Round the Clubs, October 1924



Considering the short time it has been in existence, this Club has already achieved much and looks like attaining to much greater heights in the near future. Already there are 50 members affiliated to the A.C.U., and 20 associate members.

The winter season is being enlivened by occasional dances, and those which have been held up to now have been very successful indeed. Members are looking forward to the others.

Like a good many other London Clubs, Kilburn participated in the ” Children’s Holiday” on Sunday, 21st September, and the Secretary wishes to thank the Captain, Mr. M. S. V. Keen, and the Treasurer, Mr.W. R. Roddwell, also the Gipsy Club and the many unknown helpers who ” arrived—helped—vanished !

Amongst several interesting items on this Club’s programme the following may be mentioned :—Thursday, 23rd in:A., a night trial ; Thursday, 6th November, a whist drive ; Thursday, 13th November, a winter trial ; Sunday, i6th November, Secretary’s run ; Thursday; 20th November, invitation dance.

The Hon. Secretary is Mr. G. W. Langford, 13, Regent’s Park Road, .London, N.W. 1.


This Club held a successful reliability trial last month. Entrants had to run from Newcastle to Berwick, approximately 63 miles, and return thence to the Fourth Mile Post, Gosforth, a further 59 miles, being 122 miles in all. Checks were made on the outward journey at Morpeth, Alnwick and Berwick, at which town luncheon was provided at the King’s Head Hotel. On the return journey the checks were at Alnwick, and the final check at the terminus ; two secret checks were arranged between the Fourth Mile Post and the final check.

The prizes offered were given by the President of the Club, Mr. J. T. Morrison. The first was two guineas, the second, one guinea, and the third, half-a-guinea. In addition to these, silver medals were awarded to all those who finished within 30 secs., and bronze medals to those finishing within 6o secs. of the schedule time. The trial was carefully organised, in the absence of the General and Sports Secretary, by Mr. G. C. Urwin, the Hon. Treasurer, and the outstanding feature was simplicity. Every competitor was afforded the opportunity to have his watch synchronized at the controls, so that any necessary adjustment or allowance could be made when arriving at the results. The popularity of these features may be judged by the fact that although there has been good reason for complaint as regards attendance at former events, on this particular occasion

there was a large turn out of members and the day was a most successful one.

In addition to the prizes already enumerated, Mrs. Morrison gave one to the member who made the best performance in the secret checks.

The results were : N. Moore and G. C. Urwin tied and took first and second prizes between them ; the third prize went to R. Cook. Bronze medals were awarded to J. W. Jennings and E. Willan. The special prize went to N. Moore.

In order to keep members together and maintain their interest in the Club throughout the winter season, a series of whist drives, dances and concerts are being arranged. The first of these—a whist drive—took place on the 9th of this month. It was held at the ” Cottage” and a very pleasant and enjoyable evening was spent.

On November 21st the Annual Concert and Presentation of Prizes will take place. The Secretary would be glad if those members holding Club trophies will kindly arrange to let him have them before the 7th November, so that he can get them cleaned and prepared for presentation to the new holders.

It is hoped that members will combine to endeavour to make the winter season programme as pleasant and successful as it was last year.

The Hon. Secretary is Mr. E. Willan, 44, Grey Street, Newcastle.


One of the most interesting events of the year was undoubtedly the Liverpool Motor Club’s Annual twentyfour hours run from Liverpool to Edinburgh and back. This year a long course of 426 miles had to be covered in the day. The outward open checks were taken at Garstang, Ambleside, Carlisle, Moffat and Edinburgh, and were mostly encountered in darkness. Ambleside was made the rendezvous for supper, and a stop was made for that purpose. The first man to encounter trouble was H. E. Ledsome, riding a 4 h.p. Triumph and sidecar. He had the misfortune to puncture his back tyre. Captain Brown Bowley was late at the first check, with an air lock in his petrol pipes. Apparently this trouble persisted, for he had eventually to retire just beyond Carlisle. Two A. J. S. riders, ‘I’. Ashworth and P. Knight, both on

h.p. machines, had the misfortune to collide, and Ashworth took rather a nasty toss. He resumed, however, but ultimately had to retire as the result of injuries received in this accident : he had covered another no miles. Knight carried on to the end, as in his case, apparently, neither man nor machine had taken any serious damage.

