

THE closing meeting of the B.A.R.C. produced some very good racing, of which the outstanding feature was the performance of J. P. Parry Thomas, who at the wheel of his Leyland-Thomas created a new record for the fastest race ever run on the track, and for the fastest standing lap.

Notwithstanding the excellent programme, the meeting did not draw anything like the expected crowd, and from the attendance it would appear that there is room for a ” Brighter Brooklands ” movement.

The Forty-First 75 m.p.h Short Handicap.

The first car to get away was a 7 h.p. Fiat driven by E. Longden, which with a start of 1 m. 38secs. held his lead for three parts of a lap when he was overtaken by A. Whale on his ancient single seater Calthorpe. At the end of the first lap the latter held a good lead, being followed by the little Fiat, a four-seater Alvis piloted by J. W. Warner, J. Taylor’s Bugatti, and Captain A. Whaite on his speedy Austin Seven.

In spite of the fact that Taylor’s Bugatti and Gillow’s Riley were at the top of their form, Whale managed to show a clean pair of heels, and though challenged strongly by the two last-named cars when nearing the finishing line, gained a well deserved victory at an average speed of 77.61 m.p.h.

The Fifty-First 100 m.p.h. Short Handicap.

Nine starters lined up for this race, with J. G. P. Thomas (Leyland-Thomas) scratch. Profiting by their starts, E. L. Meeson (30-98 Vauxhall) and E. Poppe on his much improved Rover found themselves very well matched, and indulged in an exciting little tussle. At the end of the first lap the Rover was leading, the Vauxhall and two Bugattis following closely. When on the Byfieet banking on the second lap Meeson brought his car along at a very fast pace, and overtook Poppe, increasing his lead to six lengths when the fork was reached. Staniland (Bugatti), Newman (3-Litre Austro

Daimler) and Densham (Bugatti) following in the order named, with Thomas bringing up the rear in his characteristic style, but as so often happens his handicap proved too great. Meeson maintained a comfortable lead and beat the Rover by 40 yards, Stanlland (Bugatti) running into the third place. Meeson’s speed on the Vauxhall was 95.13 m.p.h.

The Twenty-Sixth 90 m.p.h. Short Handicap.

J. G. P. Thomas fulfilled the role of scratch man competing in the race at the wheel of Mr. F. L. Rapson’s Lanchester. At the end of the first lap Captain A. Waite was leading on his Austen Seven, followed by G. N. Norris (Lea-Francis), J. Taylor (Bugatti), A. B. Elford (Amilcar), and Capt. Campbell (Bugatti). Capt. Campbell’s Bugatti has a new type of front axle guided locomotive type blocks and with cantilever front springs, a modification which appears to improve the track holding abilities of the car. On entering the railway straight Waite was still leading, but Taylor had beaten Norris for the second place, and eventually won by 15 yards from Poppe. The winner’s speed averaged 89.44m. p.h.

The Thirty-Sixth Lightening Short Hanicap.

This race only attracted four starters, who were George Newman (Austro-Daimler), 38 secs., J. D. Barclay (T. T. Vauxhall), 30 secs., Kaye Don (Sunbeam), 24 secs., and J. G. P. Thomas (Leyland Thomas), scratch. At first it appeared that Newman would be able to win as for nearly two laps he led from Barclay and Kaye Don, but shortly the latter took the lead until Thomas, who had been watching his opportunity, streaked down from the banking and won by 10 yards from Kaye Don at115.97 m.p.h.

The Forty-First 75 m.p.h. Long Handicap.

As fifteen competitors lined up for this event the spectators were treated to a prolonged sorting out

process, but at the end of the first lap J. W. Warner (Alvis) was running well ahead on the field, with G. Duller (Austin Seven), R. F. Oats (0.M.), A. E. Whale (Calthorpe), and Capt. A. J. Miller (Wolseley) following in a close bunch. The cars were still in close company when the fork was passed for the second time, when Duller was leading from Oats and Vernon Balls’ Amilcar. On reaching the railway straight a ding-dong battle ensued between Duller and Balls, and the last-named worked into first place when Purdy on his Bugatti swept through the field, followed by E. Poppe and a bunch of eight other competitors. At this stage Purdy’s speed enabled him to run home a good winner at 96.41 m.p.h., with Poppe (Rover) and G. N. Norris (Lea-Francis) second and third respectively.

The Fiftieth 100 m.p.h. Long Handicap.

V. L. Meeson (Vauxhall) soon established a good lead from a field of seven, and at the end of the second lap had maintained his position, followed by J. G. P. Thomas (Lanchester), Barclay (T. T. Vauxhall), Malcolm Campbell (Bugatti), and F. C. Clement (Bentley). Meeson maintained his lead throughout, but when passing the fork for the last time Barclay overhauled Thomas, who eased up and finished a very bad third. The winner’s speed was 96.37 m.p.h.

The Twenty-Sixth 90 m.p.h. Long Handicap.

G. Duller on a Super-charged Austin Seven was allowed one minute 13 seconds start, and at the end of the second held a good lead from G. N. Norris (LeaFrancis), E. K. Rayson (Bugatti), J. Taylor and H. W. Purdy on similar machines, E. L. Meeson (Vauxhall) and J. G. P. Thomas (Lanchester). As the race drew to a close puller was still leading, but Norris was gradually reducing the distance between them, whilst Purdy and Meeson were well in the running. Tyre trouble spoiled the chances of both Duller and Meeson, leaving Purdy to win at an average speed of 97.31 m.p.h.

The Thirty-Sixth Lightening Long Handicap.

This, the last event of the B.A. R.C. season, was most interesting in that J. G. P. Thomas added further records to his credit. At the end of the first lap F. C. Clement was leading on his Bentley, closely followed by Capt. Campbell on his Bugatti, and Kaye Don (Wolseley Viper). J. D. Barclay drove his T. T. Vauxhall at great speed while Thomas was gradually reducing the distance between his car and the other competitors. Then Capt. Campbell, who was in excellent form, took the lead, and for a time was in front by practically the whole length of the railway straight. Thomas then swept through the rest of the field and started in pursuit of the leader, whom he overtook and won the race by forty yards, Barclay being third a quarter of a mile behind.

Thomas’s average speed worked out at 121.20 m.p.h, which is a record speed for any race on the track. He also established a new record for a standing lap at 110.19 m.p.h., and during the race he was officially timed to lap at 127.70 m.p.h.