Fast Drive in the Country -- the Heyday of Le Mans


Video: 52 minutes. Virgin Vision, Portobello Dock, 328 Kensal Road, London, W10 5XJ

I approached this video with circumspection as I cannot believe that a good job can be done of narrating the highlights of the history of Le Mans in 52 minutes.

Little time is extended to pre-war days, although what there is is good footage. The coverage begins in earnest in 1952 and it is the Fifties in particular which receive the most attention.

The period of Ferrari’s domination is summarily dismissed before the video zeroes in on the 1966 race. This was the year when Ford finally won and the event is dwelt upon at great length with many interviews, but the Porsche v Ferrari renaissance of the early 1970s, the Porsche era of the 1980s and the Jaguar challenge are all barely touched upon.

Interludes in which actor James Coburn drives some of the cars seriously interrupt the flow, and there is a lengthy and dull part in which Alain de Cadenet drives one of his own cars around the circuit, but all we get is a helmet shot. When glimpses of the road are shown, all we see is the odd Citroen and cyclist in our path. Altogether this is a very unsatisfactory video, but more because of what has been left out than what has been included. WPK

An excellent video covering 50 years of Prescott’s famous hill-climb is available from the Bugatti Owners Club (Prescott Hill, Gotherington, Cheltenham, Gloucester GL52 4RD) for £14.95 plus £1.05 p&p.

It includes archive film showing the course being constructed, Wimille and the factory Bugattis, action shots of drivers such as Moss, Mays and Wharton, and this year’s Anniversary Meeting. Production is by David Weguelin and Ian Finlater. WB

RP’s newest Collector’s Guide is Ferrari Dino 246, 308 and 328, by Alan Henry, an excellent quick-reference to these great cars. The well-known writer has driven most of the Dinos, and the book runs to 168 pictures, so at £10.95 this is good value for Ferrari fans. WB

Rivers-Fletcher has got Gulliver Publishing of Banbury to do a little book called My Thirty Favourite Cars. Very much a personal selection, it features Rivers himself in 22 of the pictures. The price is £2.95. WB