Bad-oer call for Ferrari



Surely Ferrari have made a far-reaching error of judgement in not signing Kimi Raikkonen when he was theirs for the taking. Kimi, quite rightly, baulked at the idea of being a number two for the Scuderia in 2003. Heaven knows, it’s not exactly benefited any of Michael Schumacher’s other team-mates. With Ferrari revolving their entire operation around Schumacher they are leaving themselves very vulnerable in the event of him suddenly retiring or ending his career unexpectedly.

Ferrari should be busy looking for the next Schumacher, or the next Ayrton Senna, and what do they do? Nothing. They keep on Luca Badoer for yet another year and waste thousands of miles of possible driver evaluation on him. I think Ron Dennis has played a blinder here and unless Ferrari start signing some young talent without the strings of being a lesser driver soon, then they may find themselves in a difficult situation one of these days.

I am, Yours etc,

Robert Sinfield, Stroud, Gloucestershire