The Fate of the Baker Graham-Paige


The Fate of the Baker Graham-Paige

On page 1175 of the Septetnber number there is a stammers to the effect that iris thought that the Baker Graham-Paige was broken up. Not so! During the winter of 1947-8 the car was in the hands of John Owen Williams of Limpley Stoke, Bath, though he was not the owner. The car was complete with its eight Amal carburetters and its correct body. It was a his of a pig to start as there were no chokes and the trick was to stuff rag the, some of the carbs. On one occasion some of the rags got well and truly sucked in and the carbs had to be stripped to get the bits out!

Both John Williams, who at one time owned two 3-litre S.beams, and I drove the car. I mall driving it on snow-covered roads with a slightly slipping clutch, it was quite a handful!

The car was owned by John Norris who exported the car to South Africa where it was used in speed trials, with some success I think. Theresa in existence a photograph of the car competing in a speed event; it is hoped to find this in due course and it will then be sent to you. Box R. CHAPMAN