Mintex Man


by Guy Loveridge &Bob Richardson

ISBN 1-900113-01-5

Published by Douglas Loveridge Publications, £27.50

Drivers always get the glamour, but we know racing depends on people behind the scenes.

In the 1950s and ’60s, one of these was Lionel Clegg, whose job with Mintex meant he worked and socialised with Mike Hawthorn, Peter Collins, Reg Parnell, Duncan Hamilton — all the figures in British racing at the time. He was rarely without a camera, and this is a collection of candid pictures of his racing life here and abroad, especially Le Mans.

They’re not great art, but they are a fascinating record of life in the pits and on the test track. Panics in the paddock, worried confabs in the pits, drivers at leisure, team transporters — all the small uncelebrated details which pass by unless caught by someone on the inside. And most shots are in colour, making them a rare and atmospheric glimpse into long-gone days. GC