
Brighton, Ulster, Isle of Man, Brooklands, The Chilterns, Doncaster, Southport, Pendine and South Sebastian

rr HE Race Meeting at Brighton held under the

-11auspices of the South Eastern Centre, A.C.U., and organised by the Brighton and Hove Motor Cycle and Light Car Club, was the most successful of any which have yet been held there, if it was not actually the biggest event of its kind which has taken place this year. There were 200 entrants and the races, which were run off between i o’clock in the afternoon and 7.30 in the evening, were attended by an enormous crowd of spectators, variously estimated as between 8,000 and 12,000.

There were events for all classes of both cars and motor cycles. Amongst the former, perhaps the outstanding success was J. A. Joyce, who on a racing A.C. was first in three classes : the 1,500 c.c. class, the unlimited racing class, and the unlimited, any car. In addition, he made the fastest time of the day, thus winning two silver cups and a gold medal.

Other successful entrants amongst the car owners were Miss Ivy Cummings on a Frazer Nash, A. R. Simmins on a Talbot-Simmins, Lewis on a Frazer Nash and Wallsgrove on a Riley Sports. Amongst motor cycles, T. G. Meeten on a Powell, P. S. Seymour on a Rebro, were prominent in the 175 c.c. class. F. C. Millar was first in the 350 c.c. class on a Chater-Lea and H. A. Johnston, on a 344 c.c. Zenith, obtained honours in the 5oo c.c. class. Johnston, won again on the same machine in the 750 C.C. class, and he also won the unlimited on a 976 c.c. overhead valve Zenith.

J. H. Mather on a Rudge came in first in the race for 350 c.c. combinations, A. Moss on a 494 C.C. Douglas was first in the 600 c.c. class, and E. C. E. Baragwanath riding on a 976 c.c. P. & P., won the race for ‘Jo° c.c. combinations. •

The awards in the Amateur classes went to F. G. Leaney on a 344 c.c. Zenith, A. P. Hamilton on a 490 C.C. Norton, and A. G. Williams on a 493 c.c. Sunbeam in the 350 c.c., 5oo c.c. and 750 c.c. classes respectively.

In the unlimited class, D. C. Fitzgerald was first on a 976 c.c. Zenith.

In the Expert classes, A. Frazer on a Chater-Lea won the 350 c.c. race, L. Parker on a Douglas the 500 c.c. and E. W. Spencer, also on a Douglas, the 750 c.c. The unlimited class went to E. W. Spencer on a Douglas, the 350 c.c. combination to D. B. Calder on a Zenith, the 600 c.c. combination to E. W. Spencer on a Douglas, and the ‘,Too c.c. to E. C. E. Baragwanath. The fastest time of the day was made by E. W. Spencer on a 494 c.c. Douglas.

The Ulster Grand Prix for Motor Cycles.

This year’s Ulster Grand Prix for Motor Cycles proved once again to be a triumph for Nortons. The event was run off before a huge crowd of spectators, testifying that the keenness of Irish people for sporting events of any kind extends to those in which motors participate. It was a most eventful one and terminated with results as follows :-250 C.C. RACE (10 laps, OT 205 Miles).—