Reliability Trial for Anderson Cup.


Reliability Trial for Anderson Cup.

The above Club held one of their most exacting trials over a distance of 16o miles by Spennymoor, Bishop Auckland, Barnard Castle, Kirkby Stephen, Shap, Alston, Stanhope, Shotley Bridge and home again. Checks were taken on the hill from Penrith to Alston and at the top of Crawley Side, these really being in the nature of observed hills. There was a good turnout, and the weather conditions were all that could be desired.

At the first check at Barnard Castle, seven of the competitors lost a few marks, but the run up to then had been exceptionally keen. At the second check at Kirkby Stephen, there were nine competitors who did not lose a mark, and the highest out was 38 seconds. Here, the officials and competitors had lunch at the ” Black Bull,” about thirty sitting down, there being an allowance of one hour.

At the final check there were five competitors right on time ; and from the provisional results which have been taken out, it appears that Mr. Percy with his ” Morris Cowley “will take the Cup and the first prize, with a loss of two marks. Mr. Reavely with his ” Alyis ” second, with a loss of 24 marks ; and Mr. A. Jennings with his ” Darracq ” third, with a loss of 30 ; and Mr. A. Wright, fourth, with his ” Morris Cowley,” with a loss of 73.

These results are subject to confirmation by the Sports’ Committee.