Cars In Books, November 1987


From Another World — 1897-1917 by Anthony Eden (Allen Lane, 1976) we learn that the Earl of Avon’s father took to motoring with style. He had two Benz cars, a limousine for use in the country and a smaller one with Brougham body in London; as an auxiliary at his fine country mansion, Windlestone, in County Durham, there was a Siddeley. All had bodies by Hooper, painted yellow as the family carriages had been before them. They were driven by an Austrian chauffeur, Adolf.

In 1914, Anthony Eden’s elder brother Jack had an Austro-Daimler, possibly a Prince Henry model, in which they drove after lunch at the Cavalry Club to the Eton and Harrow at Lords that summer.

The book also illustrates the new Napier tourer which was purchased in about 1906, and Prince Francis of Tech (who became a committee member of the Brooklands ARC) arriving by car with Lady Eden at a bazaar in aid of the 6th Durham Light Infantry Volunteer Battalion in 1906. WB