The Brighton National Speed Trials in the 1960s, 1970s & 1980s


by Tony Gardiner

ISBN 1903706 88 2

Published by Veloce


Another in the ever expanding ‘Those Were The Days…’ series, this one’s good fun.

Despite a decent potted history of the event, and chapter overviews, this is essentially a scrapbook of Gardiner’s own pictures along with some from the Brighton & Hove Motor Club archive. One of the beauties of this event is the range of entries it attracts, and this has to be the only book that features a McRae GM1, the ‘Mephistopheles’ Fiat LSR car, and ‘Mad’ Messent’s Mini-van dragster, Stripteaser. The clubbie atmosphere seeps out of the pages and there are meaningful captions, too, although the odd error creeps in (Kougar spelt with a C, and a replica Ferrari P4 is credited as the real thing). But this is to nit-pick. Worth a punti at this price. RH