
Anthony Rowlinson

Anthony’s years in F1 must have affected his genes – his baby daughter calms down when racing comes on TV. However, Anthony insists her habit of squealing when Seb Vettel is in shot is unconnected with the work he also does for Red Bull. To confi rm his impartiality McLaren gave him open access to Jenson for this issue, and he’s also been to Finland to interview a certain rally driver with F1 form.

Ben Whitworth

When Motor Sport belonged to a big publisher, Ben worked right beside us as road-tester on a weekly. He steers his own ship now, writing for travel magazines as well as car titles – a good fit for a trip through Mexico in a Mercedes SLS, on the route of the Carrera Panamericana. The run was too rapid to indulge in his hobby of fly-fi shing, though, so he’d like someone to organise a Carrera Scotland, please.

Richard Heseltine

Like many of you, Richard has just spent three days down at Goodwood. Unfortunately, instead of roaming the paddock in plus-fours he was locked in a windowless box listening to headphones, because he was running the Revival website. Wearing plus-fours, naturally. As a Group C fan, though, being allowed to write about the man who made the AM Nimrod work was some compensation.

Gordon Cruickshank

“I remember when this was all fields…” GC’s words when he got to Oulton for the first time in years. Not that even he actually recalls it before the 18th-century landscaping, but the last time he went there the paddock was grass and ‘motorhome’ was a fancy name for a garage. Turns out the Gold Cup is a spiffing meeting with much of the old atmosphere, and the perfect time to ask Stirling to do a small job…