

THE programme of the M.G. Car Company for 1929 will include a range of models on three different chassis, two of which—the M.G. Sporting Six and the M.G. Midget Sports—are entirely new productions.

In the first place, the now well-known 14/40 M.G. Sports models, which have proved so successful in the past, will be continued with no alteration to their present specification and prices. Combining the looks and finish of a really high-class touring car with the ability to put up very high average speeds in safety and comfort, this is a production, at a very moderate price, which no sporting motorist can afford to overlook.

It is a car with exceptional acceleration and road holding, first class brakes and steering, and an ideal ” dual purpose ” engine. While 50 m.p.h. is a comfortable ” cruising speed and 30-40 m.p.h. may be maintained indefinitely on second gear on twisty hilly roads, it is nevertheless docile and sweet at walking pace on top gear, and has astonishing pulling power on hills.

The four-seater model is worthy of attention for its beauty of line and finish, and the comfort afforded by the comfortable bucket seats, adjustable controls and pneumatic leather upholstery. This four seater is available in either blue and silver or claret and silver, and other models comprise a two-seater on similar lines and finish, a charming coachbuilt Salonette, in a range of -Attractive duotone finishes, and a genuine Gordon England four-door Fabric Saloon, which, being no heavier than the open models, combines the comforts of a saloon with the liveliness of an open sports car. Cellulose paintwork is naturally standardised in a production of this quality, while the prices are very moderate :—Two-seater, 035 ; four-seater, f340 ; coach

built Salonette, ; Gordon England Fabric Saloon, ;6445.

Probably themost interesting M.G. is the new Sporting Six chassis. It is remarkable that while there is nothing freakish or unusual in the design, which is based on well tried and up-to-date principles, it shows, nevertheless, a number of features which have probably never been combined in one chassis before, and certainly never at anything like the price. The chassis frame is exceptionally sturdy, rigidity being its keynote itness the cross members!), and is

upswept front and rear to provide a really low line and consequent safe road holding. Very long flat halfelliptic springs ensure comfort at all speeds, and one little point well worth noticing is the anchoring of the front springs at their rear ends (shackles forward) to minimise the effect of road shocks on steering and braking.

The power unit is a work of art—six cylinders for smooth running and acceleration, -overhead camshaft and inclined valves for high efficiency, two carburettors for even distribution and maximum power output, cork inset multi-plate clutch with automatic lubrication for sweetness and long life, close ratio gear box to utilise to the best all that the engine can give—a design which cannot fail to satisfy the most critical of modern owners.

Well worth noting are the various tanks—eleven gallons of petrol carried aft and fed to the carburettors by automatic electric pumps, and in the dash, two gallons of petrol as reserve, and a gallon of engine oil— no messy filling up of the sump at the roadside, just a turn of the tap when necessary, and the oil level is restored to the ” full ” mark in a few moments.

Mounted on this remarkable chassis will be four different body types ; a two-seater at 080 and a fourdoor tourer at 085, both with the excellence of finish and comfort already associated with the 14/40 models ; a two-door four-seater Sportsman’s Saloon at f,545, and a four-door Saloon at -1’555.

The M.G. Sporting Six is undoubtedly an ideal car for the enthusiastic sporting motorist.

Last, but by no means least, is the baby of the family, the new M.G. Midget Sports. Here, at last, is the real big sports car in miniature, a car With a real performance, at little more than motor cycle cost.

It has a frame, upswept fore and aft with long flat semi-elliptic springs, a modern high efficiency overhead camshaft engine, sound four-wheel brakes, and a low lithe body with leg and elbow room for the tallest.

A little gem of a car, fit to take two people and their luggage anywhere, happy as could be at 40-50 m.p.h., -capable of its mile a minute and doing it all on an 4,;8 tax and 40-50 Miles per gallon of petrol. Complete with spare wheel, instruments, tools, and everything, it sells at Only 075.