AUSTIN. Stand 141.


The Austin Motor Co., Ltd., of Longbridge Works, near Birmingham, now make only one official sports model, the Austin Seven. Of that more anon, when,

in a later issue, we deal with it in (1(tail. Suffice it to say, for the moment, that it has gained no fewer than 158 awards during this season, and of those 88 are first class. The Brooklands model Seven, of which a photograph accompanies this article, is sold with a certificate that it will run at 75 m.p.h. The other model Austins, the Twelve and the Twenty, are quite capable, when ” hotted up,” of doing their maker justice, as many readers of this journal will be well aware. The Austin Seven, on the stand, will be shown as a chassis, and as a touring car. Those who have time to spare, should examine the four-wheel brake system which is now standardised on all Austin models.