A Question of Choice



In reply to Dr Christopher Pearson on the subject of roll-over bars and strapping in drivers.

One could argue either way and state instances to prove either case, but must we have legislation for everything, is there no such thing as liberty?

We legalize suicide and yet force people to don seatbelts, we’re told too much medical time is wasted in casualty wards, but my guess is that there is much more time wasted through the effects of smoking than not ‘strapping in’. If people wish to smoke fair enough, if people wish to be thrown out rather than go with the biggest biff — fair enough.

If one wishes to fit a farm gate onto the back of a vintage car — fair enough, but please don’t try and force me. We can see where legislation in taking us and the liberty of the individual with it.

PA Jackson,

Whitby, N.Yorks.