Air Mail (1)


Air Mail (1)

In your otherwise excellent review, in the September issue, of the Dick Shuttleworth biography you refer to a Cornper Swift with Pobjoy) as an “improbable aeroplane” in which to fly to India. ‘rot, tut. Sir, certainly not improbable! Maybe a bit cramped, and completely lacking in modern navigational marvels, just enough room to stow a couple of clean shirts, even a little lightweight in the lace of moderate turbulence, but sturdy, reliable, quick, agile. and immense fun to fly. Quite the ideal mount for a sparkling character like Dick Shuttleworth to pilot to India, or anywhere else for that matter. Come to think of it, I can’t remember how he got it back again. But, after all, did not Bert Hinkler set an England-Australia record in a similar-model Swift, And I think that record still stands, in its class. London W4 DENIS COMPER 1Fair enough. We merely intended to ,derline Dick Shuttlewcirth’s enthusiasm and endurance, not to malign one of the finest sporting small aeroplanes. — Ed. l