D. T. Bruce, H. Matthieu and E. W. Maeready failed to reach Ambleside. Watson-Bourne rode over 18 miles on a flat rear tyre, and had no sooner rectified this than the front one burst. That concluded his effort.

Amongst the best performers of the day must be reckoned those of the Clynos, but Capt. Gray’s Io.8 h.p. Rhode, C. Guthrie’s ri.o h.p. Riley and Capt. Brittain’s 10.6 h.p. B.S.A., the famous Snowdon Ranger, were also doing very well. Amongst the motor cycles, Miss Cottle, Hugh Gibson, H. Hesketh on Raleighs had non-stop runs, while F. R. Marston on a 21 h.p. A.J.S. alFo did well.


This Club ran its annual Team Trial on the 31st August and on this occasion made Grasmere the objec

tive. A very successful day out resulted, there being no fewer than 36 entries. The Hemingway Trophy and gold medals went to the J. H. Holmes Team, consisting of Mr. Holmes on a 15.6 h.p. Durant, and Mr. W. Livingston on a 3/ h.p. Scott Solo, the total error of this team was 25.

In the Solo class the Palmer Trophy with Gold Medals was awarded to C, Thackra.y on a Triumph, his error being ro. The second prize went to W. Livingston on a 3/ h.p, Scott, with an ‘error of 12, and the third to J. D. Lupton on a 2 h.p. B.S.A., his error being 15. In the Sidecar class, L. Marshall on a 7-9 h.p. Indian and sidecar won the Olai Trophy and Gold Medal, with an error of 15, W. Bradley being second on his 2/h.p. Raleigh and sidecar. J. S. Duxbury was third on a Scott and sidecar. Both second and third made errors equivalent to 15 points,

The A. K. Dawson Trophy and Gold Medal was awarded : first, J. H. Holmes on a 15.6 Durant, with an error of 13; second, B. Walker on a 11.9 Galloway, with an error of 29 ; third, A. Outtersides on a 7 h.p. Austin, also with an error of 29.

On the 21st September a handicap and reliability trial was organised in competition for the President’s (F. Waite, Esq.) cup. The route embraced Skipton, Grassington, Poleley Bridge, Harrogate, Boroughbridge, Weatherby and Otley. The winner was B. Walker on an 11.9 Galloway, the second, A. L. Dawson on an 11.9 Cowley, and the third, J. D. Lupton on a 2i h.p. B.S.A. Perhaps the most interesting event of the past month, so far as this Club is concerned, was the Colonial or rough-riding trial, which took place on Sunday, 28th September, over a section of the Scott trial course, among the Yorkshire Dales. The start and finish were at Stonehouse, and the Winner was C. H. Wood, of Bradford, riding a h.p. Scott. He gained 30 points at the Hills and water splashes, but lost two on time, his net total being 28. The second place was gained by W. H. Clough, of Baildon, on a 3i h.p. Scott, and the third by C. Thackray, of Ilkley, on a 34h.p. Triumph. Saturday, 4th October, had been set apart as Children’s Day, and on that occasion no fewer than 150 Poor children of the district were given a treat, which took the form of a 50 mile run into the country, followed by a substantial tea and a visit to a local cinema. About

fifty vehicles turned out and a most enjoyable time was spent. Presents of balloons, chocolates, fancy hats, squeakers, and so on, were given to each child. The outing was a complete success and was organised in conjunction with the A.C.U. Children’s Day.

Teams organised by this Club have been very successful during the past month in events run by other clubs. The Ilkley No. r and No. 2 teams tied for the Haggas Shield and the Yorkshire Centre Team Championship, while the winning trade team in the Scott Trial were all members of the Ilkley Club, namely, W. Clough, J. S. Duxbury and E. Mainwaring. The best performance was made by W. Clough.

A special trial for the Brooks’ Trophy, kindly presented by the late J. E. Brooks, Esq., is organised to take place ou the 26th inst. It is to take the form of a reliability trial and will be run on roads on which there are no freak hills or water splashes—hills such as those which were encountered in last year’s event will not be included. This promises to be a most interesting event, and has been organised on novel lines. There are two circuits included, one to be covered before lunch and the other after lunch. The start of both is from the Old Timber Yard, Cross Green, Otley, which is also the finishing point of tee first circuit. The terminal of the second circuit is Low Entrance to Farnley Park, Farnley Lane, Otley. The first competitor is timed to leave at io o’clock in the morning and 2.30 in the afternoon, others being despatched at intervals of a minute. The course is to be marked and the onus of finding it is to rest with the competitor. No mileage will be given on the route card and speedometers will not be allowed and if fitted must be disconnected. The event, so far as car members are concerned, is being run under the closed competition rules of the R.A.C. Times are being taken at the start and finish of each circuit and the Brooks’ Trophy to be held for one year, will be awarded to the competitor riding nearest to the average of 20 m.p.h. on both circuits.

