

AMONG British firms exhibiting at the Paris Salon which opens to-morrow, October 2nd, are Rootes, Ltd., who as world exporters of Humber and Hillman cars are showing a representative selection of this year’s models.

Participation in Continental motor shows has for some years past been a feature of this concern’s campaign to popularise British .cars in European countries. And in addition to exhibiting at all the leading European motor shows, Rootes, Ltd., have built up an extensive sales and service organisation throughout the Continent.

The cars to be exhibited at this year’s Salon are a Humber Pullman limousine, two Humber “Snipes,” the saloon and the drop-head coupe, and the newly introduced Hillman Vortic eight-cylinder saloon. All of them have central gear-change and all are available with left-hand steer

ing as optional standard equipment—two features which will immediately appeal to the Continental buyer. These two makes are, in fact, the only British cars on which alternative right or left-hand steering has been standardised.

The improvements which have been incorporated in the 1931 range. of Humber cars will greatly add to their popularity on the Continent. Chief among these, of course, are an increase in engine power and engine silence, the fitting of thermostatically operated radiator shutters to all models, the stnndardisation of safety glass and an increase in the width and head-room of all saloon models.

The excellent performance and remarkable acceleration of the Snipe have already attracted much favourable notice on the Continent. This year’s version is definitely better than when the car was first introduced. The Hillman Vortic will in effect make

its bow to the public in Paris. With its powerful engine, its new four-speed gear box with silent third, its excellent performance in both top and third gear and its attractive body lines and smart beige colouring this new British car should appeal strongly to French motorists.

In addition to the models on view in the Salon itself, a Snipe saloon (with left-hand drive), and a Vortic saloon will be available outside. There will, too, be a large staff of expert linguists to deal with enquiries.