CROSSLEY. Stand 99.


Crossley Motors, Ltd., of Gorton, Manchester, have always been famous for the sports models, and this year they are marketing one which is designated model 20-70 h.p. This is the model which won the 90 m.p.h. short handicap at Brooklands on July 5th, at an average speed of 79i m.p.h., the speed for the second lap being 88 m.p.h. It is sold with a guaranteed speed of 75 m.p.h. It is claimed that it has that excellent but rare quality in a sports chassis, docility of handling and control,

allied to the rapidity of acceleration which is so essential in a sports model. The engine is a four-cylinder, with detachable head. The bore and stroke are 90 mm. and 150 mm. respectively, the gear box has four speeds, with right hand change, the quadrant for which, however, is mounted in one with the box. The standard brake equipment includes : foot brake on the transmission drum, and hand brake on shoes in the rear wheel drums. The latter are extra large, and the shoes are of cast iron. Front wheel brake equipment is available as an extra.