The entrance fee is half-a-crown, and entries must reach the Hon. Secretary not later than the first post Thursday morning, 23rd October, for motor cycles, and the first post on Tuesday morning, 21st October, for motor cars.

Members are particularly reminded that the car trial originally intended to take place on the 12th of this month for the King Bros’ Cup, has had to be postponed, and will be run along with the winter trial for the ” English ” Trophy on the 9th November. The evening reliability run for Crother’s Cup is also postponed to November 19th.

The Hon. Secretary is Mr. J. H. Holmes, The Garage, Station Road. Otley.


The result of this Club’s Heath, Wiltshire and Bateman Cup Trials held on the 13th September were as follows :—Heath and Wiltshire Cup : T. G. Meeten, 173 c.c. Powell. The Bateman Cup : F. B. Verney, 500 C.C. N.U.T. Gold Centre Medal : G. E. Taylor, 490 c.c. Norton. Silver Medals : E. P. Verney, 500 c.c.

N.U.T., and E. R. Troward, 349 c.c. Matador-Bradshaw. Bronze Medal : C. A. Woodhams, 349 C.C. Montgomery-Bradshaw.

The last event of the season, an eighty-mile reliability trial, took place on the 18th October. We hope to be able to give full details of this in our next issue. The Hon. Secretary is Mr. A. C. Brooks, Lyngarth, Upper St. Michael’s Road, Aldershot.


The Essex County and Southend Automobile Club held a Gymkhana on September 27th at Rayleigh. The Honorary Organiser was Mr. Maitland Keddie. The chief marshals were Messrs. Wm. C. Mellor and A. C. Nash ; the judges, Captain G. I). F. Keddie and Captain J. D. Unett (Chief Constable of Essex). Tea was provided free to all members and their friends by the ladies of the Entertainment Committee under the direction of Mrs. Bygott.

The Tent Pegging Race in which competitors were provided with a lance and had to hook off as many curtain rings suspended on poles as possible, resulted as follows :—First, I. W. Ellis, on a Buick ; second, F. W. Keddie, on a 15.9 Humber, and third, K. G. Cockerell, on a Morris-Oxford.

In the Egg and Spoon Race, cars had to traverse to a given spot marked by a small flag, where the lady passenger had to pick up a dummy egg from the ground with a spoon provided, and then get back into the car, and the driver and passenger had to proceed to the finishing line. Mr. S. E. Adams was first, on a 20 h.p. Lorraine, Mr. Douglas Spratt second, and Miss Cockerell third. Competing cars were then lined up for a skilful driving competition. Each pair was joined together by a length of tape. They had to proceed at the word ” go ” across a course of ioo yards to the finishing line. The pairs of cars were started together and the pair

which arrived first without breaking the tape was declared the winners. This was run in heats, and in the final, Mr. F. W. Keddie on his Humber and Mr. S. E. Adams on his Humber, got over the finishing line only two or three inches ahead of a pair of 1924 Sunbeams, driven by Mr. Douglas Spratt and Mr. Coleman Smith, the third prize winners being Mr. Borthwick, on a Standard, and Mr. Sanders, on an Angus-Sanderson.

The Blindfold Driving Competition came next. Competitors were shown a flag stuck in the ground. They were then blindfolded and told to drive the cars backwards and to stop when they thought they were near the flag. This was won by Mr. Bilham on his Ford, who made no doubt about being sure of winning the event, by driving his car right on top of the flag. The second prize-winner was Mr. S. E. Adams, on his Morris-Oxford, who got within three inches of the flag. About half-a-dozen members tied for third place, so they had to compete again, and this resulted in Mr. Douglas Spratt, on his Sunbeam car, getting within five yards of the mark.

In the Tortoise Race the entrants were required to get into top gear as quickly as possible and drive over a course of about roo yards. Over half the competitors in their anxiety to go slowly, stopped their engines and were disqualified. In the final, CouncillOr H. J. Young demonstrated that he could drive slowly as well as quickly, and, being the last man home, won first prize on his Morris-Oxford. Mr. H. F. Taylor on a car of similar make, was second, arriving home about two inches in front of the winner. Mr. Spratt, on his Sunbeam, was third.

