An Aston Martin Feat


Congratulations to Tom May of the AMOC, who on his 79th birthday and on the morning after that Club’s Founders’ Dinner drove his 1946 Aston Martin DB2 at an average of over 80mph for 80 minutes at Millbrook Proving Ground, just for the fun and achievement of accomplishing an 80/80/80. Accompanied by Charlie Sheppard of AML’s Restoration Department at the works, May lapped at between 80 and 90mph, did his final lap at 114mph, and the 56 laps of the banked track, equal to 112 miles, were completed in 70 minutes. Lord Downe was there to congratulate the driver, whose engine, calmed with Castrol oil, was spotless at the end of the lappery. AML’s MD had driven over in a DB7 to watch and his PR man, Harry Carlton, whom I knew well in his Ford days, was present. How nice that amateur drivers still enjoy fun of this kind.