Morgans and Mustangs Don't Mix



I was fascinated to read your account of racing the Camaro in the August Issue. I was in the UK on holiday in July and had a good look at your car in the paddock at Brands Hatch.

Later I was directly opposite the Marcos/Mustang crash and was appalled by it. I thought I was witnessing a fatality. Incidentally, contrary to the impression given by your report, the accident appeared to be the result of the Mustang entering the corner far too fast and spinning. The Marcos struck the rear corner of the Mustang and broke into two.

As a former Australian Porsche Cup competitor I fully agree with your decision to race a strong car. Surely people should be discouraged from going circuit racing in flimsy cars constructed of plywood. Alan Jones once said, when asked whether motor racing is dangerous, that it is only as dangerous as you want to make it. You may not be aware that the Mustang was driven back to the paddock after the race, whilst the Marcos departed on the back of two recovery trucks.

I am, yours, etc. Richard Batchelor, Toorak, Australia