Competitors next took part in a game of musical chairs. They drove round in a circle, and at a signal all the cars stopped and the lady passenger had to run to the centre to secure a flag. There was one flag less each time. Mr. and Miss Baxter were first, Councillor Young and Miss Manbey second, and Mr. Wenley and Miss Blacker third.

The last event was contested in a similar manner, only with men as the runners, first, Mr. Donald Adams and Mrs. Bygott, second, Mr. and Mrs. Spratt, third, Mr. Barry Adams and Mrs. Stanley Payne. The prizes, displayed in the marquee, made a magnificent show, and many were given by accessory firms in addition to those awarded by the Committee.

The Hon. Secretary is Mr. Maitland Keddie, ” Hintlesham,” Westdiff-on-Sea, Essex.


This Club was responsible for the London arrangements for the A.C.U. Children’s Day, on September 20th, on which a party of little Londoners were transported from Bow to Harpenden Common, where they were entertained for the day by Mr. Otto Thomas.

A very successful surprise event was organised on the 4th of this month by the Vice-Captain, Mr. L. V. Freeman, and it was won by L. P. Walter, on a 8 h.p. Matchless and sidecar, with a time error of only 3i minutes.

The only inter-club hill climb with which the North London is associated with the North West London, took place on the 18th. At the time of going to press, we have no particulars of this interesting event, of which we hope to publish full details in our next issue. It is interesting to note, however, that the North London Club has won the Trophy in connection with it for over three years in succession. The Beaurain Trophy Trial, which should have taken place on the 27th September, has had to be postponed, and will now take place on November 1st. There are three Trophies to be won in connection with this trial, in addition to the usual medals ; so that there is every encouragement for a big and numerous entry, which it is anticipated will be received. The final date for entry is 28th of this month, and all communications concerning this event should be forwarded to Mr. E. G. Davies, Morris House, Rochester Row, London, S.W. r. Sporting motor cyclists desirous of joining this live Club are reminded that those elected after October 1st of this

year are entitled to full membership until December 31st next year for the one annual subscription.

The Hon. Secretary is Mr. Alan W. Day, Claremont, Ballards Lane, rinchley, London, N. 3.


The Brooklands Meeting held by this Club on the 4th inst. was a marked success, especially when it is borne in mind that a large number of big car drivers were away on the Continent at the time engaged in other sporting events, which were being held over there. The first race, the Essex Senior Long Handicap, was won by J. A. Benjafield, on a Bentley, at 95.59 m.p.h. He had 12 secs. start. R. C. Morgan on a four-cylinder Aston-Martin, I m. 2 s., was second, and George Duller, on a Thomas-Special, 22 s., third.

The Essex Junior Long Handicap was won by H. S. Eaton on a Gwynne, 2 m. 8 s., at 78.18 m.p.h. Pretyman on a G. N., i m. 58 s., was second, and H. G. Day, driving a four-cylinder Talbot, I in. 13 s., third.

In the Essex Senior Motor Cycle Handicap, H. M. Walters ran first on a Zenith-Jap, 344 c.c. with I m. 24s. start at 82.18 m.p.h. . The second was 0. M. Baldwin, on a Matchless M.A.G., 994 c.c., 24 S. start. The third being C. T. Ashby on a Montgomery, 488 c.c., i m. start.

The Essex Junior Fifty Miles Handicap was won by R. C. Morgan on an Aston-Martin, four-cylinder, with 4 m. 30 s. start at 86.17 m.p.h. The second was R. Malcolm, on an A.B.C., 9111. 20s., and third, J. A. Hall, on an Aston-Martin, 5 m. 30 S.

The Three Lap Passenger Handicap for motor cycles and sidecars, and three or four wheeled cyclecars, was won by J. Wright on a Zenith-Jap combination, 344 c.c., with a start of 2 m. and at a speed of 65.70 m.p.h. The second was C. S. Staniland on a 490 C.C. Norton, I m. 36 s., and the third, E. S. Prestwich, on a 344 c.c. ZenithJap, 2 m.

The Senior Thirty Miles Handicap was won by G. A. Vandervell, driving Mr. Woolf Baniato’s Talbot, with 30 s. start at 98.62 m.p.h. J. G. Benj afield was second, on a Bentley with 5 s.