Club News, November 1984


Club News

THE London Car Club have arranged a film show on behalf of Rivers Fletcher, at the Vickers Cinema on Friday November 9th. The show is entitled “Fifty Years of Motor Racing as seen by Rivers Fletcher”, and tickets are .f 3 by post to London Car Club, 6 Attwood Road, London W6 OHX enclosing sae. Two events this month for members of Porsche Club GB are a day of driving instruction at Cadwell Park on November 3rd, and a Celebration Dinner Dance and Prizcgiving at Woburn Abbey on the 24th. Interesting to see that in a recent draw to raise funds for a national Club Office she prize was a replica Porsche — a very fine replica of a 550 RSK Spyder, and

beautifully built, but a copy nevertheless. . . The Editor of Ginetta Newsmag is appealing for full details of all G15s, the company’s best-selling model, to help him compile what he rather coyly describes merely as “a project”. In the Newsmag are features on the rebuilding of one of the pre-production G23s, an attractive car with a Ford 2.8 V6 engine, and one of the rare and handsome Oils. According to “The Light Shaft”, magazine of the Austin 7 Club of Australia, the little cars are well exercised over there, particularly in trials and gymkhanas, while some useful line drawings point out the identifying features of different years.

It is a rare thing to find the Editor of a Club magazine bemoaning the difficultY of condensing all his members’ contributions into the next issue, but Aston Martin OC members must be a loquacious lot. The monthly News Sheet describes the doings of the different areas, plus reports of races involving Astons, but the AM Quarterly remains the most impressive of all the Club publications which come to this office. Membership Details from Jim Whyor., AMOC, Burton’s Lane, Chalfont St Giles, Bucks.

Another thriving club, the Alfa Romeo OC, has recently appointed one of its most active members as full-time secretarY. correspondence should now be addressed to Michael Lindsay/ 75-79 Regent Street, Cambridge CB2 1BE.