Round the Clubs, October 1925


Round the Clubs


The second part of the season was inaugurated with a social rim on Sunday, September 6th. The destination was Clacton-on-Sea ; and the participants met at the Alexandra Palace at 10.30 a.m. At Enfield more members joined the party, which proceeded by way of Epping and Chelmsford to a secluded spot a few miles before Colchester, where a picnic lunch was taken. This was no sooner over, however, than heavy rain set in, and as all present were unanimous in deciding that a seaside resort on a wet day is most unattractive, Braintree became the next port of call. Tea was taken at the White Hart Hotel.

The return journey, via Bishops Stortford and Ware, was accomplished under very pleasant conditions. An excellent supper at the Red Lion, Hatfield, terminated a very enjoyable event.

Hon. Secretary, A. W. Day, “Claremont,” Ballards Lane, Finchley, N.3.


The ninth event of a very enthusiastic season was run off on Saturday, September 5th ; and in spite of very heavy rain, there was a good field at the start. The start was at Nothcote Cross, and the route led to a ” twiddly bit” near Claypitts Hill, the first observed point. Winding lanes led from there to the next point, Vale Cottage Rise, near Cotleigh. A little main road and some difficult lanes brought the competitors to the cream of the course—Tricombe Track. This led back over Marlpitts Hill to the start, and the circuit was again covered, each circuit being about 20 miles. The continuous rain made the second circuit very heavy going, and clean climbs made on the first circuit were not in many cases repeated. On the first run up Vale Cottage Rise, J. Hann (Panther) made a clean climb and took things very comfortably ; but Eddy (Velocette) was not, and did not look very happy ; C. Lake, on a similar machine, very much wanted to foot, but did not ; F. Fitch (Panther) was quite at ease ; Steele Perkins (A. J.S.) was speedy and confident ; V. Ellis (Enfield) steady but sure ; F. Sutton, on a sister machine, slightly faster ; R. Fitch (New Gerrard) rather highly geared, but climbed without hesitation ; J. Tweed (B.S.A.) a perfect climb ; Ashmole and Stickland, on Scotts, came up almost together and in a perfectly finished manner ; F. Knill, on his Raleigh, chose the side left by others ; F. Spence found the gradient too much for his little Coventry Eagle, and stopped ; as also did W. Nicholls (Riccy) and Tompkins (Zenith) ; D. McNeil (A. J.S.) and W. Payne (Sunbeam) each put one foot down. Quite a crowd of spectators assembled at Tricombe to watch the fun, which was fast and furious. Clean climbs on both circuits were made by Eddy, F. Fitch, F. Knill, and Steele Perkins who was very fast on the second circuit. On the first circuit, Hann, C. Lake, McNeil, R. Fitch, A. Ashmole, R. Stickland, W. Nichols, and Tompkins all stopped. Tweed went up well the first time but failed on the second circuit, while C. Lake reversed this performance. V. Ellis made a splendid climb the second time, while McNeil did better although footing heavily. At the checks many were rather behind time, and there were five retirements at the end of the first circuit mainly through water in vital parts. Messrs. Kirton and Davies deputed as two of the four observers at this point acted as ” shovers ” for the unlucky, and had a busy and exciting time. The results are as follows :


F. Fitch.


R. Stickland. THE VELOCE CUP, for the best Performance by any Machine

under 350 C.C.

J. Eddy.


J. Hann, A. Ashmole, C. Lake, and D. McNeil.


The 200 mile trial of the Newcastle and District Motor Club proved to be more arduous than anticipated, for the third-class roads included developed into real Colonial rough-stuff and dry-skids were frequent. There were several spills, but none of a serious character. The principal awards were as follow :— TRIUMPH CuP (WON OUTRIGHT) FOR BEST PERFORMANCE BY SOLO MACHINE.—J. Joynson (N.U.T.), error 3 secs. ENAMELLED GOLD MEDAL FOR THE BEST CAR PERFORMANCE.—

J. E. Reed (zo h.p. Arid).

TEAM PRIZE.—G. Raper (Lagonda car), J. Bainbridge (A.C. car), J. E. Reed (Arid l car).

