A Fourth ERA Race


A Fourth ERA Race

I was most interested in D.S. J.’s article about the ERAs in last month’s MOTOR SPORT, and in particular the paragraph concerning the races which have been held exclusively for ERAs — surprisingly few it seems. But I think there was a fourth; it was held at Castle Combo on August 28th 1954 to commemorate 20 years of ERAs. I remember this race particularly as it was my first-ever visit to a motor race meeting. It was entitled “The ERA Anniversary Trophy Race” and my recollection is that the race was for some reason poorly supported and attracted only five or six entries. In the event only two cars actually made the start, those being the cars of Whitehead in the ex-Earl Howe R8B and Williamson in R1OB. What could have been an interesting race was not tube, and Whitehead enjoyed a comfortable victory over his only rival.

I have never seen any other reference to this race in the ERA annals, probably because it was rather unrepresentative, to say the least, but true to the accuracy of his book, David Weguelin basis quite properly shown. I recollect, too, that there was to be a lap of honour by Raymond Mays, but that this did not take place — perhaps he was conscious of the lamentable representation by the ERAs, but this is only speculation on my part.

Perhaps other readers recall this particular ERA race; I should be interested to hear. Frcshford COLIN C. RAWLINSON [Quite correct Mr Rawlinson, but the other cars were not ERAs; they were a Rolls-Bentley, an MG Special, an 8-litre Bentley and the Ford V8 engined Fuzzi Special. Two ERAs also non-started leaving only Graham Whitehead and Williamson to commemorate 20 years of ERA in this mixed club event. — D.S.J1