Credit Where Due


I can well imagine that DSJ receives his fair share of hate mail from the Mansell contingent. Having just read your reports on the German and Austrian Grands Prix (MOTOR SPORT, September 1987, I will most willingly contribute.

I would be the first to admit that Nigel Mansell made what DSJ terms “a cocked-up start” on the second green light at the Osterreichring. However, when later in the race Mansell gained the lead in a skilful dummy of his team-mate Piquet, to go on and claim a well deserved win, please learn to give credit when credit is due.

Personally, I am extremely glad that Piquet is quitting the Williams team (if in somewhat ungentlemanly fashion), and look forward to the day when he chooses to grow coffee beans in the sunny climes of South America.

Perhaps DSJ would care to accompany him?


Leeds, West Yorkshire