FIRST-CLASS AWARDS.—G. Raper, Lagonda car ; T. Storey, New Gerrard; N. Howard, New Gerrard; E. Richardson, 0.8.; C. R. Sanderson, B.S.A.; C. Spark, B.S.A.; J. Handley, N.U.T.; P. Crozier, James ; J. Wray, Norton ; C. Hut, Zenith ; T. R. Williamson, James ; R. D. Foster, Raleigh ; R. Ripley, A.J.S.; P. L. Spear, Sunbeam ; B. Ferguson-Tree, B.S.A. sidecar ; A. Franklin, Norton ; R. Wylie, Matchless ; R. Taylor, Scott ; G. S. Mordue, Rover ; T. C. Wood, Francis-Barnett ; J. E. Reed, Ariel ; J. Robson, Norton ; J. B. Bainbridge, A.C. car.


A reliability trial promoted by the Durham and District Motor Club was decided recently over the Durham—Whitby course, a distance of nearly 130 miles, the trophy being a solid silver cup, which hq.s just been presented to the club. The tour, including long stretches of moorland tracks with innumerable gates on the fells, was from Durham by Thorpe, Thewles, Stockton, Gisborough, Hutton, Commondale, Dalehouse, and Roxby. For the return journey the competitors travelled via Sandsend, Hinderwell, Staithes, Bank Brow top, Loftus, Brotton, Saltbum, Lazenby, Stockton, Sedgefield, and home. Several failed to cover the whole of the course, and thus lost valuable points, which completely spoilt their chances. The speed fixed was 20 miles per hour. Subject to confirmation by the Com

mittee, the prizes were awarded as follow Harry Proctor ; 2, W. Remington ; 3, Will. Driver.

Officials who checked the course were : Mr. Bert Neil (trial secretary), Mr. Charles Burdon (club secretary), Mr. R. S. Metcalfe, Mr. H. Crowe, Mr. Walter Driver, Mr. R. Chapman, Mr. H. Carter, and Mr. Frank Smith.


Congratulations to Sub.-Lieut. H. G. Dobbs, R.N., who won the Amateur T. T. His record win was all the


more sporting as he rode with a loose saddle. It is interesting to note that Dobbs, who joined the Club while at the R.E.N.C., Devonport, received his sublieutenancy the day before the race.

The West of England Club are holding a half-day sporting trial on October loth, and it is hoped to attract a large entry. Particulars may be obtained from the Hon. Secretary, L. W. Pearse, St. Brelades, Cheddon Road, Taunton.


Acting on the suggestion of the R.A.C., the Taunton Club organised a most successful Children’s Outing. Fifty cars, several motor-cycles and sidecars and three large charabancs were kindly lent by members and friends, and 300 school children were taken for a very delightful half-day trip. Starting from Taunton at 2 p.m., the route was taken through Williton, St. Audries and Kilve to Nether Stowey. Here the cars, etc. were parked in the cricket

field kindly lent for the occasion, and various games and competitions were organised and enjoyed equally by adults and children. Not the least amusing sight was the antics of several elderly car drivers who had become involved in a ” pick-up ” soccer match.

After an hour or so, which seemed all too short, the bell was sounded, and it was with a hearty appetite that the 300 kiddies enjoyed a liberal picnic tea.

A further hour’s frolic, and the signal was given to embark for home. Before leaving, the Mayor of Taunton made a brief but happy speech, and with cheers for the Club and counter-cheers for the Mayor, the party moved off in high spirits, not before, however, each child had been given a “lucky bag,” without which, no outing would be complete. Taunton was reached at 8.15 p.m., and it is noteworthy that both the outward and homeward journeys were completed without a single mishap of any kind. So successful;was the Taunton Club’s first effort, that it has been decided to make it an annual, or possibly a

biannual event, when arrangements will be made to take 600-700 children.


Some five thousand spectators gathered to witness the motor cycling speed trials organised by the above club recently ; the events being run off on the fine stretch of sands at Seaton Carew. The course left much to be desired, but some excellent sport was seen during the afternoon.

