
“The value of the Car Show is that it makes people dissatisfied with the cars that they have ! You can very well imagine that, if there were no show—and even if a motorist does not go to the show, he reads all about it in his motoring paper, which has the same effect—if there were no show, and if a man did not greatly concern himself with the types of cars which were being used by people round about him, he might very well go on using the one car for ever, which would obviously be poor business. The Show gives a fresh annual impetus to the incentive to buy new cars. It makes the owner of a car want a new one, and he therefore disposes of the one he has got, thereby most likely bringing in another user who, but for the opportunity to buy second hand, would never become a motorist, or at any rate not so

soon. Next year he comes to Olympia, and becomes another discontented owner, and carries on the good work started, in his case, by the man who sold him his car.

It did occur to me that this procedure, spending money on races and trials all the year round to please the owner of an A.C. car, and then spending as much again on a magnificent display at Olympia, so as to get him dissatisfied again, might seem rather absurd to readers, but I felt some diffidence in putting that point forward, and let it slide. Those who are really of opinion that the matter is one which might very well be discussed will have a fine opportunity to bring it forwarkto Mr. Edge himself this week at Olympia.