
The historical exhibit of motor cycles which the Auto-Cycle Union is arranging for the forthcoming Motor Cycle Show, is now almost complete. So far, twelve solo machines and five three-wheelers have been offered and accepted, whilst in addition a number of interesting photographs of early sporting events have been secured. The majority of the exhibits date back to between 1900 and 1903, and many of them were in being before the days of taxation and registration. Practically all are devoid of spring forks and other modern luxuries, although, as many of the machines are still in commission, certain improvements have

been incorporated from time to time by successive owners.

The types of machine that have been got together cover a wide range and include single, two and fourcylinder models. The three-wheelers are mainly of the tricycle variety, but one or two sidecars of very early design and manufacture have been obtained, and it is also hoped to include a trailer. Although great efforts have been made to discover a steam-driven motor cycle, the A.C.U. has, so far, been unable to obtain one. A number of such machines were in existence before the war, and the A.C.U. would be very glad to hear from the owner of any such machine.