C. Poole won the Flying Kilometre (Solo 250 c.c.) on his 2.49 B.S.A. in 54.54 secs. ; the L000 c.c. class going to Denny on a 4.94 Douglas at 73 m.p.h.; the fastest time of the day. G. Reynard (Royal Enfield) delighted the spectators with some excellent riding in the 6 miles solo race, which he won easily.

The Hodgkin’s Bowl for the fastest average time by amateurs went to J. W. Jennings (4.98 Scott), and F. Reynard won the North Eastern Automobile Challenge Bowl.


The ‘, Bloater ” Trial.

There were 46 motor-cycle, seven car entries and eleven teams nominated for the first London—Yarmouth-London Bloater Trial, which started from the Alexandra Palace.

The course consisted of main roads, except for a combined mud and water splash near Much Hadham, a sticky section which also boasted a mud splash after Sudbury on the outward journey and some lanes in the neighbourhood of Welwyn which were covered after dark on the homeward trip. Incidentally, the method adopted by the organisers of having a light shining on each arrow must be considered little short of ideal, and no one reported having lost the way. The timing was carried out at the start and finish by W. H. Wells, Esq., and at Yarmouth by E. A. Bridgeman, Esq. Members of the Bury St. Edmunds M.C. & L.C.C. and the Wymondham M.C. officiated at Bury St. Edmunds and Thetford, respectively. The arrangements at Yarmouth were in the hands of C. E. Bartlett, Esq., and the Police Force and Boy Scouts of that town rendered great assistance. The ladies who tied bloaters on each machine deserve special mention and profuse thanks for not insisting upon tying these preliminary trophies on the handlebars or windscreens.

As far as can be ascertained at present, the following competitors are debited with stops in the non-stop sections :—H. A. Clarke (249, B.S.A.) ; J. A. Blackside (349, A. J.S.), who stopped accidentally ; F. W. Fowles (986, Matchless Sc.), tyre trouble. A. H. Davies (976, Zenith Sc.), lost his hat and stopped to retrieve the said garment. R. H. Hay-Will (349, A. J.S.), had to re-light his lamp on the home non-stop section. R. R. T. Bowen (346, New Hudson), stopped three miles from the finish with engine trouble, probably caused by the oil pump going out of order. After a great deal of R. & P. he arrived at the finish, very late and utterly exhausted. C. G. Robinson (492, Sunbeam), was more fortunate in meeting his troubles outside the non-stop sections in the shape of a horseshoe complete with nails which jammed the front wheel.

There were four retirements. K. M. Hurst (248, Raleigh), was not seen after the first 50 miles. H. A. Farmer (550, Triumph), retired at Sudbury with backwheel trouble. M. C. Perret (349, B.S.A.) deeply engrossed in route card study and speedometric calculations ran into a cart at Norwich, putting his machine hors-de-combat, and H. A. Davies was last seen effecting repairs 3 miles after leaving Yarmouth.

A secret check was taken on each journey, and Messrs. no, the gentlemen who did the dirty work will not

be given away, lest the competitors suffice it to say that the job was done ” dans toutes les regles de l’art.”

The organisers, in running a long distance trial in the South-Eastern Counties, adopted the motto of the North London M.C.C. “To foster and encourage the sport of motor-cycling,” and judging from the public interest taken in last Saturday’s event they have been very successful. It is to be hoped that the Bloater Trial will become one of the annual classics.


On September 6th the fifth annual reliability trial of the South-Western Centre of the J.C.C., starting from Southampton, attracted 37 starters, the route including a run to Salisbury, Taunton and Minehead, in which three secret checks took place. After a halt for lunch at Minehead, the competitors were sent off at three minute intervals to reduce chances of baulking on the hilly section, which included the ascent of Porlock, Lynton and Beggars Roost. The former was in fairly good condition, but accounted for three failures, namely Alan Hill (Rhode), E. R. Goffe (G.W.K.) and G. Simms (Austin Seven). Lynton, Hill, though in a greasy condition, was surmounted by all the competitors, though Macdonald (Alvis) failed to make a clean ascent. As usual, Beggars Roost extracted a heavy toll from the competitors, the twelve failures including a Trojan, a Lea-Francis, two Clynos, two Lagondas, two Austin Sevens, a Frazer-Nash, an A.C., an Amilcar and a Riley. At the conclusion of the trial, the members of the Club adjourned to the Rougemont Hotel, where a dinner was followed by an impromptu dance. The following checked in at the end of the trial :

