A passion for Porsches


by Denis Jenkinson

ISBN: 185960840

Published by Haynes Publishing, £19.99

Whether or not you are a Porsche fanatic, you should get enormous enjoyment from this book. Jenks, more than any other writer, can make one yearn for the days of freedom on the Europe’s roads and for long continental journeys at high speeds.

When he took delivery of his first Porsche, a 356, he gave me a demo of Porsche cornering, without the swing axle rear-suspension puffing the car on its roof— which DSJ does not shirk from describing when it happened to Porsches owned by friends.

Indeed, although the book is an appetising feast for true-believers, Jenks is in his usual critical mood about the defects of the earlier Porsche 911, which he found inferior to the 4.2 Jaguar E-type.

Another reason why you should enjoy buying this book is that royalties go to BEN, the Motor Trade Benevolent Fund which looked after Jenks in his final days. Reading A Passion For Porsches again I could not put it down. WB