Special Name


Knowing your reputation for getting details right , I am sure you will have spotted an error on page 1033 of the October issue. Here you describe the Alvis driven by Gregor Fisken as the “Charnock Special”.

Now although this car was driven very well for several years by Tony Charnock in the late Sixties, it was first raced nearly twenty years before with equal success by its builder. This was the late Basil Chevell, who married up a Speed Twenty chassis with a dry sump 4.3 engine intended for an armoured car. It was always known in those days as the “Chevell Special” as it was when I myself used it for hill-climbing events in the early Fifties.

Chevell has been dead for some years and I feel that it is only fair that the builder of such a practical and successful special should be remembered by calling it by its original name.


Upwood, Cambridgeshire