W. H. Oates, F. King, H. N. Edwards, W. T. Edis (Lagonda), V. G. Walsgrove, J. Havers, C. R. Whitcroft, R. H. Cooper, E. R. H. Hill (Riley), A. G. Williams (Lea-Francis), E. J. Sleep, I. Macdonald (Alvis), C. Allison (Horstman), G. N. Norris, S. D. Marr, A. A. Mauleverer (Lea-Francis), B. Alan Hill (Rhode), V. 0. Wiles, Lilian M. Roper (A.C.), C. I,. Clayton (Amilcar), G. Hendy, G. Simms (Austin 7), E. Hancock, E. Hillary, H. J. Aldington, E. Veendam (Frazer-Nash), W. M. Holbeach, J. S. Gorst (Salmson), D. L. Underwood, H. W. White, H. G. Dixon (Clyno), J. Young (Standard), W. Rawlins (Alvis).


Result of Fisher Cup Trial :—

/st.-11. V. Shuttleworth (31Sunbeam).

2nd.—J. Lennox (3f Ricardo Triumph).

3rd.—H. 011iverson (Sahnson Car). A Northern Centre Reliability Trial open to all

Clubs in this Centre will be run on October 4th for the President’s (A. J. Miles) Trophy.

Hon. Secretary, W. V. Singleton, 144, Sutherland Street, Barrow-in Furness.


Heavy rain fell almost incessantly during the recent meeting of the above Club at Druridge Bay, Widdrington, with the result that the times recorded were slow, and the competitors were faced with great difficulties in the various events. The following are the results of the meeting : SOLO MOTOR-CYCLE, 175 C.C., za MILES SCRATCH RACE.—I,

H. G. Hicks (If Francis Barnett) ; 2, H. Gill Ajax).

Sou), 250 C.C. tof mmus SCRATCH RACE.—I, Hugh Mason (2f Henley) ; 2, H. S. Thompson (2f Velocette) ; 3, Davison Hall (2f Rex Acme).

SIDECAR, 500 C.C., 6+ MILES SCRATCH RACE.—I, H. L. Young (21 A.J .5.).



CARS, 6i limns SCRATCH RACE UP TO i,600 c.c.—I, J. Glenton Friars (10.8 Clyno) ; 2, Jasper Spencer (i1.9 Calthorpe) ; 3, E. J. Moore Oro Frazer Nash).

CARS, 6i MILES SCRATCH RACE, UNLIMITED C.C.—I, C. G. Cathie (11.9 Star) ; 2, J. Glenton Friars (io.$ Clyno) ; 3, Jasper Spencer (1 .9 Calthorpe).


Extract from Minutes of Meeting held at Headquarters on Tuesday, September 1st, 1925. Winter Programme.—The Meeting were asked for

suggestions with respect to the winter programme. It was decided that we should endeavour to arrange a lecture for the next Monthly Meeting on the Magneto and Ignition. usual Bohemian Concert to take place for the

presentation of the prizes, and the first Whist Drive to be held at the ” Cottage,” taking the full suite, and to form future arrangements in accordance with the attendance present at that function.

A letter was read asking for the opinion of the Club with respect to Newspaper Proprietors promoting competitions, and it was agreed that no opinion be expressed, and the letter be allowed to lie on the table.

R.A .C.—Correspondence was read from the R.A.C. with respect to Children’s Day, and after considerable discussion it was arranged that the Secretary should write, pointing out what the Club already did in the City on their own, but that they would still be prepared to organise, with the assistance of other Clubs in the

district, any outing for the benefit of the poor children, provided the day was altered to earlier in the Season, so that the full benefit could be got out of the day when the nights were long.