashionable ” close-up ” wings, special interior furnishing, and a Pytchley sliding roof. The price is £699.


Preliminary details which have already been released of the new Mercedes have created great interest. This car is rated at 45-280 h.p., and is a supercharged straight-eight. The engine has a cubic capacity of 7.7 litres and gives off its maximum B.H.P. at 2,700 r.p.m. Other details are :—bore and stroke dimensions, 95 rum, x 135 mm. (cubic capacity 7655 c.c.). R.A.C. 44-75 h.p. 0.H.V., operated by push rods ; dual ignition ; special double carburettor with automatic accelerator pump ; gearbox : special Mercedes-. Benz-Maybach multiple-range, giving six speeds. The change is effected by the employment of the partial vacuum in the inlet manifold, controlled from the steering wheel. Low-built chassis, with frame upswept at both ends. Suspension : long semi-elliptic springs, with special damping device on front axle. V a.c u umservo 4-wheel brakes. The other Mercedes-Benz models will be continued. These are :—type 260 (21-60 h.p.-6 cyl.), type 460 (32-90 h.p. 8 cyl.), type 630a (24-100 h.p.-6 cyl.), type 630b (33-140 h.p.-6 cyl.), type K

(33-180 cyl.), type S.S. (38-250 h.p.-6 cyl.).

SCHNEIDER. The 13-55 h.p. Schneider has undergone certain minor alterations, and the latest type has an improved performance all round. The Le Mans sports model will be retained. Specification :—engine : 4cylinder. 72 mm. bore x 120 mm. stroke, push rod operated 0.H.V., magneto ig-nition, Zenith triple-diffuser carburettor ;. clutch : single plate ; gearbox : 4-speeds,

central change ; suspension : semi-elliptics and shock absorbers, front and rear. Price (with Le Mans 4-seater body), 2535.

SINGER. The Singer list includes two sports models—a two-seater mounted on a ” Super Six” chassis and the ” Porlock ” Sports Junior two-seater. Specifications : “Super Six “—engine : 6-cylinder, 65.5 nun. bore x 95 mm. stroke, 15.91 h.p., push-rod operated 0.H.V., 7-bearing crankshaft, battery-and-coil ignition, Solex carburettor ; clutch : single dry plate, gearbox : 4-speeds, right hand change ; suspension : half-elliptics and shock ab

sorbers all round. Junior “—engine : 4-cylinder, 56 mm, bore x 86 mm. stroke, 7.78 h.p., 0.H.V. operated by overhead camihaft, coil-and-battery ignition, Solex carburettor ; clutch : single dry plate ; gearbox : 4-speeds, central change; suspension : semi-elliptics and shock absorbers all round.


Although the Standard Motor Co. are not marketing a sports model themselves, the recently introduced ” Avon ” model (produced by the New Avon Body Co., Ltd.) will continue to be marketed, built into botlithe 9 and 16 h.p. chassis. Prices are as follow :-9 h.p. coupe 2280, 9 h.p. two-seater 2250, ” Ensign 6″ 16 h.p. coupe 2315, two-seater 2285.

TALBOT. Included in the Talbot 1931 programme will be two sports types—the “SeventyFive” and the “Ninety Speed” models. Specifications :—” Seventy-Five” chassis —engine : 6-cylinder, 69 mm. bore x 100 mm. stroke, 17.97 h.p., push-rod operated 0.H.V., 7-bearing crankshaft, coil-andbattery ignition, Zenith pump-type carburettor; clutch : single-disc type ; gearbox : twin-top, 4-speeds, right-hand change ; suspension : semi-elliptic in front, semi-cantilever at rear, and shock absorbers. Price (chassis) 2425. The “

Ninety” model is similar to the above, the chassis price being 2495.


Details of the Triumph range of” Super Sevens “for 1931 show that these small cars have undergone many interesting alterations. These are mainly in respect of the bodywork, the specification of the chassis remaining generally similar to that of the 1930 series.

The number of types has been reduced from eleven to seven, one of these, the sports ” Gnat ” being an entirely new production.

As in the past the engine has a capacity of 832 c.c., with a Treasury rating of 7.9 h.p. Lockheed hydraulic brakes once aga.n figure as an important item in the specification. Magneto ignition is employed on the four-seater tourers and on the new ” Gnat,” but the 2-4-seater de Luxe and the three saloons are equipped with coil ignition.

In the new model a standard Super Seven chassis is employed, but the engine is specially tuned. The body, which has very clean lines; is of the streamlined sports pattern. The spare wheel is stored inside the tail, which also houses the detachable hood when this is not in use. Cycle type wings with full valances are fitted. The price of the ” Gnat” is 2185.


An improved 10-25 h.p., a two-litre, the ” Meteor” model, and a new type, known as the ” Light Twenty,” make of the new season Rover range. Each is available as a Sportsman’s coupe. Chassis prices respectively : 2189, 2298, 2398 and 2358.

The engine of the new chassis is a sixcylinder of 72 mm. bore and 105 mm. stroke, its rated horse power being 19.3 ;’ in conjunction with the four-speed gearbox and the comparatively low weight of the car as a whole, this gives it a remarkable performance, together with reasonable economy.

The gear-box provides four speeds and is similar in design to that on the Meteor, with a silent third gear by the use of double helical pinions. This and the greater power available, enable a high back axle ratio to be employed, the actual gears being 4.7, 6.8, 9.95 and 17.7 to 1.

Apart from the engine, the chassis of the Light Twenty is very similar to that of the two-litre on which also, the ” silent third” four-speed gear-box is now standardised. Another improvement on the two-litre chassis is the incorporation of a positive pump instead of vacuum feed ior the carburettor from the ten gallon petrol tank at the rear.