V to C Miscellany, November 1987


Tony Chesters’ 1912 Model T Ford Town Car illustrated last month is the oldest British-built (Trafford Park) Model T known. It left the assembly-line that January, and was supplied by Mann Egerton to a customer in Norfolk. He apparently kept it until it went to Billinghams, the Wolverhampton Ford Main Agents, in the 1930s. There it remained until Mr Chesters heard of it (as Chairman of the Ford Model T Register, he is naturally a keen T-man) and bought it in December 1986.

Bryan Goodman has nearly completed restoration of the only remaining (ex-Hutton-Stott) TT Hutton, to keep his 40/50hp Rolls-Royce and CGV company, and will be taking part in the Australian International Rally.

This year’s RAC/VCC London-Brighton Veteran Car Run for pre-1905 cars takes place on November 1, starting as usual from Hyde Park at 8am. The VCC cocktail party will be held on the Saturday evening at the RAC in Pall Mall, and is open to all VCC members.